
11.Many people assume the Amish must havereligious(宗教的)reasons for their many rules,but this is not true.

分析 很多人认为,阿曼门诺派教徒的许多规则肯定有其宗教的原因,但是事实并非如此.

解答 答案是religious.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语;religious adj.虔诚的; 宗教的;religious reasons宗教的原因,故答案是religious.

点评 翻译填空要在理解句子的结构和含义的基础上根据汉语意思选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意所选词的形式变化.

1.Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Electronic Village Program (Thursday,June 18,2015)
?9:00 am to 10:00 am
?Room 501
Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context (语境) for students to learn vocabulary.The presenter will show how to use it.
?2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
?Room 502
Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line.The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.
?10:30 am to 11:30 am
?Room 601
Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network.It can provide students with instant feedback (反馈),including reports abo ut their strengths and weaknesses.
?3:30 pm to 4:20 pm
?Room 602
Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students'attention to speaking more fluently.The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,friends,and hobbies.
21.Nearpod can be used toC.
A.offer grammar tests
B.teach listening on-line
C.help vocabulary learning
D.gain fluency in speaking
22.If you want to improve your speaking skills,you can go toB.
A.Room 501
B.Room 602
C.Room 601
D.Room 502  
23.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?D
B Prezi.
24.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive byB.
A.9:00 am
B.2:00 pm.
C.10:30 am.
D.3:30 pm.
1.When I was in medical college,I went camping with some of my friends.The season was summer; therefore we chose to go to the seaside.After arriving there,we rented a room and left our luggage there.We finished our lunch and then decided to hire a boat because the sea and the weather were beautiful.
We started to row,but about one mile out,the weather suddenly changed.Although the weather was not good we didn't want to give it up,but finally my friends and I agreed that we should go back.We tried to change the boat's direction,but as soon as we changed it,the oarlock(桨架)broke.So we were unable to turn back.We had to wait for help because we couldn't do anything.
After seeing the change of the weather,we shouldn't have continued to row,but it was too late.We regretted it.The sea changed a lot,the waves got a lot high,and the boat began to shake like a candle.One of my friends began to cry; another started to vomit.Three hours passed,and nobody came to help us.We were praying.
After long hours of waiting,two boats came to our rescue and we survived.If they hadn't come to get us,we would have crossed the border between Turkey and Greece for the border was very close.
This story is the most exciting in my life because we could have died,but luck was with us and we escaped.,

32.What is the writer's purpose of writing the passage?A
A.To tell us a scary experience at sea.
B.To tell us the weather at the seaside was changeable.
C.To tell us an unforgettable experience when swimming.
D.To tell us it is dangerous to boat at sea.
33.When did they begin to go boating in the sea?B
A.In the morning.
B.In the afternoon   
C.In the evening   
D.At night.
34.They were unable to turn back becauseB.
A.the weather was bad for them to do so.
B.they couldn't change the boat's direction.
C.they could not row the boat.
D.they lost the direction
35.What they regretted was thatB when the weather changed.
A.they went camping at the seaside.
B.they went on rowing.
C.the waves got high.
D.they started too late.

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