
What do people do with their old , out of date but still useful computers ? Most people don’t know 1. to deal with them . Many old computers are put away in homes . Many more 2. (throw ) away as rubbish .

Finally , some companies are thinking of ways 3. they bring down the number of old computers . Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products . Dell and other companies also take 4. some old computers .

In some countries , laws have been passed , too . Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their 5. (use) products . And 70% of the computer waste must be recycled . The idea behind the laws 6. (be) that computer companies themselves should pay for the cost . That will encourage them 7. (make) computers easier to repair and upgrade .

Yet while many people are throwing away good computers , others cannot afford 8. at all . Hundreds of organizations are working to solve this problem . They collect and repair old computers . Some also teach others how to repair computers .9. computers then go to schools , charities and people who need them . Giving a computer that you don’t use to one of the organizations can turn one person’s rubbish 10. someone else’s useful things and cut down waste , too .


He may be younger than their children but one of Britain’s brainiest children has been hired by a university to help adults with their sums.

Yasha Asley, 14, is employed by the University of Leicester - where he is also a degree student - to run tutorials. He became the youngest ever student at the University and is now the youngest ever employee. Yasha was interviewed and offered the paid job when he was just 13 years old - beating adult applicants. Administration staff had to apply to Leicester city council (委员会) for special permission to employ him because he was so young. The weekly tutorials Yasha runs are for adult students who need help and support solving problems following lectures. Proud Yasha said: “I am having the best years of my life. I love going to university and I love my new job helping other students.” Yasha, who has been called a “human calculator”, is now in his final year and plans to start a Phd when he finishes his course.

The child genius attended a state primary school before winning his place to study degree level maths at just 12 years old in 2014. He was the first child in the world to achieve an A grade in maths A Level, scoring 100 per cent and 99 per cent in two of the six papers when he was just 8 years old. He passed more A levels in maths and statistics aged 9 and 10. After finishing year 6 at primary he went straight to University.

Of his achievements, Yasha said: UI love maths because it is an exact science. It is the only science where you can prove what you say is correct. It is so easy and an enjoyable subject to study.”

1.What does the underlined word “their” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Yasha’s parents’. B. Adults’.

C. Applicants’. D. University teachers’.

2.What do we know about Yasha from the passage?

A. He is the youngest employee in Britain. B. He is now working as a full-time tutor.

C. He teaches adult students maths. D. He skipped secondary and high schools.

3.Which word best describes Yasha?

A. Hardworking. B. Outstanding.

C. Helpful. D. Lucky.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. 14-year-old Yasha Employed as University Tutor

B. Youngest Child Genius ever Seen in the world

C. Hard Work Finally Paying off

D. Nothing Impossible for a Willing Heart

Chinese Emoji (表情符号) Circles Globe

“Funny” , a made-in-China emoji, seems to have recently moved beyond china. Now, it is more than an emoji, but a cultural expansion.

Reaching Global Markets

A series of "funny" emoji-based bolsters(抱枕)have attracted the attention of Japanese customers. Even if one bolster is more than three times as expensive as in China, it doesn’t kill their desires to buy it. One Japanese customer Miki said, “They are just so cute and I bought three bolsters at one time. And every time I see them, my mood just brightens suddenly.” A Japanese netizen Kiro Kara said, “My dad will send it whenever he doesn’t agree with someone but he has to behave politely.”

Addition to Domestic(国内的)Social Media

One commonly seen online comment from Chinese netizens is, “Every time other people send me the wmoji, I feel very uncomfortable and consider myself as a fool.”

Released in 2013, the “funny” emoji is the updated version of its original one; “funny” has a smiley mouth, two eyebrows and a naughty look. All these characteristics present users a sense of satire (讽刺).

In Everyday Use Abroad

Earlier this year, one emoji from the Chinese basketball celebrity Yao Ming, who played in USA, has been spread through the Middle East region. In a city in Egypt, Yao’s smiling emoji has appeared in local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way.

As a new online language, emojis have been helping people express their views in a more vivid and precise way. Also, it can help foreigners learn about Chiness culture. But how to use “the fifth innovation (创新) in China” without hurting others and turn them into commercial advantages still need answers.

1.Why do the bolsters attract Miki’s attention?

A. They are cheap. B. They are desirable.

C. They help lift the spirits. D. They help behave politely.

2.Where can following can be inferred according to the text?

A. “Funny” emoji was created by Yao Ming.

B. “Funny” emoji-based bolsters sell better in Japan than in China.

C. “Funny” emoji helps foreigners understand Chinese culture better.

D. “Funny” emoji is regarded as friendliness by most Chinese netizens.

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the emoji mentioned in this text?

A. Critical. B. Doubtful.

C. Subjective. D. Objective.

4.The main purpose of the text is to___________.

A. promote the emoji worldwide

B. teach us how to use the emoji

C. explain the meaning of the emoji

D. show us the popularity of the emoji

Why do Chinese people love hot pot so much? As the winter months are coining in, more and people are silting around a table, enjoying this kind of traditional meal. I find myself wondering what it U about this traditional meal, which has existed for more than 1,000 years. What makes it a Chinese food favorite? It seems that the answer lies beyond the dish itself.

Hot pot isn’t just designed to keep you warm during the cold months; it’s also a social experience. It’s a “theater” cooked food that turns a meal into an event. There is a lot of fun for everyone to have in adding some foods to the hot pot.

Hot pot is eaten over two to three hours. For this reason, it is often considered an evening’s entertainment, and a time to spend with friends and families. However, many westerners would be put off by the idea of other people sticking chopsticks in their food. When we come to eat at the table in the UK, we tend to have our own shares, although the experience is still a social one.

A similar experience to the hot pot can be found in Korean barbecue restaurants, which lei you cook your own meat. This allows people to have their meat done however they want.

For most westerners, the idea of going to a restaurant to cook their own food is very strange. But having a go, I find it’s now one of my favorite meals in Beijing. The steam from the pot left my clothes smelling of food when I got home, but perhaps this was also part of the experience. When the cold wind is blowing outside, I am sitting around with my good friends, eating and drinking. For me it’s like a dinner party where my taste buds and my appetite are equally satisfied in the warm company of friends.

1.What is the main reason why hoi pot is popular in China?

A. It has a history of over 1,000 years.

B. It is a fun social experience.

2.We can conclude from the article that British people generally .

A. enjoy cooking their own food in restaurants

B. prefer a Korean barbecue to Chinese hot pot

C. don’t like sharing food with others in restaurants

D. don’t mind the smell of food staying on their clothes

3.How long do people spend in enjoying the traditional meal?

A. More than four hours. B. Over one hour.

C. About three hours. D. All the evening.

4.What is the author’s attitude to hot pot?

A. Serious. B. Tired.

C. Humorous. D. Appreciative.

Hey, ladies! It’s summer again and it’s time for a new you! No more make-up, no more pretending! Yes, that’s right! It’s time to stop making ourselves beautiful for the camera, and start posting confident pictures without all the make-up and extra tricks we add onto ourselves in the hope of appearing more attractive and beautiful. Because believe it or not, we already are!

After we wash our face and go to bed, it is not so perfect. You know it the face we should confidently be showing to the world! Who cares if you have pimples(面痕)or your eyes look small, or if you have crow’s feet? Guess what? Those are actually what make you such a beautifully grown woman. And any person who doesn’t think so is just not as strong as you.

Nowadays we tend to do anything and everything to make us look as young and perfect as possible. Yet the truth is, by doing this, we are actually making our true skin get worse and badly affected by all the junk we put on. We are making ourselves believe that by changing our appearance we will be more accepted and seem more attractive to other people. And yet, our final goal is to find that without all of the make-up. What kind of twisted(扭曲的)game are we really playing with ourselves?

So I would like to make a suggestion for all women out there to give yourself a break at least this summer. Take a couple of pictures without all of that make-up on. You don’t need it every single day, especially not this hot summer! You’ll be surprised that the more confident you are about showing the real side of you, the more attractive you will be to everyone else.

Yes, the saying, “Beauty comes from within” is an old one, definitely still holds some truth today. So be brave, carefree, and make-up free! Let the world see you for who you really are!

1.The author thinks that ladies should show others _______.

A. their crow’s feet B. their beautiful pictures

C. their real face with confidence D. their attractive appearance

2.What does the author think of adding make-up to our face?

A. It makes perfect images. B. It’s really meaningless.

C. It makes true images go outdated D. It’s hard to achieve what we wish.

3.What is the author’s purpose of quoting the old saying?

A. To declare it’s what one really is that matters.

B. To show the importance of adding make-up

C. To give us some examples of adding make-up.

D. To tell us not to neglect those old sayings.

4.What is the topic of this text?

A. Spending more time being with families and friends.

B. Not putting on any make-up on our face this summer.

C. Paying enough attention to ourselves in this summer.

D. Showing the beautiful side of ourselves to others.

Malia Obama, the elder daughter of former US President Barack Obama, would postpone enrolling in Harvard. She would take a gap year.

Gap years are so popular in Britain that more than 200,000 students take them every year. However, they are virtually unknown to many students in the US. Only about 1 percent of graduating seniors, or about 30,000 Americans students, decide to take a year off between high school and college.

Gap years, as defined by most US colleges, are structured educational periods of travel, volunteering or other kinds of learning through experiences. They usually have to be approved by the colleges which students plan to attend, and more American students, like Malia Obama, have started to take gap years.

According to American Gap Association(AGA)surveys, there was a 22 percent increase in students taking gap years in 2015 over the previous year.

While many colleges and particularly public universities don’t allow students to postpone enrollment, Florida State Universality has begun encouraging its freshmen to take a year off from their studies in order to get some extra maturity and new experience.

“We know very clearly now that gap years can be an educational experience that changes you completely,” said Joe O’shea, the president of(AGA),“Gap years help increase students’ focus while their identities and future plans take shape.”

She believes gap years are good ways for young people to get away from their comfortable lives or pressures from society, and to see their lives from a new angle. “It helps you choose your path, instead of letting it choose you.

Karis Engle spent a year with a charitable organization in Haiti at age 18. The experience has made her realize that she wants to help others. Now Engle has become the president of the Glades Initiative, a non-profit organization that helps with food security in communities in southern Florida. She said the immersion in a very different culture completely changed her worldview. By the time she entered Bethel College in Kansas a year later, her life had changed. “I felt like I was different from most people there. I knew clearly what I wanted to study, which was international development with an emphasis on social work.”

1.The example of Malia Obama is to show ________.

A. some American students begin to take gap years

B. taking gap years is necessary for American students

C. fewer students want to take gap years in America

D. famous persons encourage their children to take gap years

2.From the passage, we can infer that ________.

A. American governments support seniors to take gap years

B. American students taking gap years will have a sharp increase soon

C. students who take gap years needn’t apply to college

D. students taking gap years are not just for making money

3.Karis Engle thinks ________.

A. taking gap years has influenced her cultural choices

B. taking gap years seldom affects participants’ worldview

C. taking gap years is very valuable for her to choose her career

D. taking gap years is helpful for her entry into college

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To advertise for taking gap years.

B. To introduce the situation of gap years in the US.

C. To discuss how to take gap years.

D. To share opinions about taking gap year.

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