
【小题1】The smell of   (新鲜的)bread and frying eggs filled the kitchen.
【小题2】 He has devoted his whole life to world     (和平).
【小题3】 Alexander Graham Bell became famous overnight by     (发明)the telephone.
【小题4】Several companies have announced their intention to       (竞争)for the construction project.
【小题5】Both my parents were born in  (十月),but five years apart.
【小题6】 The symptoms of flu may be unpleasant, but they   (消失) within a few days.
【小题7】Christophe Bites was born and brought up in France, but he speaks English   (流利地).
【小题8】Among the many   (业余爱好) of his are reading, music and tennis.
【小题9】 Sue Wood was only nine when her first short story was  .(出版).
【小题10】I have an   (道歉) to make to you—I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.




What will man be like in the future—in 5000 or even 50, 000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today, for man is slowly changing all the time.
Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago , was shorter than he is today. Now, on average,  men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modem world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’ s capacity(容量). As time goes on , however , we shall have to use our brains more and more,  and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact , we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’ s eyes will grow stronger.
On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however , our fingers will grow more sensitive(敏感的) because they are used a great deal in modern life.
But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.
Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own. …
【小题1】The passage mainly tells us that _______.

A.man’s life will be different in the future.
B.future man will look quite different from us.
C.man is growing taller and uglier as time passes.
D.human’s organs’ functions will become weak “
【小题2】The change in man’s size of forehead will probably be because ___________.
A.he makes use onIy20% of the brain’s capacity.
B.his brain has grown larger over the past centuries.
C.the other 80% of his brain will grow in due time
D.he will use his brain more and more as time goes on :
【小题3】What will be true about a human being in the future?
A.He will be hairless because hair is no longer useful.
B.He will have smaller eyes and will wear better glasses.
C.His fingers will grow weaker because he won’t have to make use of them.
D.He will think and feel in a different way.
【小题4】It is implied that ________.
A.human beings will become less attractive in the future
B.less use of a bodily organ may lead to its degeneration(退化,)
C.human beings hope for a change in the future life
D.future life is always predictable

Have you ever heard anyone say “It’s raining cats and dogs”? It means “It’s raining hard!”
But sometimes cats and dogs do drop from the sky! Here’s how it happens.
Not so long ago, a country far away had many large rats. The people there said, “ We need cats!” So cats were sent to them by airplane. But the country had many mountains. It was hard for an airplane to land. So the cats came down by parachute(降落伞). Did the cats like the ride? They didn’t say they didn’t! And today they are still catching rats!
In another country far away, there is snow the year around. People sometimes got lost in it.
“We need big dogs!” the people said, “The dogs could find people lost in the snow. The dogs could help bring them home. Where can we get big dogs?”
A man across the sea had big dogs to sell. “I will send dogs to you,” he said. “ I have some very big ones. They can find people lost in the snow.”He sent the dogs by airplane.
But the airplane did not land in the snow. The dogs came down by parachute ---- you guessed it !Did the dogs like the ride? They didn’t say they didn’t! And today they are well and happy.They find anyone who gets lost in the snow. Then they help him get home. Good dogs!Remember it, so you can say, “ Yes, it does rain cats and dogs sometimes. They came down by parachute!”
【小题1】The underlined word “ it” In Paragraph  2  refers to __________.

A.the weather
B.the saying “It’s raining cats and dogs.”
C.the saying “It’s raining hard.”
D.the fact that real cats and dogs drop from the sky.
【小题2】Cats and dogs drop from the sky because ______.
A.there are many mountains in the country.
B.it snows the year around in the country.
C.was hard for a plane to land in the two countries.
D.coming down by parachute could save money.
【小题3】The main purpose of the passage is to _________________.
A.tell the readers cats and dogs do drop from the sky
B.tell the readers of a new meaning about an old saying.
C.show cats and dogs are our good friends.
D.show parachute is an important

A new research has uncovered that culture is a determining factor when people interpret facial emotions (情感).The study reveals that in cultures where emotional control is the standard,such as Japan,the focus is placed on the eyes to interpret emotions. Whereas in cultures where emotion is openly expressed,such as the United States,the focus is on the mouth to interpret emotions.
“These findings go against the popular theory that the facial expressions of basic emotions can be universally recognized,” said University of Alberta researcher Dr.Takahiko Masuda.” A person’s culture plays a very strong role in determining how he will read emotions and needs to be considered when interpreting the facial expressions.”
These cultural differences are even noticeable in computer emoticons(情感符号),which are used to convey a writer’s emotions by email and text message. The Japanese emotions for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are drawn ,while the American emotions vary with the direction of the mouth. In the United States the emoticons∶)and∶­) show a happy face,whereas the emoticons∶(and∶­(show a sad face. However,the Japanese tend to use the symbol (‘­‘) to indicate a happy face,and (;­;) to indicate a sad face.
“We think it is quite interesting and appropriate that culture tends to mask its emotions. The Japanese would focus on a person’s eyes when detecting his or her emotions,as eyes tend to be quite subtle(微妙的),”said Masuda. “In the United States,where an open emotion is quite common,it makes sense to focus on the mouth,which is the most expressive feature on a person’s face.”
【小题1】The text mainly tells us that ________.

A.cultural differences are expressed in emotions
B.culture is a key to interpreting facial emotions
C.different emoticons are preferred in different cultures
D.people from different cultures express emotions differently
【小题2】Which emoticon is used by Americans to show a happy face?
【小题3】If a Japanese wants to detect whether a smile is true or false,he will probably________.
A.read the whole faceB.focus on the mouth
C.look into the eyesD.judge by the voice
【小题4】The computer emoticons used by Americans show that________.
A.they express their feelings openly
B.they tend to control their emotions
C.they are good at conveying their emotions
D.they use simpler emotions to show their feelings

Bolivia has a population three and a half million . About one tenth of the total population are white ; one-fourth are mixed Indians and white ; and more than half are full-blooded Indians . The government and the industries are under the control of the white people .
The Indians today live in much the same way as their ancestors . Most of them are farmers . Many work in the mines , for mining is the most important industry on Bolivia’s . Of all the mining products , tin is the most important , which makes up three-fourths of all Bolivia’s exports . The eastern slopes of the Andes , since there are very few roads there , are fertile but not highly developed . The two primary means of transportation are river boats and porters . East of the hill region are the great plains where tropical plants are grown . A serious problem for Bolivia is the transport of food from the warm regions , where it is grown to the mountainous regions , where most of the people live .
Bolivia gained its independence from Spain about a hundred years ago . It has been slow in developing , but its rich resources promise a better future in it .
【小题1】The majority of the Bolivian population are        .

A.full-blooded Indians
B.mixed Indian and white
C.white citizens
D.all whites and mixed-blooded people
【小题2】The Indian’s way of life today is       
A.quite different from that of their ancestors
B.quite interesting
C.almost the same as their ancestors’
D.very exciting
【小题3】The main product Bolivia exports is       
A.tropical plantsB.gold and silverC.tin D.food
【小题4】Bolivia has been slow in developing , but it has hope for a better future because of its        .
A.mining products B.rich resources
C.independence from SpainD.two primary means of transportation

Breathe, wave and smile. Along with more than 300 other seniors, I marched into the stadium on the afternoon of May 10. The audience burst into deafening cheers. The huge stadium shook with all the whistling and clapping.
It was as if a Hollywood superstar had walked on stage. And indeed, every single senior that day was a star of the moment. Each deserved it. The seniors had been preparing for four years for this once-in-a-lifetime moment—the commencement.
Seated, I waited anxiously for the opening address. As a foreign exchange student, I was not able to receive a diploma. However, I still had the wonderful feeling of being part of things. Like the other graduates, I was dressed in marron(紫褐色)cap and gown(方帽长袍).
Our principal, Mr. Glover, delivered a short, warm greeting. The US national anthem followed and then, hands on chests, a solemn Pledge of Allegiance(对美国的效忠宣誓).
Students who had excelled academically gave farewell speeches. The tears in some eyes convinced me that many had deep feelings about the occasion. It was as the class motto says, “Life brings us tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry; the smiles fade; but the memories last forever.”
Then came the core (核心) of the commencement. Hundreds of names were announced. Each graduate walked across the stage to receive his or her diploma from the principal. From the different cheers each graduate got, we had the funny sense that it was a kind of competition of who could cheer the loudest.
To be honest, the presentation of diplomas got boring. A girl sitting next to me even started yawning. But it wasn’t boring for those receiving the diploma: they would treasure the moment the principal placed the sacred brown document in their hands for the rest of their lives.
A new page in the book of that person’s life had turned. They were glimpsing(开始领悟) their futures: futures of challenge, hardship, perhaps loneliness too, which would take all of their courage.
【小题1】What’s the article mainly about?

A.An American graduation ceremony.
B.The opening ceremony of a sports meeting.
C.A presentation of college diplomas.
D.A US college’s farewell party.
【小题2】According to the text, which of the following statements about the author is TRUE?
A.Hollywood superstars went to attend the ceremony.
B.Every single senior became a superstar at the ceremony.
C.When each graduate got his or her diploma, there were cheers.
D.All graduates would treasure the diploma for the rest of their lives.
【小题3】The right order of the following events is________.
a. Diplomas were presented to graduates.        b. Students gave farewell speeches.
c. The US national anthem was played.            d. The principal gave a short, warm speech.
e. Seniors went into the stadium.
【小题4】 From the text, we can infer that_______.
A.foreign exchange students could get a diploma
B.a diploma guarantees a bright future
C.the ceremony symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life
D.everyone felt excited at the presentation of the diploma
【小题5】We know from the text that the author _________.
A.felt lost about the future
B.was actually one of the graduates
C.received her diploma on May 10
D.felt it boring to be at the presentation ceremony

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