
Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __21_ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __22_the people in the film.
The man who knows the __23__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __24__. He may be __25__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __26_ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __27__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __28__with water in which small fish __29__ swimming. The director of the movie__30__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __31_ they seemed to stare at(盯着) an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __32__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __33_.
The special-effects man __34_ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __35_ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __36__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __37__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __38_ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.
__39_in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __40__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.
A.tellingB.harming C.protectingD.organizing
A.factory B.makingC.fieldD.company
A.whileB.sinceC.so thatD.as long as
A.mustn’tB.may notC.shouldn’tD.can’t
A.As a resultB.ImmediatelyC.FirstD.Above all
A.certainB.particularC.advanced D.careful


小题1:考查动词。火车不会沉没,fall off是出轨。
小题4:考查名词。in the film making电影拍摄中。
小题5:考查动词。结合下文he may also be told to create可知the “special-effects” man是按照别人的吩咐或命令进行工作。
小题6:考查形容词。special effect 特殊效果。
小题7:考查名词。scene (电影、电视的)一个镜头,场面。
小题8:考查动词。bowl filled with water盛满水的碗。
小题9:考查动词。结合后面的stop swimming可知鱼正在游泳。结合后面的they可知fish是复数形式。
小题10:考查动词。只有wanted在此处可以表示导演希望鱼能够做出动作。hope不能用在hope sb to do 结构中。
小题16:考查副词。与下文的then对应, 先……再……。
小题19:考查介词。as in 和在……中一样。
小题20:考查形容词。结合creating certain kinds of effects(创造特定的特技)就应有特殊的技巧。
The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the    36   person.
When I first knew Bill , back in   37 , he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑)people I had ever    38  . He was always ready to have a party. He thought    39  of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or driving 15 miles to see an old   40   he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and    41   was never dull when he was    42  . With him there was one wild    43   after another. Sometimes I wonder how we    44   to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Houston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel.   45  , I wasn’t even sure it was    46  . Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He   47    most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the    48   thing Bill cared about were possessions(财富). Now they seemed to be his main    49  . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow I never    50   Bill changing so much. My image of him   51    the one I had formed     52  the time when we were college students together.
I suppose it’s   53    to expect people to remain the same, especially    54   I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he    55   the same way about me.
A.proper B.usual C.same D.right
A.childhoodB.the army C.his thirties D.college
A.consideredB.met C.supposed D.expected
A.most B.much C.nothing D.none
A.movie B.hospital C.man D.country
A.learningB.life C.work D.fun
A.in B.out C.around D.away
A.joke B.mistake C.chance D.adventure
A.managed B.continued C.decided D.hoped
A.First of allB.At first C.Now and then D.All the time
A.that B.he C.there D.us
A.thoughtB.spent C.argued D.talked
A.first B.next C.last D.only
A.interestB.event C.subject D.problem
A.forgot B.minded C.imagined D.liked
A.remainedB.reminded C.suggested D.became
A.since B.from C.at D.till
A.unnecessaryB.foolish C.common D.unusually
A.becauseB.that C.how D.when
A.discoveredB.acted C.looked D.felt

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver,impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee  36 your day?
One day I was in a taxi and we headed  37  the airport.We were driving in the  38 lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us.My taxi driver slammed on his  39 ,slid sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and  40  the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started  41  at us.
My taxi driver just  42 and waved at the guy.And I mean he was really  43 .So I asked,“Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call“The Law of the Garbage Truck”.
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks.They run around full of   44 ,full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment.As their garbage  45  up,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on  46 .Don't take it personally;Just smile, wave,wish them well,and move on.
Believe me.You'll be  47 .Don't take their garbage and  48 it to other people at work, at home,or on the streets.Life's too short to wake up in he morning with  49 . The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what's   50  in your life,Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you  5l bad things more ofter than good things in your life,you store the bad memories more easily,and you  52 them more frequently.
Therefore,love the people who treat you right and ignore the ones who don't.Life is ten percent what you make it and  ninety percent how you  53  it!
When you follow“The Law of the Garbage Truck”, you take back control of your life! You make room for the good by  54 go of the bad.Have a marvelous,garbage-free day! The seeds you plant today  55 the harvest you will reap tomorrow.
A.latterB.rightC.opposite D.free
A.friendlyB.angryC.tired D.disappointed
A.upsetB.happierC.pitiful D.frightened
A.eontributeB.shareC.explain D.spread
A.funnyB.importantC.strange D.embarrassing
A.rememberB.forgetC.value D.appreciate
A.lettingB.consistingC.making D.dreaming
A.distinguishB.deserveC.deliver D.determine
Dear Aunty,
After years of her crying, I finally gave in and allowed my daughter to have a cat. I now regret my decision. As someone needs to have a clean, tidy house, I no longer feel relaxed in my own home. If I tell her, “sorry, the cat has to go.” She will be heartbroken. What can I do?
-Feline Phobic
Dear Phobic,
I’m an animal lover and on your kid’s and cat’s side. Tell your daughter your problem. Ask her to help you come up with a plan. Perhaps you can agree to allow the cat only in certain areas of the house. This is a chance for your daughter to develop the sense of responsibility owning a pet requires.
Dear Aunty,
I got the highest grade on a biology test. Now the popular kids think I’m brainy, and want me in their lab group. I knew I was being used. Now, they want my homework. What should I do?
Dear Lily,
Popularity can come at a price, but it’s no excuse to cheat. Offer to help new friends with their homework, but don’t give them yours.
Dear Aunty,
I’m one of six assistants in a dental (牙科的)office. But I’m new there just four months. I’ve tried to join conversations, but they just ignore me. They go shopping together. No one invites me. How can I break into the circle?
Dear Crystal,
Humans run in packs like dogs. When a new dog enters the pack, a lot of discovery goes on. So bring cookies for everyone! Then try making friends with one co-worker. Invite her to lunch. When you get familiar with each other, tell her how hard you’re finding the situation at work. Chances are, she’ll take you under her wing.
小题1:Aunty thinks that Phobic should _____.
A.try to persuade her daughter to give in
B.spend more time cleaning the house
C.ask her daughter to help tidy up
D.find a better way to keep the cat
小题2:The underlined word “brainy” in the passage means _____.
小题3:According to the passage, _____.
A.Phobic can’t get along well with her daughter
B.Aunty is fond of animals like cats
C.Crystal’s coworkers are cheating her
D.Lily has no interest in lab experiments

There are some topics that readers never grow bored with, and the search for a suitable partner(伴侣) is one of them. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, first published in 1813, tells the story of five young women, all of whom are looking for a husband. In order to fully understand the novel, the readers must know that at the time when Jane Austen was writing, if a family was not rich, the daughters needed to marry well in order to live a comfortable, independent life. That is the reason why Mrs. Bennet, the mother of the five girls, is so eager to have her daughters married.
The heroine of the story is Elizabeth Bennet, and as in all good romantic novels, she and Darcy, the man she finally marries, remain separate until the very end of the story. The wealthy Darcy is a proud, unsociable man, and when Elizabeth hears that he has insulted both her and her family, she dislikes him very much. Poor Darcy then falls head over heels in love with Elizabeth, and has to work terribly hard to persuade her to change her mind about him. He succeeds of course, and they live happily ever after.
Set at the turn of the 19th century, the novel is still attractive to modern readers. It has become one of the most popular novels and receives great attention from literary scholars(学者).Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic(戏剧的)and a lot of novels and stories modeling after Austen’s memorable characters or themes. To date, the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwide.
Jane Austen is rightly famous for her style. Her sentences have a wonderful rhythm(韵律), and she makes such clever, true comments about people. It is not surprising that Pride and Prejudice has lasted.
小题1:In the 19th century, a poor girl in Britain was often encouraged to           .
A.master the skills of writingB.marry the one she loved
C.obey her parentsD.change her life by marrying rich
小题2:The underlined word “insulted” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to           .
A.treated warmlyB.paid no attention to
C.had mercy onD.said something rude about
小题3:What do we know about Elizabeth and Darcy?
A.They’ve experienced ups and downs but get married in the end.
B.They both come from poor families and wish to marry rich.
C.They get separated from each other shortly after being married.
D.Darcy falls over and gets hurt but Elizabeth still loves him.
小题4:According to the passage, Pride and Prejudice _________.
A.was first published in 1813 and sold 20 million copies soon
B.tells a sad love story which moves generations of readers
C.inspired many other novels and many plays have been produced based on it.
D.is set at the turn of the 19th century and not well received worldwide
Say sorry to your wife---it may help her live longer, according to scientists.
“Sorry” may be the hardest word, but scientists say it could be one of the healthiest. Researchers have discovered that women who receive an apology for hurtful behavior suffer less stress and possible damage to their heart than those who don’t.
It is said that the heartbeat of a wronged woman returns to normal 20 percent quicker after a well-timed “sorry” than without it. But for men, their heartbeat takes longer to recover, according to the research.
The research was undertaken by American scientists using 29 men and 59  women whose diastolic blood pressure was measured throughout an experiment. Diastolic blood pressure
is a measure of pressure in the blood vessels( 血管 ) between heartbeats---if it is continuously high it can increase the chances of heart attacks.
The men and women were asked to undertake a difficult mathematical task. They were told they had five minutes to complete it but were disturbed after a minute and told rudely to carry out the task more quickly. They were disturbed twice more before five minutes had passed and told to speed up. Finally they were told, “ You’re obviously not good enough.” Two minutes later researchers said sorry to half of the men and women.
The researchers found that, on average, the women’s diastolic blood pressure dropped back to normal 20 percent---quicker if they received an apology from the researchers, while the men’s took 20 percent longer to return to normal. One of the researchers said, “Results indicates that the effects of apology and forgiveness on women are greater.”
小题1:The term “sorry” is considered as one of the healthiest words because it _________.
A.is the most powerful
B.can cure heart disease
C.helps people forget hurtful behavior
D.can reduce pressure and damage to the heart
小题2:We can know from Paragraph 3 _________.
A.women’s hearts beat faster than men’s
B.women are quicker at making apologies
C.men can forgive others’mistakes more easily than women
D.men stay angry for a longer time than women after receiving an apology
小题3:Which of the following is the RIGHT time order for events in the study?
a. Half of them received apologies.
b. They were disturbed a minute later.
c. They were told that they weren’t good enough.
d. They were asked to finish a math task in five minutes.
e. They were disturbed two more times during the study.
A.d-b-c-e-a B.d-c-b-a-e C.d-b-e-c-aD.d-c-b-e-a
小题4:The research confirmed (证实) that _________.
A.men are unwilling to apologize to others for their mistakes
B.men’s chances of getting heart attacks are higher than women’s
C.women can benefit more from receiving apologies than men
D.people can also get healthy benefits from giving apologies
There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, guide-book  26  hand. Of course, we may  27  with our guide-books the history and  28  developments of a town and get to know them.
 29  then, if we take our time and  30  in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we  31  it as a whole, we begin to have some  32 , which even the best guide-books do not
answer. Why is the town just  33  this —— this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets  34  in this particular way, and not in any  35  way?
Here even the best guide-book  36  us. One can’t find the information in it about how a town has developed to the  37  appearance. It may not describe the original  38  of a town. However, one may get some idea of what it  39  look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine  40  the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town  41  to develop.
What is the  42  of studying towns in this way?For me, it is  43  a matter that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with one’s own eyes. A  44  visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive  45  just reading about it in a guide-book.
A.writeB.studyC.tell D.remember
A.strangeB.similarC.separate D.special
A.look atB.1ook afterC.1ook forD.1ook up
A.ofB.forC.1ike D.as
A.used to B.seemed toC.had to D.happened to
A.stopsB.appearsC.starts D.continues
A.pointB.viewC.problem D.difficulty
A.nearlyB.simplyC.generally D.hardly
A.costlyB.formal C.group D.personal
A.fromB.thanC.through D.with
Being less than perfectly well-dressed in a business setting can result in a feeling of discomfort. And the sad truth is that “clothing mismatches” on the job can ruin the day of the person who is wearing the inappropriate attire(着装)—and the people with whom he or she works.
Offices vary when it comes to dress codes. Some businesses have very strict standards for office attire, while others maintain a more relaxed attitude. However, it is always important to remember that no matter what your company’s attitude is, you are working in a business environment and you should dress properly. Certain items may be more appropriate for evening wear than for a business meeting, just as shorts and a T-shirt are better suited for the beach than for an office environment. Your attire should reflect both your environment and your position. A senior president has a different image to maintain than that of a secretary. Like it or not, you will be judged by your appearance.
This is never more apparent than on “dress-down days”, when what you wear can say more about you than any business suit ever could. In fact, people will pay more attention to what you wear on dress-down days than on “business professional ” days. Thus, when dressing in “business casual” clothes, try to put some good taste into your choices, recognize that the “real” definition of business casual is to dress just one notch(等级) down from what you would normally wear on business-professional attire days.
Remember, there are borders between your career and our social life. You should dress one way for play and another way when you mean business. Always ask yourself where you are going and how other people will be dressed when you get there. Is the final destination the opera, the beach, or the office? Dress properly and you will discover the truth in the principle that clothes make the man—and the woman. When you’re in doubt, it’s safe to be on the side of dressing slightly more traditionally than the situation demands.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to dress properly in a business setting.
B.How to choose appropriate attire.
C.Appropriate attire will make a big difference
D.Improper dress will make a person uncomfortable.
小题2:Which statement best describes “dress-down days”?
A.You can wear whatever you like.
B.People are usually more careful about dressing.
C.We can’t judge a person’s taste by his clothes.
D.People’s clothes don’t receive much attention.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the rule offered in the passage about business dress?
A.Dress a bit traditionally if you are not sure about proper dress for an occasion.
B.Think about how others will dress if invited to a dinner.
C.For a business meeting and a concert, you should dress differently.
D.Ask others for advice when you are not sure about what to dress.
If you live in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don't have to be like everyone else.You can be different.
I can't give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower, but here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt, if they work for your life.
1.Do less
Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day.Focus not on quantity but on quality.Pick 2 or 3 important things-or even just one important thing- and work on those first.
2.Have fewer meetings
Meetings are usually a big waste of time and make you rush.Try to have blocks of time with no interruptions, so you don't have to rush from one meeting to another.
3.Give yourself time to get ready and get there
If you're constantly rushing to appointments or other places you have to be, it's because you don't allot(分配) enough time in your schedule for preparing and for traveling.Pad your schedule to allow time for this stuff.If you think it only takes you 10 minutes to get ready for work or a date, perhaps give yourself 30 to 45 minutes so you don't have to shave in a rush or put on makeup in the car.
4.Practice being comfortable with sitting doing nothing
When people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortable.Try standing in a line and just watching and listening w people around you.It takes practice, but after a while, you’ll do it with a smile.
5.Realize that if it doesn't get done, that's Ok.
There's always tomorrow.And yes, I know that's a frustrating attitude for some of you who don't like laziness or living without firm deadlines, but it's also reality.The world likely won't end if you don't get that task done today.Your boss might get mad, but the company won't collapse and the life will inevitably go on.
Try these things out.Life is better when unrushed.
Remember the quote: If nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you.
小题1:Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.How not to hurry in our life?
B. How to give out our life?
C.What to do with our life?
D.How to change our life?
小题2:If you think you need 10 minutes to get ready for the date with your boyfriend, ______.
A.you don't have to put on makeup
B.you'd better squeeze about 35 minutes out for it
C.you should arrange 10 minutes for it
D.you should rush there
小题3:According to the passage, we can know_______.
A.even if we do as we're told by the author, we can't change anything
B.if we follow the author's advice, our life will be better
C.we should try to do all the things better on our task list
D.there's always tomorrow, so we can put off the thing that must be done today till tomorrow
小题4:The underlined word "collapse" has the similar meaning to "______".
A.develop rapidlyB.pay enough
C.fail completelyD.drop suddenly

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