
Dear John,

My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you've shared about life and positive energy has changed my life. This past year has been one of the hardest for me. I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life. In January, after two years of being together, my boyfriend left me.

I read your blog every morning as I drink my coffee at work, but it wasn't until this March that I told myself "no more negativity" as you taught readers in your blog.

Since then I've got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive. When people walk in the front door, I'm the first face they see, so I smile big when I say "good morning" to them, especially on Mondays. Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help, I offer it with an open mind. The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive assistant position that I wanted.

One of the biggest things I've taken to heart from your blog is changing my opinions on my job. Yes, it was not an important position, but when I was passionate (热情的) about it, I could make my life fulfilling.

All in all, I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me. So thank you so much, John. My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction, Take care!

Sincerely ,


1.Amber wrote the letter mainly to______

A. introduce herself to John B. talk about her bad year

C. ask for some advice D. express her thanks

2.We can infer from the passage that Amber______

A. didn't like her boyfriend

B. spent a lot of time online

C. wasn't satisfied with her job

D. received very good education

3.What is implied about John in the letter?

A. He is a very famous writer.

B. He used to live a very negative life.

C. He doesn't like sharing his life stories.

D. He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.

4.What does Amber's change tell us?

A. Practice makes perfect.

B. Bad luck doesn't exist long.

C. A positive attitude is rewarding.

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.


This is a true story from Guyana.One day, a boy took a piece of paper from a box.He made a paper ball and pushed it into his nose.He couldn’t get it out.He ran crying to his mother.His mother couldn’t get the paper out, either.A week later, the paper was still in the boy’s nose.His nose began to have a bad smell.

So his mother took the boy to a hospital.The doctor looked up at the child’s nose, but she couldn’t get the paper out.She said she had to cut the boy’s nose to get the paper out.

The boy’s mother came home looking sad.She didn’t want her child to have his nose cut.The next day she took the boy to her friend Sidney who lived in a house with an old lady called May.May wanted to see the child, so the child let her look up his nose.

“Yes, I can see it,” May said.“It will be out soon.”

As she spoke, she shook some black pepper on the child’s nose.The child gave a mighty(强而有力的) sneeze and the paper flew out.His mother was surprised.May told his mother to take the boy to the seaside for a swim, for the salt water would go up his nose and stop the bad smell.

So the lucky boy didn’t have to go to the hospital to have his nose cut.

1.After the boy pushed a paper ball into his nose, ____.

A.he took it out

B.his mother took it out

C.he tried to take it out but failed

D.he did nothing but cry

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The doctor helped to take the paper ball out of the boy’s nose.

B.The boy had to have his nose cut at last.

C.The boy’s mother found some black pepper to solve the problem.

D.May succeeded in taking the paper out.

3.The boy should be taken to the seaside for a swim because ____.

A.he needed to learn to swim.

B.the sea water would wash out the paper ball.

C.the sea water would stop the bad smell of his nose.

D.he needed a rest.

4.The paper ball stayed in the boy’s nose for ________.

A.at most seven days B.less than seven days

C.more than seven days D.exactly seven days

5.According to the story,______was most worried about the boy’s accident.

A.the boy’s mother B.Sidney

C.May D.the doctor


Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit—and that can be a very annoying thing. 1. Read on for some techniques worth trying.

1. 2.

People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆症), according to a recent study. 3.

Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.

2. Go for a walk.

Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact, exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain. 4.

3. Learn something new.

Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time. 5. Or go dancing with your friends.

A. Focus on the future.

B. This can be especially harmful to the aged.

C. It should be something like learning gardening.

D. So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.

E. But don't worry if your schedule isn't filled with life-changing events.

F. Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.

G. In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.

I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled(贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute without a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled(爬) under her covers, weeping. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart,

Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn’t noticed Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me. “Thanks.”

Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn’t always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.

1. What made Kate angry one evening?

A. She couldn’t find her books.

B. She heard the author shouting loud.

C. She got the news that her grandma was ill.

D. She saw the author’s shoes beneath her bed.

2.The author tidied up the room most probably because______.

A. she was scared by Kate’s anger

B. she hated herself for being so messy

C. she wanted to show her care

D. she was asked by Kate to do so

3.How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed?

A. By analyzing causes.B. By showing differences.

C. By describing a process.D. By following time order.

4.What might be the best title for the story?

A. My Friend KateB. Hard Work Pays Off

C. How to Be OrganizedD. Learning to Be Roommates

I am 26. I’m clear that I’m never going to catch up with Mother Teresa. But I want to do something to help people every single day like her.

Everybody thinks we just serve food and soda. The safety training is serious and stressful. Caring for 49 people in a business class in 90 minutes is not easy. I had a roommate who was a waitress; she just left a candle and a table cloth burning, and I used a fire extinguisher (灭火器) to put out the fire. If something goes bad at her job, she calls the police. But if something happens up in the air, it’s up to us.

I’m single and have no kids. I’ve flown every Christmas since 1995. If I fly, someone else can be with their kids. Christmas in an airport can be depressing, but it’s the little things that make a difference.

We’re not robots. It’s hard to put on a smile and just pretend everything is great when it isn’t. I’ve seen co-workers lose a family member the day before a trip and just pull themselves together (take control of their feelings and believe in a calm way). At the end of a 14-hour flight, it’s like, “It was really nice to help you, but I’m ready for you to get off the plane.” Those last 15 minutes can be the longest 15 minutes of your life. You can’t wait to turn off the flight attendant’s voice and get something to eat without anyone saying “Excuse me.”

Sometimes I go all day and never hear a “please” or a “thank you.” When you say thank you, it’s huge. It makes us feel like you actually see us as fellow humans. We’re up there together at a height of 30,000 feet, enjoying the miracle (奇迹) of the modern flight.

1.What’s the author’s attitude towards Mother Teresa?

A. Grateful B. Fearful C. Doubtful D. Admiring

2.How did the author like her roommate’s job?

A. It was the same as hers B. It was more interesting than hers

C. It was easier than hers D. It was more serious than hers

3.Why does the author fly every Christmas?

A. Because she has nowhere to go.

B. Because she’s trying to be a helpful co-worker.

C. Because she owes her co-workers some favors.

D. Because she’d like to earn more money.

4.What does the author imply by saying the underlined sentence “We’re not robots”?

A. Flight attendants are not stronger than robots.

B. Flight attendants also experience emotions.

C. Flight attendants get tired while robots don’t.

D. Flight attendants need to rest now and then.

If you're not a fan of KFC's famous Double Down hot dog, don't worry! KFC in the UK is developing a new treat: an edible coffee cup.

The product is still in the trial stage and not yet available for purchase, but according to a KFC news report, the treat is made from a unique biscuit, wrapped in sugar paper, and lined with a layer of heat-resistant white chocolate, which helps keep the coffee hot. As you drink the coffee in the cup, the white chocolate lining will begin to melt slowly, and the biscuit begins to soften.

But it doesn't end there --- the cups are not only edible, they also have a pleasant smell. KFC partnered with The Robin Collective, an experimental food company, to make the cups with coconut sun cream, freshly cut grass and wild flowers scents. According to the news report, that's because the scents arouse the positive memories we associate with warm weather, sunshine and summer holidays. Sounds ... delicious?

A manager at KFC said, “We have been experimenting with the edible packaging in limited quantities to see if it could be a popular product in the market. We believe if our customers occasionally like to have their cake and eat it, why wouldn’t they want to have their cup and eat it instead! ”

The edible cups will only be available in the UK when it comes out. According to a spokesperson for KFC, there are at present no plans to bring it to the U.S. yet.

1.The cup is lined with a layer of white chocolate to_________.

A. make the cup smell delicious

B. prevent the heat giving off soon

C. help the cup look beautiful

D. keep the biscuit tasting soft

2.What does KFC do with the new product in its trial stage?

A. Promote it by adding different scents.

B. Sell it at a lower price in the US first.

C. Invite customers to eat it for free.

D. Test it in the market in small quantities.

3.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The cup not only tastes good but also smells delicious.

B. The cup is developed with the help of The Robin Collective

C. Customers all over the world can soon try the edible cup.

D. The cup is made from biscuit, sugar paper and chocolate.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. KFC’s new product---Edible coffee cups

B. A new treat---Coffee cups and positive memories

C. Coffee cups made from biscuits and chocolate

D. The development of KFC company in the UK

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