Seven Health Facts about Coffee

When you’re considering your morning coffee, here are some health facts to keep in mind:

1. Coffee Reduces Your Risk of Diabetes (糖尿病)

In a 2005 review of nine studies, researchers found that for those that drank four to six cups of coffee per day, versus only two or fewer, their risk for Type 2 diabetes decreased by almost 30 percent. The number decreased by 35 percent when people drank more than six cups per day. And if you’re picturing yourself running around the office with your eyes bugging out of your head, no worries because caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees provided much the same results.

2. Coffee Fights Free Radicals (自由基)

We often forget that coffee is actually a plant and like all plant foods, the coffee bean contains more than 1,000 naturally occurring substances called phytochemicals, which may help prevent disease. Many of these phytochemicals are antioxidants which protect the cells from damage from free radicals.

3. Coffee Improves Memory and Cognition

Researchers reported that volunteers who drank caffeinated coffee in the morning performed better than nondrinkers on tests that involved learning new information. Coffee can also improve cognitive function as we age. One study found that combining coffee with a sweet treat had an even bigger impact.

4. Coffee Can Increase Osteoporosis (骨质疏松)

It’s true that coffee can cause the body to excrete calcium in urine. We don’t want the body to rid itself of calcium because this can lead to osteoporosis. According to The Diet Channel, about five milligrams of calcium is lost per every six ounces of coffee consumed. But these calcium losses can be counter balanced with two tablespoons of milk or yogurt per cup of coffee.

5. Coffee Causes Wrinkles

Even though coffee has antioxidants, if you drink too much of it, it can cause wrinkling of the skin. This is a result of dehydration (脱水) which is the worst thing for your skin. So when you’re drinking that morning cup or two, make sure that you’re pairing it with water. Even better, add one tablespoon of chia seeds to your water and let them sit for 30 minutes. The chia seeds keep you even more hydrated than regular water.

6. Coffee Can Actually Cause Weight Gain

The blood sugar changes that a caffeine high produces can contribute enormously to a strong desire for it, according to iVillage. Coffee is also socially connected to food. For example, we pair coffee with dessert or that morning powdered doughnut. Additionally, when we crash from our caffeine high that’s when we reach for all sorts of fatty snacks to keep us going.

7. Conventional Coffee Is Laden with Pesticides (杀虫剂)

The coffee plant is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. It’s coated with chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides, nothing you’d want to be swallowing. If you do drink coffee, make sure that it’s the organic variety, free from assorted chemicals that leech into our ground water and can make us sick down the road.

If you switch to decaffeinated coffee, make sure the caffeine (咖啡因) is removed in a natural way without the use of chemicals to do it. Often times, conventional decaffeinated coffee has more chemicals than regular.

   If you want to decrease the risk of diabetes by 35%, you need to take at least _____ cups of     coffee every day.

    A. seven            B. six          C. five             D. four 

If you are a heavy drinker of coffee, a far better way to avoid wrinkling of your skin is to drink water _____.

    A. less than usual  B. regularly        C. with sugar       D. with chia seeds

   Which of the following statements is wrong?

    A. Adding two spoons of milk to a cup of coffee can prevent calcium losses.

    B. Decaffeinated coffee has different effects from caffeinated coffee as to diabetes.

    C. Many phytochemicals protect the cells from damage from free radicals.

    D. The organic variety of coffee plant is free from assorted chemicals.

   The author has a/an _____ attitude towards drinking of coffee.

    A. positive     B. negative     C. objective        D. imaginative

Years ago ,when I started looking for my first job ,wise advised,“Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience. ”How right they were!
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang on there when the going tough. It is the inner voice that whispers, “I can do it!”when others shout, “No, you can’t !”It took years and years for the early work of  Barara  McClintock, a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel  Prize in medicine , to be generally accepted. Yet she didn’t stop working on her experiments. Work was such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.
We are all born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder and it is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air, whatever their age was. At 90,cellist Palblo Cassls would start his day by playing Bach.  A s the music flowed through his fingers his stooped shoulders would strengthen and joy would reappear in his eyes . As author and poet Samuei Ulman once wrote ,“ Years wrinkle the skin ,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”
Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money or power . Patricia  Mellrath, retired director of the Missouri  Repertory  Theatre in Kansas City, was once asked where she got her enthusiasm. She replied, “My father ,a lawyer long ago told me , I never made a dime until I stopped working for money.”
If we cannot do what we love as a full-time career, we can as a hobby. Elizabeth  Layton was 68 before she began to draw. This activity ended periods of depression that had troubled her for at least 30 years ,and the quality of her led one critic to say,“I’m tempted to call Layton a genius.”
We can’t afford to waste tears on “might-have-beens”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be ”.We need to live each moment whole-heartedly, which all our senses-including pleasure in the sweet smell of a back-yard garden, the simple picture of a six-year –old ,the beauty of  a  rainbow.
66. What is the Chinese for “Enthusiasm”?
A.热情               B. 色彩                                C. 惰性                 D.金钱
67. Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?
A. Enthusiasm can give you courage and strength in difficult times.
B. If you don’t have enthusiasm, you can achieve nothing.
C. Enthusiastic people never consider money and fame.
D. Enthusiastic people can gain great fame and honor.
68. The author mentions cellist Pablo Casals in the third paragraph to show that____
A. music can arouse people’s enthusiasm
B. enthusiasm can give people inspiration needed to succeed
C. enthusiasm can keep people feel young
D. enthusiasm can keep people healthy
69. How many examples are given in the passage to show the importance of enthusiasm?
A. Three             B. Two              C. Four                     D.  Five
70. The author mainly wants to say that _________
A. enthusiasm people never get old                            
B. enthusiasm can make you succeed and enjoy life
C. enthusiasm is more important than experience
D. enthusiasm can give people more success and fame .

Burn Calories in Your Sleep?
The weight-loss world is full of assertions(断言), rarely proved, that some pill can help you “burn calories while you sleep.” But a recent Dutch study reports that it can be done – simply by eating more lean protein(无脂肪蛋白质).
Researchers report for the first time that consuming nearly a third of daily calories as lean protein – for example, lean meats without the skin – speeds up a person’s metabolism(新陈代谢) during sleep and that higher protein intake increases the burning of calories and fat during the day. Plus, when the study’s participants, who were all women of healthy weight, ate more protein, they felt fuller, more satisfied and less hungry than when they consumed a diet with the amount of protein, about 10 percent of calories.
The findings suggest that adding lean protein to your daily food “enables you to reach the same level of satiety(过饱)that you are used to with about 80 percent of your normal energy intake,” notes Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga. “That means you can eat about 20 percent less and still have the same satiety.”
What gives protein its caloric edge? It’s more difficult for the body to metabolize protein than either fat or carbohydrates(糖类). The body also doesn’t store protein as efficiently as it does carbohydrates or fat. So protein is more likely to be burned and that in turn requires more oxygen and helps you feel satisfied in the hours after eating.
But the latest findings don’t mean it’s time to dust off those high-protein diet books. The current study limited fat to about 30 percent of daily calories, and included 40 percent of calories as healthy carbohydrates, including fruit and vegetables. For example, lunch included bread, soy milk, fruit yogurt, tuna in water, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese and salad dressing.
54. According the first paragraph, we know that ______.
A. there’re few studies on weight-loss in the world
B. many studies on weight-loss only cheat customers
C. only few studies are useful for weight-loss
D. there’re few studies about lean protein
55. According to the passage, lean protein can help burn calories while you sleep because ______. can slow down a person’s metabolism   
B. it’s difficult for the body to metabolize will not make you feel full  
D. it’s easy to be stored in the body
56. The underlined phrase “dust off” in the last paragraph means ______.
A. get rid of                   B. put away     
C. get ready to rewrite          D. get ready to reuse
57. The passage is mainly to tell readers ______.
A. there is a good diet for weight-losers
B. you can burn your calories in your sleep
C. high-protein diet books will be popular
D. choosing right food is of great use


Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers advised,  “Barbara, be enthusiastic(热情的)! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.” How right they were!

“Nothing great was ever done without enthusiasm,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste(浆糊) that helps you hang in there when the things get tough. It is the inner voice that tells you, “I can do it!” when others shout, “No, you can’t!” It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock, a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine, to be generally accepted. Yet she didn’t stop working on her experiments.

We are all born with wide-eyed, enthusiastic wonder and it is the childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air, whatever their age. At 90, cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing the cello(大提琴). As the music flowed through his fingers, his shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes. As writer and poet Samuel Ullman once worte, “Years wrinkle(起皱纹) the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

Enthusiastic people also love what they do, not considering money or title or power. Patricia Mellratl, a retired director of the Missouri Rpertory Theater in Kansas City, was once asked where she got her enthusiasm. She replied, “My father, long ago, told me, ‘I never made any money until I stopped working for it.’”

We can’t afford to waste tears on “might-have-been”. We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”. We need to live each moment whole-heartedly, with all our senses finding pleasure in the sweet of a backyard garden, the simple picture of a six-year-old, and the beauty of a rainbow.

What is the passage mainly talking about?

Enthusiasm is more important than experience.

Enthusiasm can give people more success and fame

Enthusiastic people will never get old

Enthusiasm can make you succeed and enjoy life.

We can infer that enthusiasm is more important for a person especially when __________.

A. he is in trouble          B. he is getting old

C. he can do what he love   D. he has succeeded

73. The author mentions Pablo Casals in the third paragraph to show that ______.

   A. enthusiasm can make people feel young

   B. music can arouse people’s enthusiasm

   C. enthusiasm can give people inspiration needed to succeed

   D. enthusiasm can keep people healthy

74. How many examples are referred in the passage to show the importance of enthusiasm?

   A. Three      B. Four      C. Five      D. Six

75. Which proverb(谚语) may the writer agree with according to the last paragraph?

   A. A good beginning makes a good ending

   B. Don’t cry over the spoiled milk

   C. Love me, love my dog

   D. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


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