
第一节 听力


1.How does the man come here?

A.By bus.

B.By taxi.

C.By car.

2.Why isn't Helen present?

A.She forgot to come.

B.She changed her decision.

C.She wasn't invited.

3.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Mother and son.

C.Doctor and patient.

4.What's the man's job?

A.A shop assistant.

B.A tailor.

C.A salesman.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He can't go to the cinema.

B.He can go to the cinema on Saturday morning.

C.He can go to the cinema on Saturday evening.




6.What is the job?

A.To work for a newspaper.

B.To serve in a phone company.

C.To look after 5 children in California.

7.On what condition would the woman accept the job?

A.If working there was great fun.

B.If she could be free to go on business.

C.If the return ticket was paid and the salary was good.


8.Where was Meryl Streep born?

A.In Africa.

B.In the U.S

C.In English.

9.How old was she when acted in her first film?




10.How was she when acted in her first film?

A.She did well in sports.

B.She was an excellent piano player.

C.She was good at acting.


11.Who is the man probably speaking to?




12.Where is the speaker?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the library.

C.In the office

13.How does the man treat his job?

A.He doesn't care about it.

B.He is serious about it.

C.He is tired of it.


14.How high is the mountain?

A.7 170 meters.

B.7 117 meters.

C.7 171 meters.

15.How many mountaineers of the association reached the top of the mountain?




16.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Some mountaineers had ever reached the peak in 1999.

B.The eldest mountaineers of the association is 30 years old.

C.Some mountaineers of the association reached the top of the mountain in a week.


17.The man drinks tea because ________.

A.he doesn't eat anything in the evening.

B.he can't eat without it.

C.he cannot work without it.

18.What does the man do when he has a break?

A.He leaves the studio.

B.He puts some music on and plays the drums.

C.He does something different.

19.A.He enjoys working long hours.

B.He enjoys looking for new ideas and problems to solve.

C.He enjoys playing the drums and listening to music.

20.A.A singer.

B.A worker.

C.An inventor.

第三节 听一段对话,根据你所听到的内容判断以下句子是否正确。正确的请用“T”;错误的请用“F”。本段对话读两遍。(共5小题每小题3分,满分15分)

21.Stella has just had a quarrel with Mr.Smith.(  )

22.Stella has made another three bad mistakes so far.(  )

23.Stella has been woken up at 5:30.(  )

24.The milkman likes doing housework with a radio on.(  )

25.Stella will have a talk with the milkman.(  )

第四节 听下面对话或独白,根据所听内容,在相应题目的空白处填上适当的词或短语.每段对话读两遍。(10×3)

  Good afternoon, and welcome to English.We hope that your   26   here will be a pleasant one.Today I would like to draw your attention to a few of our   27  

  The first one is about   28  .Now, you may not buy alcohol in this country if you are under 18 years of age, nor may your friends buy it for you.

  Secondly, noise.Enjoy yourselves   29   , but please don't make unnecessary noise, particularly at night.We ask you to   30   other people who may wish to be quiet.

  Thirdly crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use the crossings for walking and do not   31   when crossing the road.

  My next point is about litter.It is   32   the law to throw away waste material in a public place.When you have something to   33   please put it in your pocket and take it home, or put it in a litter bin.

  Finally,   34   smoking, it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco if you are under 16 years of age.

  I'd like to finish by saying that if you   35   any sort of help or assistance, you should get in touch with your local police station, who will be pleased to help you.Now, are there any questions?


A B C B C A B B C C B C A B C A C C A B T F F F T visit laws drinking by all means respect take chances against throw away in regard to require



第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.What is lack worried about when he starts college?

A.His former classmates will graduate this year.

B.His time off will put him at a disadvantage.

C.He will have to practice a lot.

2.After how many years did Susan return to college?

A.Three years.

B.Two years.

C.One year.

3.What advice does Susan give Jack about his study?

A.Don't expect to catch on quickly.

B.Don't take the English major.

C.Don't take too many courses.


4.What does the man think of Chinatown in San Francisco 7

A.It’s larger than his own town.

B.It’s like any other town.

C.It’s the best in the U.S.

5.Why does the Chinese New Year change every year?

A.It’s based on the different calendars.

B.It’s in the extra month.

C.It’s set as a holiday.

6.In what year was the man born?

A.Year of the Rooster.

B.Year of the Pig.

C.Year of the Ox.


7.Why is the marathon at the 1968 Olympics a truly historic event?

A.Because three runners tried very hard to win the marathon.

B.Because Bikila won his third victory in the marathon.

C.Because the last 13.1 Brier won the Olympic marathon.

8.What did Wolde do when he saw Bikila drop out?

A.He stopped to assist Bikila.

B.He filled Bikila’s shoes.

C.He ran even faster.

9.Why did the crowd cheer when the last runner crossed the finish line?

A.They were surprised to see his wounded leg.

B.They were greatly moved by his spirit.

C.They thought he was the winner.


10.Where did the man meet Claudia?

A.At a class discussion.

B.At a music store.

C.On the Internet.

11.What is the relation between the man and Claudia?

A.Boy friend and girl friend.

B.Close friends.

C.Web friends.

12.What does the woman suggest about greeting Claudia'?

A.Bringing her some flowers.

B.Using her family name.

C.Arriving on time.


13.How do rainforests manage to survive?

A.By storing large quantities of carbon dioxide.

B.By developing ways to protect themselves.

C.By producing a large amount of oxygen.

14.Why d0 the leaves of a tree never actually touch those of others?

A.Because it’s a way to prevent the spread of any tree diseases.

B.Because it makes it difficult for insects to eat leaves.

C.Because animals can j ump between them.

15.How much rain can rainforests produce in some areas in a year?

A.About 75%of their own rain.

B.As much as 430 inches.

C.At least 80 inches.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



第一节 听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.At a bookshop

C.At a department store

2.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a ticket

B.Buy a toy for his daughter

C.Borrow money from the woman

3.How old is the man’s daughter?

A.Three years old

B.Five years old

C.Seven years old


4.What is Dan worried about at first?

A.His family

B.His biology paper

C.His birthday party

5.What will Alice do over the weekend?

A.Celebrate her grandmother’s birthday.

B.Work on her biology paper

C.Read at the library

6.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.Father and daughter

C.Teacher and student


7.When were the Coast Gardens built?

A.In 1329

B.In 1923

C.In 1932

8.What does the speaker tell the people to do first?

A.Have lunch.

B.Visit the collections.

C.Walk through the gardens.

9.How many sections are the gardens divided into?





10.Why does David telephone Mr.Jackson?

A.To buy a new computer.

B.To ask for information about after-sales service

C.To repair his computer

11.When will David get the material?

A.At about 2∶30

B.At about 5∶00

C.At about 3∶30

12.What is the fax number of the man?





13.Why does the man want to visit Professor White?

A.To invite him to an exhibition.

B.To meet him by appointment.

C.To ask him some questions about the experiment.

14.When will the man probably meet Professor White?

A.Before two o’clock this afternoon

B.At two o’clock this afternoon.

C.After four o’clock this afternoon.

15.What will Professor White do between three and four o’clock?

A.Meet Professor Hunter

B.Meet Frank Hudson

C.Be on vacation

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



第一节 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。

1.What are the two speakers going to buy?




2.How does the woman find the fish?

A.Just so-so.


C.Quite good.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.Mark should go on with the game.

B.Mark should draw pictures on the computer.

C.Mark should review his lessons.

4.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the bookstore.

B.In the library.

C.In the classroom.

5.Why doesn’t Jane eat her chocolate cake?

A.She doesn’t like chocolate.

B.She has trouble with her tooth.

C.She has no tooth.

第二节 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。


6.In which department can this conversation most probably take place?

A.Shoe Department.

B.Clothing Department.

C.Jewelry Department.

7.What could be the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat?

A.The color.

B.The size.

C.The price.


8.What can the woman be?

A.A waitress at a hotel.

B.The secretary of Mr Black.

C.The assistant of Professor Green.

9.How could the man get in touch with Mr Green?

A.Ask the woman to find the Blackwood Hotel.

B.Dial 809.

C.Dial 114 to find the telephone number of the Blackwood Hotel.

10.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?

A.To pay for the information.

B.To make a phone call.

C.To go to the hotel by bus.


11.What is the man doing?

A.Selling his house.

B.Looking for a house.

C.Looking for work.

12.How long has the woman lived in the house?

A.19 years.

B.8 years.

C.20 years.

13.Why does the woman want to sell the house?

A.She wants to move abroad.

B.She wants to move to the countryside.

C.She hopes to get a lot of money.

14.How much does the house cost?





15.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?



C.Husband and wife.

16.How did the woman find her stay there?




17.What does the man advise the woman to do when she gets home?

A.Send him an email.

B.Write a letter to him.

C.Give him a call.


18.How old was Rose when she left school?




19.What did Roseleam in the college?




20.How much will the office pay Rose in three months if she gets the job?





第一节 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。

1.When did the man go to the restaurant?


B.Last month.

C.Last week.

2.What is Neil doing?

A.Talking to the boss in his office.

B.Doing his work in his office.

C.Making a call to the boss.

3.What will the man probably do?

A.Leave work early.

B.Work overtime.

C.Start work early.

4.How does the woman feel about the man’s words?




5.Which of the following countries does the woman probably want to go to?




第二节 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。


6.What do the man’s parents do?


B.Restaurant owners.

C.Supermarket owners.

7.What did the man sell to the students?





8.What color of overcoat does the woman like?

A.The black one.

B.The silver white

C.The silver grey one.

9.What does the woman think of the overcoat?

A.It is of bad quality.

B.It is very expensive.

C.Its style is old.

10.Who is the man probably?

A.A salesman.

B.The woman’s husband.

C.The woman’s friend.


11.What can we know about Betty?

A.She works in a Mexican hotel.

B.She has been to Mexico.

C.She is a guide.

12.What was the weather like in Mexico City?




13.What does Betty suggest to the woman?

A.Putting off their trip.

B.Reading the guide book.

C.Making early plans.


14.When did the woman dream of becoming a singer?

A.When she was 12 years old.

B.When she was 5 years old.

C.When she met Rene.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman’s parents were singers.

B.The woman’s father sent the tape to Rene.

C.The woman’s parents ran a piano bar.

16.How did Rene feel when he first heard the woman singing?

A.he was moved.

B.He was surprised.

C.He was disappointed.


17.What will the listeners do after the talk?

A.Make a campfire.

B.Take a guided tour.

C.Go for a nature walk.

18.When did the National Park Service begin?

A.In the early 1800s.

B.In the late 1800s.

C.In the late 1700s.

19.What does the speaker say about the national park?

A.It was declared the first national park in the world.

B.A large group of people found the land now called Yellow Stone.

C.All the parks were managed by the National Park Service before 1916.

20.What is one of the speaker’s duties?

A.Protecting the plants.

B.Guiding nature walks.

C.Answering the visitors’ questions.

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