
If you go to Juliano’s restaurant in San Francisco,you can’t get a cup of coffee or a hot cheese sandwich.All the food in the restaurant is raw,including the pizza and the rice.
Juliano thinks that cooked food makes us sick. “Food is alive,like you and me.When you cook food,you take away some of the vitamins,”he says,Juliano never eats food that is over 50 degrees.His restaurant doesn’t have a stove(火炉) or a microwave(微波炉).But he has lots of clever ideas for making raw food taste great.Instead of heat,Juliano uses water to prepare foood.He puts foods in water to make them soft.For example,he places beans in water for a few days and rice in water for two or four weeks.
Everything at the restaurant is cold,and the pizza and the rice taste good.So do the fruit and vegetable juices made from carrots ,apples,oranges and so on.Juliano’s restaurant doesn’t serve meat,but some people who cat raw food also eat raw meat.Juliano has three friends who ate raw meat.They all got very sick..One of them is still sick.
Juliano eats mostly fruits,vegetables,nuts,rice and beans.He says he feels very healthy. “Raw food gives you lots of energy,”he says,Juliano says he needs only six hours of sleep a night,and he never gets sick..
61.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.A man who eats only raw food.               B.A special restaurant in San Francisco.
C.Raw food is better than cooked food.          D.How to make raw food taste good.
62.How is the food in Juliano’s restaurant prepared?
A.Foods are put into water to make them soft.
B.Foods are cooled in a fridge.
C.Foods are heated on a stove to a certain degree.
D.Foods are boiled and then cooled.
63.What is NOT served in Juliano’s restaurant?
A.Carrot juice.         B.Cold pizza.          C.Raw rice.          D.Hot meat.

61.B   62.A   63.D  

A couple of years ago, I received a $ 600 insurance dividend (保险股息).Sitting at the kitchen table, my wife and I discussed what we might do with the money. I realized now that the refrigerator overheard our talk. The very next day it went wrong. The repairman told us we needed a new unit. Cost:$600. Not long after that, we got a refund(赔偿金)from the shop, enough to pay for a trip to Mexico. “I’ve something to tell you,” I said to my wife in a low voice. “How about the living-room?” she suggested. I remembered the color TV set was there. “No, not there. Let’s go out.” I showed her the check as we stood on the driveway. We held each other excitedly and hardly noticed the rain. My car was parked within5 meters. I didn’t think anything about it at the time. As I started for the airport the next day, the car began making strange sounds. Changing the engine cost about $ 1, 000.
Then I looked through our financial records. I discovered that during the last ten years we spent all our “found money” repairing a hot water heater, a television and a stove.
I never mention money in front of our mechanical equipment. But if this article is published and I am paid for, the word processor(文字信息处理机)is going to go for sure. It’ll know.
1. What went wrong first as the writer’s?
A. The refrigerator          B. The stove
C. The TV set              D. The engine of the car
2. What has been repaired and still remains all right?
A. The car                 B. The color TV set
C. The stove               D. The hot water heater
3. Which statement is wrong according to the passage?
A.There are many pieces of modern equipment in the writer’s home
B.The writer often discusses with his wife on how to spend their money.
C.The writer has gone into a lot of trouble to repair his things
D.The writer’s refrigerator can overhear him
We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another. Then we get ___36___ because our children are not old enough, and that ___37___ will be well when they are older. Then we are frustrated ___38___ they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we'll be ___39___ when they grow out of the teen years.
We tell ourselves our ___40___ will be better when our spouse(配偶)gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a ___41___, when we finally retire. The ___42___ is that there is no better time to be happy than ___43___. If not, then when? Your life will always be full of ___44__. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy ___45___it all.
For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start--real life.
But there was always some obstacle(挫折)along the way, an ordeal(苦难) to ___46___, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be ___47___. Then life would ___48___. It finally dawned on me that that those ___49___ were part of life. Little by little, that point of ___50___ also helped me see that there isn't any road to happiness.
Happiness is the road. So, ___51___ every moment. And bear in mind that ___52___ waits for no one. So stop ___53___ school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to ___54__ ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married,… before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination. There is no ___55___ time to be happy than… NOW! Live and enjoy the moment.'
36. A. pleased        B. happy           C. frustrated   D. frightened
37. A. we             B. they            C. all         D. nothing
38. A. because        B. but             C. so          D. and
39. A. luckier        B. happier         C. older        D. healthier
40. A. life           B. study           C. children      D. condition
41. A. rest           B. bath            C. breath        D. vacation
42. A. idea           B. opinion         C. truth         D. thought
43. A. before         B. ever            C. just then     D. right now
44. A. challenges     B. troubles        C. awards        D. chances
45. A. instead of    B. in addition to    C. in spite of     D. up to
46. A. meet with     B. go ahead        C. turn to        D. get through
47. A. paid          B. got             C. asked         D. printed
48. A. end           B. start           C. reward        D. appear
49. A. achievements  B. obstacles       C. duties         D. opinions
50. A. view        B. life            C. position         D. condition
51. A. work        B. study           C. enjoy            D. wait
52. A. happiness   B. time            C. age              D. road
53. A. asking for  B. supposing       C. waiting for        D. hoping for
54. A. gain        B. reduce          C. weigh            D. enjoy
55. A. worse       B. better          C. more             D. less

Child models are very much in demand all across the world. Many magazines and online stores that sell products for children like their models young.For this reason,they seek out children who can model clothing and have no problem posing(摆姿势)and smiling for the camera.Those who are seeking out child models for thelr advertising can go to online modeling sites and view plotures of children who are web models.They can take a look at their portfolio(整套照片)and decide whether they will accept them.
Parents who are seeking to get their children into the modeling business can also create a portfolio for ther children and put them online.They can look for jobs for their chldren through an online modeling site,or they can wait for job offers for their children.These online sites act as web modeling agency for models young and old alike.Anyone who has the desire to be a model can get a portfoilo together and join the site.
If you have a child who you want to be a model,you should frst stalt a portfolio for him or
her and Then join an online modeling agency.Once you join the agency,you can then start to look for jobs,Clients(客户)will post jobs that can be found in the search.You can look for jobs for young models and see if your child will fit what the client is looking for. In many cases,the client will send clothing for the child to wear and a descriptlon of poses and the job can be done close to home.
Online modeling agencies are not only for child models.Older models,teen models,men and women can model for these slies. A great deal of the modeling is for online websites.Ths is an entirely new field in the world of modeling and much easier to get into than the older modeling agencies.There is no traveling or expensive photo shoots needed.All that is needed to make children into models is a nice portfolio and a photogenic(上相的)child.
71. Child models are needed to____________.
A.Create more job offers
B.set the fashion for children
C.increase the sales of child products
D.manage online stores that sell teen magazines
72.The underlined Word "they" in Paragraph 1 refers to_______.
B.chld models
C.online modeling sites
D.people looking for child models for advertising
73. What should parents do if they`d like their children to become models?
A.Train them to hold special poses.
B.Choose them beautiful clothes.
C.Take expensive photos of them.
D.Put their portfolio on online modeling sites.
74. Why are online modeling agencise popular?
A.Because They are easily accessible to most people.
B.Because they charge no fees for their service.
C.Because this is an entirely new field.
D.Because this can make a child more photogenic.
75.This passage is mainly about______.
A.a growing need for child models
B.an increase in modeling agencies
C.the change in the world of modeling
D.the attraction of the world of modeling

Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly boost happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found on Thursday.
Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably happier when they spent money on others—even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.
“We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn,” said Elizabeth Dunn, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia. They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual (yearly) income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, girls for others and donations to charity.
“Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not,” Dunn said in a statement.
Dunn’s team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus of between $3,000 and $8,000. “Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself” they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.
  They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it. Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it.
“These findings suggest that very minor alterations (changes) in spending allocations (shares)—as little as $5—may be enough to produce real gains in happiness on a given day,”Dunn said.
60. What is the general idea of the passage?
A. The more you earn, the greater happiness you will get.
B. Spending more money on yourself will make you happier.
C. Money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else.
D. You can spend only 5$ a day to get happiness.
61. The underlined word “boost” in the first paragraph probably means_______.
A. help to find     B. help to bring    C. help to increase     D. help to get
62. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Those who spend more money on others can get much more bonus.
B. People usually think spending money on themselves will make them happier.
C. Very small changes in spending your money may be enough to gain happiness.
D. Researchers think that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn.
63. It can be inferred from the 6th paragraph that ______.
A. the volunteers not given 5$ or 20$ spent their own money on themselves.
B. those who spent the money on someone or something else felt happier about it.
C. the volunteers were given 5$ or 20$ as a reward for the experiment.
D. half of the volunteers could spend the money as they liked.

Because of the development of agriculture, the area of land affected by sand has gradually increased. During the 1950s and 1960s the land affected by sand expanded on average into 1,600 square kilometers per year. By the 1990s, the area had reached 2,500 square kilometers per year.  This kind of situation is particularly serious in many regions upwind(逆风的) from Beijing. Fengning City in Hebei Province and Duolun City in Inner Mongolia lie to the north of Beijing, and in the last 50 years the population of these two cities has grown by 2 to 3 times. In order to obtain more resources, the inhabitants have been busy with  heavy farming, tree-cutting and keeping animals. The result is that the soil which has sustained damage, and the sand layer below the earth is now exposed on the ground and the ground is rapidly being controlled by the spread of sand.
China has already noticed this problem, and has take measures to save the land. Nowadays, some land used for farming has returned to forestland and grassland. The Chinese government announced that it would invest more than RMB 600,000,000 to control Beijing’s sandstorms in the coming years. Only by decreasing the damage caused by man and restoring the natural environment will it be possible to well control the sources of the sand and dust. We hope in the not-distant future, we will solve the problem successfully and effectively.  
63. Compared with 50s and 60s, the land affected by sand increased by _____ square kilometers by the 1990s.
A. 1,600        B. 2,500         C. 900          D. 1,100         
64. Which of the following is NOT the cause of the damaged land?                      
A.People use the resources too much.
B.People keep animals which need more grain.
C.People prepare too much land to grow crops.
D.People cut a lot of forests and raise animals.
65. The major measure that Chinese government has taken is _____.                                                          
A.controlling the growth of the population     
B. making better use of natural resources
C. killing fewer animals and cutting fewer trees   
D. returning some land to forestland and grassland
66.According to the passage, it can be inferred that _____ was the major factor of the environmental damage.
A. man       B. animal      C. nature    D. desert 

Edinburgh takes on Leinster in their Rugby Union match on Friday evening where it should be a dry night with some clear spells. It will feel chilly in the wind, with temperatures at the start of the match around only 6℃ (430F).
There will be some light rain on Friday afternoon for the races in Newbury. It will stay rather cloudy and will feel cold in the wind with a high of 8 ℃. But the weather will not be too much of a problem for the event.
A slow moving storm system spreads cloud, rain and colder weather across New York. This will be the case, not only tonight, but right through until Friday. Saturday the weather will start to change to a more spring pattern with mild and fine weather again on Sunday, when the biggest American football match kicks off.
Keep an umbrella handy.
A cold front will push eastward from Texas to the southern half of the Mississippi Valley by Friday evening. Strong two severe thunderstorms have already developed, from eastern Kansas and western Missouri southward to central and eastern Texas. All outdoor sports events will be impossible in these areas.
60. If you want to watch the Rugby match on Friday, you'd better       .
A. wear warm clothes and a raincoat       B. wear warm clothes
C. take an umbrella with you                  D. wear a sport suit
61. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. There will not be any sports matches or races in central and eastern Texas because of the coming thunderstorm.
B. The weather will be fine when the football match starts in New York.
C. The races will continue in Newbury in spite of the rainy weather.
D. Mississippi Valley runs from north to south.
62. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Bad weather happens abruptly in New York.
B. The races in Newbury will be cancelled because of the weather.
C. 6 ℃ is a high temperature for the season when the match takes place.
D. Edinburgh and Leinster refer to two Rugby teams in the passage.
It is a typical case. A young professional has just moved to a new city. She is very active in her new job but wishes to meet people socially outside of work. How does she do this?
  Signing up for a night class is always a good starting point. Not only is it an ideal way to meet like-minded people,it can also be a great new learning experience. Pubs and clubs can be a good meeting place but can be a bit hard if you are on your own.
  Join a gym
  GL-14 health club in Manchester city centre is a gym which also has lots of member activities outside the gym from charity fashion shows to dinner dances giving members a chance to socialize away from the treadmill(繁忙的工作). Or if you want a gym with a difference,try a“Green Gym”for people who want to exercise but wish to be outdoors and doing something that will benefit the environment at the same time. The“work out”could involve such activities as practical conservation or gardening work. It’s a great way to get people’s heart and muscle working. And many agree that meeting other people and having a matter and a laugh is a big attraction of the scheme.
  Reading groups
  In the Reading Groups,Jenny Hartley suggested that there may be as many as 50,000 people in reading groups in the UK. They range from informal groups of friends or colleagues who meet in someone’s home or at the local pub,to discuss a book. If you want something a bit more structured,lots of libraries have reading groups and could have a broader group of members.
  The BBC recently conducted a survey called Going solo:single life in the 21st century. You can look at the overall results or search by area. It found that:
  *69% of people thought that the gym was a good place to meet new
  *Pubs or clubs were considered to be good meeting places by 58% of people in the UK
  *68% thought that work was a good place to meet people
  *72% thought that internet chat was not an ideal way to meet people
(  )56.“Green Gym”in Paragraph 3 refers to an activity in which you can________.
A.have night classes with like-minded people
B.do something good for the environment on your own
C.discuss a book with other members at a pub
D.benefit the environment while doing outdoor exercise
(  )57.Which of the following is a Green Gym activity?
A.Gardening work.         B.Chatting on the Internet.
C.A charity fashion show.    D.A dinner dance away from the treadmill.
(  )58.What’s the most popular place to meet new people outside of work?
A.Pubs or clubs.  B.The Internet.  C.The working place. D.The gym.

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69. You can read these classified ads on the Internet when you click “______” in the catalogue.
A. education            B. activities             C. entertainment        D. volunteers
70. According to the ad, one needs to pay if he is interested to attend the program in ______.
A. Life Coaching                                             B. Anxiety Help
C. Single and Not Finding Love?                             D. How to Succeed Even in This Economy!
71. As Mrs. Smith wants to take a personality analysis, she may ______.
A. call 626-772-5653                                        B. contact Sara or Lisa
C. sign up for an interview                                D. attend a workshop

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