
on the whole, put up with, so long as, keep on, even if,
quantities of, be supposed to, result in, and so on, on behalf of
1. The police found _____ drugs at his home.
2. Acting before thinking always _____failure.
3. He couldn't ______ the noise so he kept the windows shut all day long.
4. We met something unhappy, but _____,we enjoyed our stay there.
5. _____ you keep away from them, they won't do you any harm.
6. _____ I_____ clean all the rooms or just this one?
7. Believe in us. We will back you to the end _____ you fail.
8. If you know a foreign language you can tell your foreign friends about your family, study_____.
9. I wish you wouldn't ____interrupting me.
10. The lawyer spoke_____ his client(当事人).
1. quantities of 2. results in 3. put up with 4. on the whole 5. So long as
6. Am;supposed to 7. even if 8. and so on 9. keep on 10. on behalf of

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