
1. The accident was occurred at five o'clock. ______
2. I was joking, but he took me serious. ______
3. The chair is in a way, so please move it away. ______
4. The statue is a monument about our war dead. ______
5. That reminds me a joke I heard last week. ______
6. When he looks at the menu, an astonishing look quickly appears on his face. ______
7. I know nothing about the young lady, except she is from Beijing. ______
8. You can never imagine the trouble I had found your address. ______
9. The students were leaving the class while the teacher came in. ______
10. To be honestly, the music is boring. ______
1. 去掉was  2. serious → seriously  3. a → the  4. about → to  5. me 后加of
6. astonishing → astonished  7. except后加that  8. found→ finding  9. while → when  10. honestly → honest

66. I saw a police officer running to the direction of the lake.                  
67. Great changes have been taken place in Shanghai because of the World Expo.       
68. When speaking to others, you should get your meaning over.                
69. He is not the type of man on who you can rely.                           
70. I don’t want to take a lot of luggages on the trip.                           
71. Many young people are addicted to surf the Net.                           
72. Would you please make a room for me to sit down?                        
73. The man was soon exhausting and lay down.                              
74. Has the government found any solutions with the problem?                  
75. The boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.                       







66. I saw a police officer running to the direction of the lake.                  

67. Great changes have been taken place in Shanghai because of the World Expo.       

68. When speaking to others, you should get your meaning over.                

69. He is not the type of man on who you can rely.                           

70. I don’t want to take a lot of luggages on the trip.                           

71. Many young people are addicted to surf the Net.                           

72. Would you please make a room for me to sit down?                        

73. The man was soon exhausting and lay down.                              

74. Has the government found any solutions with the problem?                  

75. The boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.                       


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