
The girl can ride a horse and swim,and she can shoot________.

A.all B.as well as C.either D.as well



【解析】句意:这个女孩会骑马和游泳,还会射击。as well表示“还,也”,通常用于句末,符合题意。all“全部,都”;as well as表示“也,还”时后面应接sb.或sth.;either表示“也”时,常用于否定句。



“Mom, I can’t do this.” My teenage son Bret stood in front of me with his hands full of papers.

“Can’t do what?” I asked while preparing supper.

“All these!” he waved his hands up and down. “There’s no way I can do everything my teachers are asking me to do.”

I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him. I had never seen him so upset. He was my jovial son. He made good grades in school and nothing ever seemed to bother him. As I studied his face, I could see his eyes filled with tears.

Walking over to the kitchen table, I sat down and asked him to join me.

“Show me what you have to do .”

Bret sat down in a chair and dropped the papers in front of him.

“Mr. Jones, my chemistry teacher, wants me to make a project for the Science Fair.”

“Okay , And what else?”

“I have an algebra test next week, and that will be one-third of our grade this school term!”

“And I have to write an English essay. And midterms are the next week! I need to study for them and I have to get help with Spanish. There’s no way I can do everything!”

His hands shook as he picked up each assignment. It broke my heart to see him so stressed out. I wanted to help him, yet I couldn’t do the work for him. I looked at Bret and said. “You don’t have to do everything at once. You can do one at a time. Let’s make a list of what you need to do.”

So, one by one, we listed each item. Then we put the due date next to the item. Next we separated the items into parts. For instance, the chemistry project needed supplies. So we put a deadline on getting the supplies. He had a friend who could help him with Spanish, so we had to put that time in. During the process, I saw my son visibly relax. When we finished with the list, I asked, “Do you think you can do this now?”

He smiled and I saw his confidence return . “Sure! Thanks, Mom!”

There is a saying that asks, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is, “One bite at a time.”

1.Why was Bret so upset?

A. He had quarreled with his chemistry teacher.

B. He was poor in many of his school subjects.

C. The algebra test would be too difficult for him.

D. He felt helpless with the huge amount of school work.

2.How did the writer feel at the sight of Bret’s shaking hands?

A. Annoyed B. Puzzled

C. Frightened D. Heartbroken.

3.What did the writer help Bret do?

A. She bought some articles for Bret’s chemistry project..

B. She arranged the tasks according to levels of urgency.

C. She found a friend to teach Bret Spanish at once.

D. She prepared the material for Bret’s English composition.


When people want to know about the weather,they usually go to their radios, TVs, newspapers, or to the Internet. However,you can also find many weather signs among wildlife, because of their highly developed senses. Drops in air pressure (压力) produce an effect on small animals in many ways. Mice and deer are good weather indicators.People who spend a lot of time outdoors have observed that, before a storm, field mice come out of their holes and run around.Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains.

Birds are especially good weather indicators because they also show the effect of a pressure drop in many ways.For example, some birds become irritable(急躁的) and quarrelsome and will fight over a piece of bread.Other birds chirp (叽叽喳喳) and sing just before a storm.It seems that they know they won't get another chance for an hour or two.Birds also seek safe places before a storm. You will sometimes see birds settling in trees or gathering together on a wire close to a building. Pre?storm low pressure makes the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.

It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in the summertime,rather than during the periods in the spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see this.If they fly in the wrong direction, they may be flying ahead of a storm.

By paying closer attention to some important signs in nature,we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.

1.There will be a storm if birds________.

A.make more noise than usual

B.fly in different directions

C.come down from tall trees

D.share a piece of bread

2.How can birds sense the coming of a storm?

A.By feeling a drop in air temperature.

B.By noticing the change of wind directions.

C.By feeling a drop in air pressure.

D.By noticing the movements of other animals.

3.The BEST title for the text would be________.

A.Signs of a Storm B.Drops in Air Pressure

C.Animals' Sharp Senses D.Nature's Weather Signs


A close friend of mine lives with six hundred wild animals on the Greek Island of Kyklos.Ever since he left school (where I first knew him),he has travelled all over the world collecting animals for his very own zoo.He hoped to collect at least two examples of every sort of animal on his island before the Great Flood. But the flood that my friend was afraid of was a flood not of water, but of people. I expect you have heard of my friend: he writes books about his travels,and about the wild and wonderful animals that he collects. The money from the books helps to pay for all the food that these animals eat.

My friend told me that when he was out looking for water last week,(there is not enough water on the island,though there is plenty all round it,)he found oil.He needs money for his travels,and for his zoo,and a little oil would buy enough water for a lifetime;but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it,it will be the end of his zoo, and his life's work.

So,if I know my friend,he will not tell anybody (but you and me)about what he found—because oil and water do not mix.

1.My friend lives________.

A.on an island in the middle of great flood

B.at the school that we used to go to on Kyklos

C.on a Greek island with six hundred animals

D.all over the world;he is always travelling

2.Since he left school________.

A.he has collected books about every sort of animal

B.he has lived in zoos all over the world

C.he has lived all the time on a Greek island

D.he has travelled all over the world collecting animals

3.The flood,of which my friend was afraid, was ________.

A.a flood of too many people

B.a great flood of water

C.a flood of too many animals on his island

D.a flood of oil


There was a little boy his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot(弹弓)to play with, out in the woods. He in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting a little ,he headed back to dinner. Then, he saw Grandma’s pet duck, so he let fly, hit the duck square in the head, and it. He was shocked and upset. In , he hid the dead duck in the woodpile, to see his sister watching. Sally had seen it all, _ she said nothing.

lunch that day grandma said,“Sally, let’s wash the dishes.”

But Sally said,“Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to in the kitchen today, didn’t you Johnny?”And then she to him,“Remember, the duck?”So Johnny did the dishes.

Later Grandpa asked if wanted to go fishing, and Grandma said,“I’m sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.”

But Sally and said,“Well, that’s because Johnny told me he wanted to help.” the duck, Johnny had to stay and Sally went fishing.

After several days of Johnny doing both his and Sally’s, he finally couldn’t it any longer. He came to Grandma and told her that he killed the duck. She down, gave him a hug(拥抱),and said,“Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I the whole thing. But because I love you, I you. But I was just how long would you let Sally make a slave of you.”

1.A.helping B.visiting C. tending D.seeking

2.A.practised B.played C.worked D.hunted

3.A.anxious B.tired C.pleased D.discouraged

4.A.caught B.injured C.killed D.seized

5.A.surprise B.disappointment C.anger D.horror

6.A.only B.so as C.in order D.expecting

7.A.so B.and C.instead D.but

8.A.At B.After C.Before D.When

9.A.work B.stay C.help D.get

10.A.called B.whispered C.nodded D.signed

11.A.the children B.Sally C.Johnny D.Grandma

12.A.sighed B.agreed C.objected D.smiled

13.A.easy B.all right C.fine D.impossible

14.A.Searching B.Hiding C.Remembering D.Regretting

15.A.homework B.housework C.farm work D.cooking

16.A.stand B.change C.like D.cover

17.A.sat B.went C.lay D.knelt

18.A.know B.heard C.saw D.understand

19.A.missed B.forgave C.congratulated D.punished

20.A.wondering B.saying C.imaging D.considering


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