
Gene technology to benefit people
Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people.
The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span(寿命) can be prolonged.
Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial(皇室) family being a good example, have hereditary(遗传的) diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it and a healthy child will be born.
Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep; therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way. Of course, the governments must take care to control gene technology

  1. 1.

    What does "these two killers" in the second paragraph refer to?

    1. A.
      Gene technology and another treatment of the two diseases
    2. B.
      The two murderers who killed the cloned baby
    3. C.
      The two diseases of cancer and heart disease
    4. D.
      Hereditary diseases and cancer
  2. 2.

    What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

    1. A.
      How gene technology can be applied in the field of treating hereditary diseases
    2. B.
      Gene technology can be used to clone human babies
    3. C.
      Gene technology can help people to give birth of a baby
    4. D.
      Gene technology can help the English imperial family out
  3. 3.

    In what way gene technology can help to treat hereditary diseases?

    1. A.
      Using gene technology, people with hereditary diseases can have more living days
    2. B.
      Using gene technology, scientist finds the wrong gene and corrects it
    3. C.
      Using gene technology, human babies can be cloned
    4. D.
      Doctors can cure cancer and heart disease with the help of gene technology
  4. 4.

    What is the main purpose of writing this passage?

    1. A.
      Expressing the writer’s idea that gene technology will benefit people
    2. B.
      Telling people the advantages of gene technology
    3. C.
      Telling the readers that gene technology will not benefit people
    4. D.
      Explaining that gene technology will also do harm to the humanity

As you probably know,  J.Paul Getty was one of the richest and moat successful American industrialists in history.Quite ambitious from an early age, Getty made his first million at age 23 in 1916.He later went on to found the Getty oil company, In 1957, Fortune magazine named him the richest living American and in 1966, the Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen.
Although he is highly regarded by vast numbers of people for his financial success, as a younger man, his drive to acquire power and money had a detrimental impact on other aspects of his life, particularly in his relationships with women.He was, at one point quoted assaying "A lasting relationship with a woman is only possible if you are a business failure.” He married five times, having children with four of these wives.He couldn’t seem to keep a marriage going for very long.His obsession with having a fortune and power alienated (疏远) each of his wives, eventually driving them away. His marriage with his first wife Jeanette lasted for only three years, with Allene for two years, Adolphine, four years, Ann, four years, and finally Louise, nineteen years.
Perhaps as a young man, Getty was willing to pay whatever price for financial success.Yet Paul came to feel some regret in regard to his life priorities as he approached his later years when he Wrote: "I hate and regret the failure of my marriages.I would gladly give all of my millions for just one lasting marriage success."
At the end of Getty's life, all of the wealth that he had got meant very little to him.It was only then that he became wise enough to understand what really mattered most.Despite all of his accomplishments, he died with great regret.
It' s a sad story and a cautionary tale for those of us who may have chosen to make career building our highest priority(优先权), thereby ignoring our relationships.Like any other living organism, relationships require care and attention in order to grow.Even the strongest relationships will he damaged, if there is not enough care.

  1. 1.

    What is Paragraph l mainly about?

    1. A.
      People' s admiration for J.Paul Getty.
    2. B.
      How J.Paul Getty led his life.
    3. C.
      J. Paul Getty's achievements.
    4. D.
      How J.Paul Getty became rich.
  2. 2.

    The underlined word "detrimental" in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to "_         ".

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    J.Paul Getty's marriage that lasted for the longest time was with _         

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    At the end of his life, what J.Paul Getty cares about most is the success in              

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What is the author's conclusion from the passage?

    1. A.
      Young people should focus an career - building.
    2. B.
      The strongest relationships between people won't be damaged.
    3. C.
      We should attend to the needs in relationships.
    4. D.
      Successful people don't care about relationships with others.

A victim of climate change

A polar bear's dead body found on the Arctic island of Svalbard, the northernmost part of Norway, has shocked experts who say climate change may be to blame for the animal’s death.The starved polar bear in Norway was said to be in good health in April when the Norwegian Polar Institute examined and labeled it. However, the animal was reduced to skin and bones by the time a group of explorers came across its body in July.
The bear is thought to have been heading north in a desperate search for sea ice that would allow it to hunt for seals.
"From his lying position in death the bear appears to simply have starved and died where he dropped," polar bear expert Dr. Ian Stirling, a professor at the University of Alberta said, "He had external suggestion of any remaining fat, having been reduced to little more than skin and bone."
Stirling believes the bear starved to death as a result of a lack of sea ice which the animals use as a platform for hunting seals. That may also explain why the 16-year-old male bear was found about 155 miles north of where it was seen in April.
Arctic sea ice reached a record low in 2012, according to a report released this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that pointed to continued signs of climate change.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature currently classifies polar bears as vulnerable on its Red List of Threatened Species.

  1. 1.

    How did Stirling know the reason for the death of the polar bear?

    1. A.
      By the food he ate
    2. B.
      By doing further experiments
    3. C.
      By observing other polar bears
    4. D.
      By his lying position in death
  2. 2.

    The underlined word "vulnerable" probably means _____

    1. A.
      easily hurt
    2. B.
      difficult to hunt
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    What is the author's attitude to the incident?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Where does this text probably come from?

    1. A.
      A novel.
    2. B.
      A guidebook
    3. C.
      A news report.
    4. D.
      An advertisement

With more and more cars on the road, traffic jams are inevitable. Traffic jams can lead to increased accidents as there are more cars, with more people trying to get to their destination, all the while getting worse. Although it’s impossible to avoid traffic jams altogether, there are some tips you can follow to reduce the amount of time on the road.
Check for traffic jams before you leave. You can listen to the radio for traffic news, or check on the Internet to get up-to-minute information on traffic. If the route you want to take is heavy with traffic, you can choose another.
Look for a different route permanently. Most traffic jams occur on busy roads. Using country roads could see you avoiding a lot of traffic. Although the distance you may have to travel is further, it can work out quicker.
Set your car radio to receive traffic bulletins. Many new car stereo systems (汽车音响系统) are equipped with a radio system by which you can hear the traffic channel. This way you can get the latest traffic information and change your journey if necessary.
_____________________________. Most traffic jams usually occur during rush hour, so try to avoid this time period if possible. Some jobs offer flexible working hours so that you can travel to work outside of rush hour. Some jobs even allow you to work at home so as to avoid commuting altogether. Ask your manager to see what you can do if traffic is a problem for you.
Use public transport alternatives where available. The easiest way to avoid traffic jams is to take buses or the underground instead of driving your own car. Not only will you avoid traffic jams but you will most likely be saving money as the cost of motoring rises

  1. 1.

    The underlined word “inevitable” in Paragraph 1 probably means ______.

    1. A.
      hard to accept
    2. B.
      impossible to avoid
    3. C.
      getting less serious
    4. D.
      seen everywhere
  2. 2.

    The author wrote the text in order to ______.

    1. A.
      explain why there are traffic jams
    2. B.
      tell us the negative effects of traffic jams
    3. C.
      tell us what we can do on the road
    4. D.
      tell us how to save time on the road
  3. 3.

    To get the latest traffic information, you could do the following EXCEPT ______.

    1. A.
      surfing the Internet
    2. B.
      listening to the radio for traffic news
    3. C.
      listening to the traffic channel
    4. D.
      turning to other drivers for information
  4. 4.

    Which of the following can be put in the blank in the text?

    1. A.
      Choose a job that has flexible working hours
    2. B.
      Try traveling at different time
    3. C.
      Make friends with your manager
    4. D.
      Work from home

Does Fame Drive You Crazy?
Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, today’s star, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. They are at the center of much of the world’s attention. Paparazzi (狗仔队) camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Tabloids (小报) publish thrilling stories about their personal lives. Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature.
According to psychologist Christina Villareal, celebrities — famous people — worry constantly about their public appearance. Eventually, they start to lose track of who they really are, seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names. “Over time,” Villareal says, “they feel separated and alone.”
The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been around for ages. In the 4th century B.C., painters followed
Alexander the Great into battle, hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain (抱怨) about his lack of privacy. Tabloids of the 1920s and 1930s ran articles about film-stars in much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.
Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras. When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.
If fame is so troublesome, why aren’t all celebrities running away from it? The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever made them famous in the first place.
Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. They are tired of being famous already

  1. 1.

    It can be learned from the passage that stars today______.

    1. A.
      are often misunderstood by the public
    2. B.
      can no longer have their privacy protected
    3. C.
      spend too much on their public appearance
    4. D.
      care little about how they have come into fame
  2. 2.

    What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

    1. A.
      Great heroes of the past were generally admired
    2. B.
      The problem faced by celebrities has a long history
    3. C.
      Well-known actors are usually targets of tabloids
    4. D.
      Works of popular writers often have a lot of readers
  3. 3.

    What makes it much harder to be a celebrity today?

    1. A.
      Availability of modern media
    2. B.
      Inadequate social recognition
    3. C.
      Lack of favorable chances
    4. D.
      Huge population of fans
  4. 4.

    What is the author’s attitude toward modern celebrity?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

Restaurants in Europe, the United States and Japan are testing technology to let diners order their food direct from a screen at their table instead of depending on a fellow human being to note their choice.
Besides cutting costs, companies that sell the “e-menus” argue the bytes-for-bites way has a new value that can attract younger customers, and various photographs of steaks and gooey desserts attract diners to order more. It also could extend the TV dinner. How about a computer game dinner?
“It's about impulse-buying,” said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic’s CEO. “If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, the chances are he'll order it.” Frame, a restaurant in Tel Aviv with the system, is said to have its sales on tables with the e-menu increased by about 11% . Customers often call ahead to reserve (预定)spots equipped with screens, manager Natalie Edry told Reporters.
At one of the e-menu tables, IT worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled(争吵)overdesserts. “It’s more visual,” says Uriel, as his children clicked away furiously on a games function between courses. “We can still choose, we can still argue —but it’s much easier when we can all see it.”

  1. 1.

    The following are the advantages of “restaurants with” EXCEPT that ______.

    1. A.
      eating in them is more comfortable
    2. B.
      the restaurants can save a lot of money
    3. C.
      they can attract more youngsters to the restaurants
    4. D.
      customers can see the pictures of their ordered foods
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “impulse—buying” in the 3rd paragraph means______.

    1. A.
      having no idea in buying things
    2. B.
      being uninterested in buying things
    3. C.
      having no patience in buying things
    4. D.
      being encouraged in buying things
  3. 3.

    According to the last paragraph, we know that______.

    1. A.
      customers feel little interest in the e-menus
    2. B.
      e-menus only attract a small number of customers
    3. C.
      it still takes time for e-menus to be widely accepted
    4. D.
      restaurants of this kind are refused by customers
  4. 4.

    This passage might be taken from ______.

    1. A.
      a food guide
    2. B.
      a website
    3. C.
      a traveling magazine
    4. D.
      classic advertisements

There are many dimensions(维) to football's allure(诱惑)and appeal: top-class moves, thrilling goals, majestic star players, thunderous encounters and passionate fans. Football stirs the emotions all over the globe, brings people from contrasting cultures together, and promotes solid virtues such as fairness, team spirit and tolerance. All these facts will emerge in their most intense form at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil next summer.
Millions of people will be transfixed(让…出神)by this unique festival of sport and friendship. We are thoroughly looking forward to football of the highest quality. We're delighted to welcome the biggest names in the sport as well as those nations set to appear at the finals for the first time. And we're looking forward to greeting fans from all over the world as they fill our cities with even more colour and life. A heartfelt welcome to everyone!
Brazil is a cosmopolitan(四海一家的)country with a passion for football. The people will devote themselves to the job of ensuring the 2014 FIFA World Cup is an unforgettable experience, a fact demonstrated by the thousands of ordinary folk who have come forward as volunteers.
Brazil is well prepared to host the FIFA World Cup. We have finished constructing our new, modern stadiums and an outstanding transportation system. The organization is in the enormously capable hands of the Organizing Committee headed by RonaldoLuiz Nazario de Lima. The slogan "A time to make friends" perfectly describes our intention to ensure everyone delighted in a secure and peaceful festival of football.
The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Brazil to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. I am convinced that the flames of passion and togetherness engendered by the FIFA World Cup in Brazil will spread to the entire world.
I'm personally looking forward to a festival of goals, excitement and fair play. We Brazilians will be right behind our national team, but our aim is to act as welcoming hosts and friends to every team and their fans. Passionate and cosmopolitan Brazil is delighted to welcome visitors to the 2014 FIFA World Cup

  1. 1.

    1.The charm of football includes all except ______.

    1. A.
      thrilling goals
    2. B.
      the players
    3. C.
    4. D.
      the fans
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “engendered ” (in Para. 5) is closest in meaning to ______.

    1. A.
      brought about
    2. B.
      handed over
    3. C.
      turned into
    4. D.
      passed down
  3. 3.

    In order to host the World Cup ,Brazil ______.

    1. A.
      has organized groups of passionate fans
    2. B.
      sets up a national team
    3. C.
      has constructed new , modern stadiums
    4. D.
      tries to take a friendly disguise
  4. 4.

    This passage can be classified as ______.

    1. A.
      a news report
    2. B.
      a feature story
    3. C.
      greeting speech
    4. D.
      an advertisement

Increasingly, Americans are becoming their own doctors, by going online to diagnose their symptoms, order home health tests or medical devices, or even self-treat their illnesses with drugs from Internet pharmacies(药店). Some avoid doctors because of the high cost of medical care, especially if they lack health insurance. Or they may stay because they find it embarrassing to discuss their weight, alcohol consumption or couch potato habits. Patients may also fear what they might learn about their health, or they distrust physicians because of negative experiences in the past. But playing doctor can also be a deadly game.  
Every day, more than six million Americans turn to the Internet for medical answers – most of them aren’t nearly skeptical enough of what they find. A 2002 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 72 percent of those surveyed believe all or most of what they read on health websites. They shouldn’t. Look up “headache”, and the chances of finding reliable and complete information, free from a motivation for commercial gain, are only one in ten, reports an April 2005 Brown Medical School study. Of the 169 websites the researchers rated, only 16 scored as “high quality”. Recent studies found faulty facts about all sorts of other disorders, causing one research team to warn that a large amount of incomplete, inaccurate and even dangerous information exists on the Internet.
The problem is most people don’t know the safe way to surf the Web. “They use a search engine like Google, get 18 trillion choices and start clicking. But that’s risky, because almost anybody can put up a site that looks authoritative(权威的), so it’d hard to know if what you’re reading is reasonable or not,” says Dr. Sarah Bass from the National Cancer Institute

  1. 1.

    According to the text, an increasing number of American _____

    1. A.
      are suffering from mental disorders
    2. B.
      turn to Internet pharmacies for help
    3. C.
      like to play deadly games with doctors
    4. D.
      are skeptical about surfing medical websites
  2. 2.

    Some Americans stay away from doctors because they _____

    1. A.
      find medical devices easy to operate
    2. B.
      prefer to be diagnosed online by doctors
    3. C.
      are afraid to face the truth of their health
    4. D.
      are afraid to misuse their health insurance
  3. 3.

    According to the study of Brown Medical School, ______

    1. A.
      more than 6 million Americans distrust doctors
    2. B.
      only 1/10 of medical websites aim to make a profit
    3. C.
      about 1/10 of the websites surveyed are of high quality
    4. D.
      72% of health websites offer incomplete and faulty facts
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is the author’s main argument?

    1. A.
      It’s cheap to self-treat your own illness
    2. B.
      It’s embarrassing to discuss your bad habits
    3. C.
      It’s reasonable to put up a medical website
    4. D.
      It’s dangerous to be your own doctor

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