

Who has deprived the children's happiness of learning???

Children are born with a natural desire of learning. They are curios and concerned about   36   around them. They are   37   to learn anything that amazes them. They have so many   38   that they keep on asking. They can bore the   39   all day long with many   40   questions which they will never feel bored with. Why? This is because learning is their   41    , perhaps an instinct of human beings. They just can't help. But   42    , they feel bored with learning, especially when learning becomes a boring   43    for them, especially after school has become a    44   of their life, especially when they have to   45    teachers who tell them again and again to   46    to recite and memorize things they don't want to learn, and especially   47    they realize school is not what they once    48    to be but something that, according to their parents, they must rely on in order to   49   a good fame or a good job or a good future. That is to say, learning has become a   50   , which they are forced or   51   to face. So it is the teachers and parents who have thrown the heavy   52   on the children. And meanwhile, the competitive society is also to blame. The children have been   53   of their pleasure and happiness that they could have enjoyed from the natural learning.

Therefore, my   54   to the students’ learning is that they   55   enjoy learning, enjoy the pleasure that they could feel from learning itself. Find back the long lost desire and curiosity of learning in their childhood.

36.A.nothing                  B.anything                 C.everything              D.something

37.A.curious                  B.proud                    C.nervous                  D.eager

38.A.questions                   B.reactions                 C.problems                D.troubles

39.A.students              B.adults                    C.parents                   D.teachers

40.A.funny                     B.boring                   C.bored                     D.practical

41.A.ability                    B.excuse                    C.characteristic           D.nature

42.A.gradually                   B.eventually               C.however                 D.therefore

43.A.duty                          B.exercise                 C.task                      D.remark

44.A.pleasure                  B.part                      C.occasion                 D.success

45.A.face                   B.follow                    C.escape                    D.imitate

46.A.repeat                    B.copy                       C.report                     D.reply

47.A.before                    B.since                      C.after                       D.when

48.A.forbidden            B.attracted                 C.intended                 D.expected

49.A.require                  B.achieve                  C.earn                      D.indicate

50.A.promise                 B.service                   C.must                      D.choice

51.A.pleased                  B.recommended        C.obliged                  D.experienced

52.A.burden                   B.confidence              C.difficulty                D.challenge

53.A.informed                   B.deprived               C.accused                  D.approved

54.A.encouragement     B.persuation              C.suggestion              D.decision

55.A.must                   B.should                   C.might                     D.could

36---55    CDABB   DACBA   ADDBC   CABCB  



36.C  解答该题的关键是要准确区别anything与everything在肯定句中所表达的意义。关心一切事情,含有整体性,应用everything,anything用于肯定句时,表示强调,该句没有强调之意。

37.D  eager渴望的,be eager to do sth.渴望作某事;curious 好奇的;

38.A  question 有疑而问,并且有待回答的问题; reaction(to)对......的反应;problem“问题、习题”,着重指客观存在的亟待解决的“问题”,尤其指棘手或难以解决的“问题”。Troubles“麻烦”,不和题意。

39.B  adults包括parents和teachers;显然不是students。

40.B  boring指的是“令人厌倦的”,指事物让人觉的厌倦;tired意为“疲劳的,厌倦的”,通常是由于过度疲劳等引起的疲劳;practical“实际的”。

41.D  nature“本性;性质”;excuse“借口,理由”;characteristic意为“特征;特色”,比较注重外在的; ability “能力,才干;技能”。意思为“学习是他们的天性”。

42.A  gradually“逐渐地;逐步地”,表示事态的发展;eventually“最后,最后”,表示某事的结果;however “然而;仍然”,表转折;therefore“因此,所以”,表示因果关系。

43.C  task“任务, 工作“;duty”义务,责任;职务”;exercise“运动,训练”;remark 非正式评论。

44.B  part“部分,角色,作用”;...pleasure“愉快,快乐,乐趣,乐事”;occasion“场合,时刻;时机”;success“成功,成就,成功的人或事”。

45.A  face“面对”;follow“遵照,采用,仿效;听懂”;imitate“模仿,仿效”;/ escape“逃跑,逃脱”;control“控制”。下文也提到。

46.A  repeat“重复,重说,重做;背诵”copy “抄写;复印”; report“汇报,报告”;reply“答复,回答”。句意为“……重复背诵一些记忆性的东西。”

47.D  when“当……时候”;when,before和after都是从属连词,表示时间先后;since既可表时间,也可表原因。根据句意,可知选when。

48.D  expect“期望”;forbidden“禁止”;attract“吸引,引起”;intended“想要,打算”;

49.B  “……为了获得好的荣誉,工作和将来”。achieve“得到,获得,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得”,正合题意;require“需要;要求”;earn“赚;挣得”,指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇;indicate“表明”。

50.C  “学习成了一种必须做的事情”。must此处为名词“必须做的事情”;如To learn English well is a must. 学好英语是非常必要的。promise“承诺”;service;“服务,帮助”;choice“选择(机会),抉择”。

51.C  obliged:迫使,用于be obliged to do sth.被迫干某事;recommend“推荐,介绍;劝告”;please“使高兴,请”;experience“经历”。

52.A  根据上文“是老师和父母把沉重的担子加在了他们身上”。burden“担子,重担”;confidence“信任;信赖;信心”;difficulty“困难;难事;困境”;challenge“挑战”。

53.B  “孩子们被剥夺了幸福和快乐”。deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人某事;be (well) informed of(about)“对......消息灵通”;accuse sb. of... 控告某人犯有......;approve(of)“赞成, 满意”。

54.C  根据上下文看,此处应是作者的建议(suggestion)。Encouragement“鼓励,激励”;persuasion “劝说,说服”;decision“决定,决议”。

55.B  根据上文既然是建议,学习就应该(should)是享受学习,…….。其他不和语境。



       In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some   36    it highly, believing that it is   37   for social progress and prosperity. Others say that   38   is bad, that it sets one person against another; that it   39   unfriendly relationship between people.

I have taught many children who held the   40   that their self-worth relied on how well they   41    at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and –death affairs.  In their single-minded   42   of success, the development of many other human qualities is   43   forgotten.

   44   , while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take a(n)   45   attitude. In a culture valuing only the winner and   46   to the ordinary players, they strongly   47   competition. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or   48   success.  By not trying, they always have a(n)   49  :“I may have lost, but it doesn’t matter   50   I really didn’t try.”   51    , this belief is the same as    52   of the true competitors trying to prove themselves. Both are based on the   53   belief that one’s self-respect relies on how well one performs in    54   with others.  Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)  55   a new meaning in competition.

36.A.benefit                   B.influences                     C.value                     D.impress

37.A.cheerful                 B.meaningful            C.comfortable           D.responsible

38.A.competition            B.ability                   C.knowledge             D.challenge

39.A.runs into            B.leads to                 C.comes from            D.begins with

40.A.promise               B.belief                    C.dream                   D.task

41.A.planned                 B.performed             C.delivered               D.practiced

42.A.pursuit                   B.memory                 C.behalf                   D.search

43.A.shyly                     B.cheerfully              C.sadly                     D.faithfully

44.A.Therefore               B.Meanwhile            C.However                   D.Afterwards

45.A.proper                    B.suitable                  C.confident              D.opposite

46.A.paying no attention        B.pays less attention        C.paid more attention D.pays no attention

47.A.excuse                   B.blame                    C.charge                   D.trust

48.A.enjoy                     B.apply                     C.receive                  D.achieve

49.A.opinion                  B.explanation           C.excuse                   D.reason

50.A.unless                    B.so                          C.while                     D.because

51.A.Firmly                   B.Naturally              C.Unfortunately       D.Clearly

52.A.that                      B.one                        C.it                           D.this

53.A.mistaken            B.different                C.single                    D.common

54.A.consequence           B.comparison           C.connection            D.common

55.A.we can discover       B.can we discover     C.can discover           D.we discover

In modern society there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some   36   it highly, believing that it is   37   for social progress and prosperity. Others say that   38  is bad, that it sets one person against another; that it   39  unfriendly relationship between people.
I have taught many children who held the   40  that their self-worth relied on how well they   41    at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life-and –death affairs.  In their single-minded   42  of success, the development of many other human qualities is   43  forgotten.
44   , while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take a(n)   45  attitude. In a culture valuing only the winner and   46  to the ordinary players, they strongly   47   competition. They seem to seek failure by not trying to win or   48  success.  By not trying, they always have a(n)   49 :“I may have lost, but it doesn’t matter   50  I really didn’t try.”   51    , this belief is the same as    52  of the true competitors trying to prove themselves. Both are based on the   53  belief that one’s self-respect relies on how well one performs in    54   with others.  Both are afraid of not being valued. Only as this basic and often troublesome fear begins to dissolve(缓解)  55   a new meaning in competition.
36.A.benefit                  B.influences                     C.value                     D.impress
37.A.cheerful                 B.meaningful            C.comfortable           D.responsible
38.A.competition           B.ability                   C.knowledge             D.challenge
39.A.runs into           B.leads to                 C.comes from            D.begins with
40.A.promise              B.belief                   C.dream                   D.task
41.A.planned                B.performed             C.delivered              D.practiced
42.A.pursuit                  B.memory                 C.behalf                   D.search
43.A.shyly                    B.cheerfully              C.sadly                     D.faithfully
44.A.Therefore              B.Meanwhile            C.However                  D.Afterwards
45.A.proper                   B.suitable                  C.confident              D.opposite
46.A.paying no attention        B.pays less attention        C.paid more attention D.pays no attention
47.A.excuse                  B.blame                    C.charge                   D.trust
48.A.enjoy                     B.apply                     C.receive                 D.achieve
49.A.opinion                  B.explanation          C.excuse                   D.reason
50.A.unless                    B.so                         C.while                    D.because
51.A.Firmly                   B.Naturally              C.Unfortunately      D.Clearly
52.A.that                      B.one                        C.it                           D.this
53.A.mistaken           B.different                C.single                    D.common
54.A.consequence          B.comparison           C.connection            D.common
55.A.we can discover       B.can we discover     C.can discover           D.we discover

Who has deprived the children's happiness of learning???
Children are born with a natural desire of learning. They are curios and concerned about   36  around them. They are   37  to learn anything that amazes them. They have so many   38   that they keep on asking. They can bore the   39  all day long with many   40  questions which they will never feel bored with. Why? This is because learning is their   41   , perhaps an instinct of human beings. They just can't help. But   42   , they feel bored with learning, especially when learning becomes a boring   43   for them, especially after school has become a    44  of their life, especially when they have to   45   teachers who tell them again and again to   46    to recite and memorize things they don't want to learn, and especially  47    they realize school is not what they once    48   to be but something that, according to their parents, they must rely on in order to   49  a good fame or a good job or a good future. That is to say, learning has become a   50  , which they are forced or   51   to face. So it is the teachers and parents who have thrown the heavy   52  on the children. And meanwhile, the competitive society is also to blame. The children have been   53   of their pleasure and happiness that they could have enjoyed from the natural learning.
Therefore, my   54  to the students’ learning is that they   55   enjoy learning, enjoy the pleasure that they could feel from learning itself. Find back the long lost desire and curiosity of learning in their childhood.
36.A.nothing                 B.anything                 C.everything             D.something
37.A.curious                 B.proud                    C.nervous                  D.eager
38.A.questions                 B.reactions                 C.problems                D.troubles
39.A.students            B.adults                   C.parents                   D.teachers
40.A.funny                     B.boring                  C.bored                     D.practical
41.A.ability                   B.excuse                    C.characteristic           D.nature
42.A.gradually                 B.eventually               C.however                 D.therefore
43.A.duty                         B.exercise                 C.task                      D.remark
44.A.pleasure                 B.part                      C.occasion                 D.success
45.A.face                  B.follow                    C.escape                    D.imitate
46.A.repeat                   B.copy                       C.report                     D.reply
47.A.before                   B.since                      C.after                       D.when
48.A.forbidden          B.attracted                C.intended                 D.expected
49.A.require                  B.achieve                 C.earn                       D.indicate
50.A.promise                B.service                   C.must                     D.choice
51.A.pleased                  B.recommended         C.obliged                 D.experienced
52.A.burden                  B.confidence              C.difficulty                D.challenge
53.A.informed                 B.deprived              C.accused                  D.approved
54.A.encouragement   B.persuation              C.suggestion             D.decision
55.A.must                 B.should                  C.might                     D.could

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