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How are you£¿I am just writing to tell you I had wonderful time at your place in New Year£®I arrived home£¬safely and sound£®I have something to ask for you£®I have been looking through my bags for my favorite red shirt£¬or I can't find it anywhere£®I'm surely must have left it at your place£®Could you look around your house for it£¿
By the way£¬I am planning Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary celebration£®I had already invited you and your parent£®I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time£®How do you think of it£¿Take care of you and write to me soon£®Giving my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah£®
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½â´ð Dear Tom£¬
How are you£¿I am just writing to tell you I had¡Äwonderful time at your place in New Year£®I arrived home£¬safely and sound£®I have something to ask for you£®I have been looking through my bags for my favorite red shirt£¬or I can't find it anywhere£®I'm surely I Imust have left it at your place£®Could you look around your house for it£¿
By the way£¬I am planning Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary celebration£®I had already invited you and your parent£®I wonder whether you would like to come to Chicago this time£®How do you think of it£¿Take care of you and write to me soon£®Giving my regards to Uncle Bernard and Aunt Norah£®
1£®¼Óa£»¶ÌÓï´îÅä´íÎó£®have a wonderful timeÍæµÃºÜ¿ªÐÄ£®
2£®safely¸ÄΪsafe£»¶ÌÓï´îÅä´íÎó£®safe and soundƽ°²ÎÞÊ£®
3£®forÈ¥µô£»¶¯´Ê¶ÌÓï´îÅä´íÎó£®ask forÐèÒª£»¾äÒâ±í´ïµÄÊÇѯÎÊ£¬²»ÐèÒª¼Ó½é´Ê£®
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9£®you¸ÄΪyourself£»´ú´Ê´íÎó£®take care of oneselfÕÕ¹Ë×Ô¼º£®
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