
According to a new US study, couples who expect their children to help care for them in old age should hope they have daughters because they are likely to be twice as attentive overall.

The research by Angelina Grigoryeva, a sociologist at Princeton University, found that, while women provide as much care for their elderly parents as they can manage, men do as little as they can get away with and often leave it to female family members.

Her analysis of the family networks of 26,000 older Americans concluded that gender(性别) is the most important predictor(预示物) of whether or not people will actively care for elderly parents.

In a paper being presented at the annual conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, she concludes that simply having a sister makes men statistically likely provide less care.

Using data from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study, a study which has been tracking a cross-section of over-50s for the last decade, she calculated that women provide an average of 12.3 hours a month of care for elderly parents while men offer only 5.6 hours.

“Sons reduce their relative care-giving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase theirs when they have a brother.”

“This suggests that sons pass on parent care-giving responsibilities to their sisters.”

In the UK, the 2011 census(人口普查) showed that there are now around 6.5 million people with caring responsibilities, a figure which has risen by a tenth in a decade.

But many are doing so at the risk of their own health. The census showed that those who provide 50 hours or more of care a week while trying to hold down a full-time job are three times more likely to be struggling with ill health than their working counterparts(相对应的人) who are not carers.

1.In the text, what’s the most important factor to predict if people will actively care for the elderly?

A. Career. B. Education.

C. Gender. D. Family networks.

2.The US study finds that _______.

A. sons are twice likely as daughters to care for parents in old age

B. having a sister makes men less likely to do their fair share

C. sons and daughters seem to give equal care to their parents

D. sons are unwilling to leave care-giving responsibilities to female family members

3.What does the author stress in the last paragraph?

A. People should give up their jobs to care for the elderly.

B. Many care providers work longer hours than others.

C. People shouldn’t pass on caring responsibilities to others.

D. Many care providers have potential health problems.

4.The author develops the text by _______.

A. analyzing various research and data

B. describing people’s experiences

C. explaining social networks of careers

D. comparing different gender behavior



It was pouring outside.We all stood there ,some patiently,others annoyed nature messed up (弄糟) their hurried day.I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens .away the dirt and dust of the world.

“Mom ,let’s run through the rain,” a girl’s voice me.

“No,honey.We’ll wait until it down a bit,” Mom replied.

The young girl waited about another minute and ,“Mom,let’s run through the rain.”

“We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said.

“No,we won’t,Mom.That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she .her Mom’s arm.

“This morning? did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”

“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,you said,‘ If God can get us through this,he can get us through .’ ”

The entire crowd turned .Mom paused and thought for a moment about she would say.Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being .But then we heard,“Honey,you are .Let’s run through the rain.If we get wet,maybe we just need washing,” Mom said.Then hey ran.

We all stood ,smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars.Yes,they got wet.But they wer by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the to their cars.Circumstances (境况) or people can take away your material possessions,and they can even take away your .But no one can ever take away your precious .So,don’t forget to make time and take the to make memories every day! I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.

1.A.waiting B.talking C.complaining D.expecting

2.A.as if B.even if C.when D.because

3.A.taking B.washing C.driving D.putting

4.A.broke B.caught C.impressed D.called

5.A.pushes B.comes C.slows D.calms

6.A.asked B.required C.repeated D.added

7.A.felt B.touched C.waved D.pulled

8.A.Why B.When C.How D.Where

9.A.the rain B.the disease C.something D.anything

10.A.silent B.still C.serious D.angry

11.A.whether B.how C.what D.if

12.A.dishonest B.forgetful C.daring D.silly

13.A.stupid B.wrong C.right D.clever

14.A.on B.along C.off D.over

15.A.sighing B.joking C.watching D.discussing

16.A.guided B.followed C.respected D.praised

17.A.way B.time C.same D.best

18.A.health B.money C.house D.time

19.A.children B.courage C.memories D.experience

20.A.possibilities B.challenge C.risk D.opportunities

The African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth, is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big plant-eater, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna(大草原)surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.

It is the elephant’s great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and under-bushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.

Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.

What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

1.What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean?

A. Improving the quality.

C. Fixing the time.

B. Worsening the state.

D. Deciding the conditions.

2.The passage is developed mainly by_________.

A. showing the effect and then explaining the causes

B. giving examples

C. pointing out similarities and differences

D. describing the changes in space order

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.

B. The eating habit of African elephants.

C. Disappearance of African elephants.

D. The effect of African elephants’ search for food.

4.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?

A. They are home to many endangered animals.

B. They result from the destruction of rain forests.

C. They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.

D. They provide food mainly for African elephants.

Students who say they never or hardly ever use dictionaries often speak English well but usually write poorly, because they make many mistakes.

The students who use dictionaries most do not learn especially well either. The ones who look up every new word do not read fast. Therefore they do not have time to read much. Those who use small two-language dictionaries have the worst problems. Their dictionaries often give only one or two words as translations of English. But one English word often has many translations in a foreign language and one foreign word has many translations in English.

The most successful students are those who use large college edition dictionaries with about 100,000 words but do not use them too often. When they are reading, these students first try to get the general idea and understand new words from the context. Then they reread and use the dictionary to look up only key words that they still do not understand. They use dictionaries more for writing. If they are not sure how to spell a word, or divide it into syllables (音节), they always use a dictionary. Also, if they think a noun might have an unusual plural form, they check these in a dictionary.

1.The writer thinks that .

A. choose a good dictionary, and you’ll be successful in learning English

B. dictionaries are not necessary to the students who learn English

C. it is very important for students to use good dictionaries properly

D. using dictionaries very often can’t help to improve writing

2. According to the passage, which of the following is wrong?

A. Dictionaries have little effect on learning to speak English.

B. Whatever new words you meet while reading, never use dictionaries.

C. Small two-language dictionaries have serious defects (缺陷).

D. Reading something for the first time, you’d better not use dictionaries.

3.When in the reading does the writer advise students to use a good dictionary?

A. At the beginning of the reading

B. At the end of the reading

C. During the first reading

D. After the first reading

4.This passage mainly tells us .

A. students shouldn’t use small two-language dictionaries

B. what were the defects of small two-language dictionaries

C. why students should use large college edition dictionaries

D. what dictionary students should choose and how to use it

Most Westerners—particularly most Americans—are not nearly as concerned about protocol (礼节) in social matters as Chinese people are. America is a nation of immigrants. It’s made up of people from all over the world, all of whom bring their own traditions and habits with them. Thus you needn’t worry much about “proper” behavior(举止):who sits next to whom at the dinner table, what is the suitable dress for the occasion, etc. , unless you receive a formal invitation to a dinner or party.

Americans are very direct people. When you want something you say “Yes” and when you don’t, you say “No”. If you want something different from what is offered, you ask for it. Westerners will not ask you again and again or try to press something on you after you have said you don’t want it. In fact, if you say “No” when you really want something to drink or to eat, you may find yourself very thirsty or hungry.

But there are a few Western customs which are very important and you should try at all times to observe.A Westerner doesn’t leave his paper or cloth on the table. He puts it on his lap where it’s supposed to protect his clothes from spilled food or uses it to wipe his hand or mouth when necessary.

A Westerner doesn’t put his own fork, knife or spoon into a serving bowl. He uses it in the bowl to put some of the food on his own plate, and then returns the serving fork(knife or spoon) to the bowl.

A Westerner doesn’t spit food anywhere. If he has bones in his mouth, he takes them out with his fingers and places them on the edge of his plate, never on the table or floor.

A Westerner doesn’t belch(打嗝) out loud. If he does, he says “Excuse me” quietly and goes on with the conversation.

1.People in America __________.

A. come from different countries in the world

B. mainly come from Europe

C. mainly come from Asia

D. come from China

2.If you are hungry, and you still say you don’t want to eat, then __________.

A. a Westerner will ask you again and again

B. you will be forced to eat

C. you will feel glad and happy

D. you will surely find yourself hungry still

3.According to the passage, Westerners __________.

A. care what they wear very much

B. care who offers the first toast at dinner

C. do the same things as Chinese do

D. don’t care what you wear, who sits next to whom

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