
   假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言 错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。



2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    When you are in public places,you will see many smokers. And most of them were young people and even middle school student. Why do so many people enjoy smoke? Someone once told me that it made him relaxing. In fact,smoking is the bad habit. It does greater harm to our health. For smokers,it is a waste of money,and cause all kinds of diseases. Besides,many fires caused by careless smokers. So never to get into the habit of smoking,but try to stop smoking if you have the habit.

71. . .. were young people ...                         were —?are 

72. . .. school student,                              student —? students

73. . .. enjoy smoke?                                smoke—? smoking

74. . .. made him relaxing.                             relaxing —? relaxed 

75. . .. the bad habit.                                the —? a 

76. . .. greater harm ...                               greater—? great 

77. . .. cause all kinds ...                             cause —?causes 

78. . .. many fires caused ...                            fires 后加 are 

79. So never to ...                                    去掉 to 

80. . .. but try to stop ...                              but —? and



    When a golfer plays on any golf cours, he or she expects the course has a lot of hazards(障碍区) like sands,woods,and ponds of water. There is one special golf course,though,where along with these hazards that stand still,the player must expect to compete against hundreds of moving hazards. The golf course is on Christmas Island. The island is an area of Australia in the Indian Ocean,the third largest ocean in the world,lying between Africa and Australia. The moving hazards are bright red,four-and-one-half-inch (11. 4cm) crabs(螃蟹) .

    Over 150 million of these brightly colored crabs live in the island's rainforests. Every year,starting around November,the crabs migrate (迁移) . They leave the rainforest and make their way to the ocean. They arrive at the coast after one to three weeks. But thQ males (雄性)return to the rainforest earlier than the females,who return about two weeks later after producing up to 100,000 eggs.

    On Christmas Island there is a golf course I built on the crabs’ migration route. During the

migration season,there are hundreds of red crabs moving on the course. The rules of the Christmas Island Golf Club say that all players must treat the crabs as they would treat any other hazard. They cannot move them,and they must play around them. If a walking crab happens to knock a ball while it is on the green,hitting it into a hole,the ball is considered “in”.

    Just as the golfers must compete against a moving hazard,so must the crabs. People have built roads that run through the crabs migration route. Unluckily,up to two million crabs are killed by passing vehicles every year. People are trying to reduce the number by putting up “Crab Crossing”signs and closing certain roads during the migration season.

29. What do we learn aboirt the red crabs?

   A. They arrive in the rainforest in November.

   B. They spend most of their year in the ocean.

   C. The females spend two more weeks on the coast. '

   D. The males start to migrate earlier than the females.

30. The rules of the Christmas Island Golf Club.

   A. attract more golf players

   B. can help protect the crabs

   C. often make golfers confused

   D. cause the crabs much trouble

31. By saying a “Just as the golfers ... so must the crabs”, the author means.

   A. the crabs must face danger on the road

   B. the crabs are quite perfect moving hazards

   C. golfers like competing against moving hazards

   D. golfers find it hard to play on Christmas Island 

32. Which can be the best title for the text? 

   A. Christmas Island

   B. Great migration

   C. Crab Crossing

   D.Crab hazards

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