
【题目】March 25, 2020

Dear students and parents.

As our state continues to fight against the spread of COVID-19, the State Board of Education has voted to authorize the closure of all public schools in Oklahoma for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.

Jenks Public Schools (JPS) will be transitioning to distance learning beginning April 6 through the end of the school year. All JPS school buildings and facilities will remain closed until further notice. All activities, athletic events, club meetings, school sponsored trips are canceled for the 2019-20 school year.

JPS administrators are working on plans for a district-wide distance learning program. Please be patient over the next week as these plans are finalized. As soon as more information is available, you will be notified.

The time being missed due to the coronavirus-related closure will not have to be made up. Summer will not be shortened and as of now, the start of the 2020-21 school year will not be delayed.

We recognize the disappointment and difficulty this closure is causing our students and families. Our thoughts go out to our senior class knowing they will not have the opportunity to walk across a graduation stage in front of their family, friends, and peers. Please be assured, we will find a way to honor our seniors and recognize their achievements.

None of this is easy but despite our distance, we are still one Trojan family. We will continue to love and support each other. We will always make decisions based on what is best for our students. Thank you for your trust. You will hear from us very soon.


JPS Administration

1What is the public schools’ plan for rest of the 2019-20 school year in Oklahoma?

A.Schools will be closed.B.Students will not have any class.

C.Students might go back to school.D.A distance learning program will be offered.

2The time being missed due to the coronavirus-related closure will ______.

A.not affect school activitiesB.be made up during summer break

C.delay the start of the next school yearD.not influence the start of the next school year

3Jenks High School students graduating this year will _______.

A.be honored in a different wayB.have difficulty graduating this year

C.walk across a graduation stage aloneD.have a graduation ceremony without their parents







1细节理解题。根据第一段As our state continues to fight against the spread of COVID-19, the State Board of Education has voted to authorize the closure of all public schools in Oklahoma for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.(随着我们州继续抗击COVID-19的蔓延,州教育委员会已经投票批准俄克拉荷马州所有公立学校在2019-20学年的剩余时间内关闭)可推知,俄克拉荷马州公立学校计划在2019-20学年的剩余时间里关闭学校。故选A

2细节理解题。根据第三段The time being missed due to the coronavirus-related closure will not have to be made up. Summer will not be shortened and as of now, the start of the 2020-21 school year will not be delayed.(由于冠状病毒相关的关闭而错过的时间将不必弥补。夏季不会缩短,从现在开始,2020-21学年的开始也不会推迟)可知,由于冠状病毒相关的关闭而错过的时间不会影响下一学年的开始。故选D

3细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Our thoughts go out to our senior class knowing they will not have the opportunity to walk across a graduation stage in front of their family, friends, and peers. Please be assured, we will find a way to honor our seniors and recognize their achievements. (我们想到我们的毕业班,知道他们将没有机会在家人、朋友和同龄人面前走过毕业典礼的舞台。请放心,我们会找到一种方式来表彰我们的毕业生,认可他们的成就)可知,Jenks高中今年毕业的学生将以另一种方式受到表彰。故选A

做阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。如第3小题Jenks High School students graduating this year will _______.要求判断出Jenks高中今年毕业的学生将会怎么样。根据倒数第二段中的Our thoughts go out to our senior class knowing they will not have the opportunity to walk across a graduation stage in front of their family, friends, and peers. Please be assured, we will find a way to honor our seniors and recognize their achievements. (我们想到我们的毕业班,知道他们将没有机会在家人、朋友和同龄人面前走过毕业典礼的舞台。请放心,我们会找到一种方式来表彰我们的毕业生,认可他们的成就)可知,Jenks高中今年毕业的学生将以另一种方式受到表彰。故选A




You can relax if remembering everything is not your strong suit. Recent research makes the case that being forgetful can be a strength—in fact, selective memory can even be a sign of stronger intelligence.

Traditional research on memory has focused on the advantages of remembering everything. But looking through years of recent memory data, researchers Paul Frankland and Blake Richards of the University of Toronto found that the neurobiology(神经生物学) of forgetting can be just as important to our decisionmaking as what our minds choose to remember.

“The goal of memory is not the transmission of information through time. Rather, the goal of memory is to help improve decisionmaking. As such, transience(转瞬即逝) is as important as persistence in memory systems,” their study in Neuron states.

Making intelligent decisions does not mean you need to have all the information at hand, it just means you need to hold onto the most valuable information. And that means clearing up space in your memory palace for the most uptodate information on situations. Our brains do this by generating new neurons(神经元) in our hippocampus(海马体), which have the power to overwrite existing memories that are influencing our decisionmaking.

“If you're trying to deal with the situation and your brain is constantly bringing up multiple conflicting memories, that makes it harder for you to make a wise decision,” Richards told Science Daily.

If you want to increase the number of new neurons in your brain's learning region, try exercising. Moderate aerobic exercise like jogging, power walking, and swimming have been found to increase the number of neurons making important connections in our brains.

When we forget the names of certain clients and details about old jobs, our brain is making a choice that these details do not matter. Although too much forgetfulness can be a cause for concern, the occasional lost detail can be a sign of a perfectly healthy memory system. The researchers found that our brains facilitate decisionmaking by stopping us from focusing too much on minor past details. Instead, the brain promotes generalization, helping us remember the most important gist of a conversation.

“One of the things that distinguishes an environment where you're going to want to remember stuff versus an environment where you want to forget stuff is this question of how consistent the environment is and how likely things are to come back into your life,” Richards said.

If you're an analyst who meets with a client weekly, your brain will recognize that this is a client whose name and story you need to remember. If this is someone you may never meet again, your brain will weigh that information accordingly.

These findings show us that total recall can be overrated. Our brains are working smarter when they aim to remember the right stories, not every story.

Title:Being Forgetful Might Actually Mean You're 1


Recent research proves that being forgetful can be a strength, for forgetting and selective memory are of 2importance in our decisionmaking.

The goal of memory

People take advantage of memory to make good decisions rather than

3 information.

4 of being forgetful

It helps us forget outdated information.

●Making wise decisions involves the existing memories making 5for the latest information.

●Meanwhile, too much contradictory information in memory can do harm to our decisionmaking.

●Exercising helps increase neurons, contributing to our 6 decisionmaking.

It helps us see the big 7

●After 8the information it gets, the brain chooses to focus on the key points, occasionally forgetting unimportant past details.

●Whether to remember or forget particular stuff is 9by the degree of the consistency of the environment and the 10 of things reappearing later in life.


Our brains are working smarter when aiming to remember the right stories, not every story.

【题目】There are some people who seem to always be surrounded by friends, and there are others who always seem to be standing on the outside, looking in at the crowds of friends. If you are one of the outsiders, it is time to break out of your shell and start making new friends. 1

1. Be yourself. Nobody likes a phony(虚伪的人). In fact, if you aren’t yourself, others won’t become friends with you. When the time comes that you feel comfortable enough to act like yourself again, you may not be well received, because you are a totally different person. 2

2. Use technology. 3 For instance, Weibo is a great place to meet new people. It creates experiences and you get to meet like-minded people who share your interests.

3. Start with people you know. Reach out and contact new friends, and reconnect with old friends you haven’t seen in a long time. Don’t forget about friends of friends. You may connect with some really cool people just by hanging out with your friends and their friends. 4 If you stay home, you aren’t going to meet people.

4. Keep in touch. 5 With the Internet and social media, there is absolutely no need to worry about that these days. Look up old friends and contact them.

A. There are all kinds of online groups that you can join.

B. Knowing others well is very important.

C. Therefore, let people get to know the real you.

D. If you are invited to go out, go.

E. All too often, people lose touch with one another.

F. Here are some tips that will help.

G. You need to trust yourself, whatever happens.

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