
9.I'm sorry,but I didn't mean to hurt you.Can you           me?(  )

分析 很抱歉,我不是有意要伤害你.你能原谅我吗

解答 答案是D.本题考查动词词义辨析.A项表示"获得,增加";B项表示"排满意,满足";C项表示"道歉";D项表示"原谅";根据句意,"你能原谅我吗",所以答案选择D项,其它选项不符合逻辑.

点评 本题考查动词词义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的词汇和搭配,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将词义和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.

19.You're in your 20s,but the 20s are just like any other life stage; they pass by and before you knew it,they are gone.Don't let them pass by and leave you with regrets.(36)B
1.Staying in an unhealthy relationship
Your 20s will play an important role in shaping who you are.(37)FIf the relationship is not making both of you into a better person,then maybe you should take a step back and ask yourself if it's still worth it.
2.Spending money carelessly
Buying whatever you want and eating out almost every d ay may make you feel good at the moment but it will make you poor in the long run.(38)D
So choose where to spend your money on.Make sure that you spend it on things that will move you forward towards your financial goals.
3.Sticking to a dead-end job
Have you also thought of the time and energy you're wasting on a job that doesn't suit your skills,strengths,and i nterests?If you haven't figured out yet what your dream job is,then use this stage to find out what it is.
Start creating a list of career ideas that you think will suit your strengths and interests then get your feet wet.(39)Gsteps may not instantly take you to your dream job but it helps build the bridge to get you there.
4.Giving up dreams for fear of failure
Fear is a powerful emotion.You feel it especially if you're chasing something that's bigger than yourself.(40)AWhether you dream of traveling the world or starting your own business,don't let the fear of failure keep you from taking action.
The most successful people have too felt the fear but what sets them apart from the rest is that they took action anyway.

A.But don't let it stop you.
B.Learn from these common mistakes people in their 20s make.
C.If you want to make more money,you can take more jobs at the same time.
D.Remember that your financial choices today will make an impact on your future.
E.We are whatever we eat and do,so pay attention to our behaviors wherever we are.
F.It is the stage that you get to know better what you want for yourself and from a partner.
G.Ask people who are in these industries about the job and what needs to be done to take you there.
19.How to Treat a Victim of an Electric Shock
Electric shock accidents are caused by an electric current from a mechanical source passing through the body.The effects from a shock can be anything from pain to instant death.(36)E
※1.Do not put yourself in danger.If the victim is still in contact with the electric current,you must be careful to avoid being shocked yourself.(37)D
※2.Break the current.Before you can do anything else,you must get the victim free from the current.There are two ways to do this:
(38)CTurn off the current at the circuit breaker or fuse(保险丝)box.This is the preferred action.
If no shut-off is immediately available,use a non-conducting item to move the victim,such as a wooden stick,blanket,or rope.If they are holding onto a wire or other conductor,attempt to knock their hand (s) free with a stick or dry towel.
※3.(39)B  Make certain to report that the victim is suffering from an electric shock; tell the operator to request that any responding police have an AED(Automatic External Defibrilator 自动体外除颤器)available.Also tell the operator if you have not been able to remove or disable the source of electricity.
※4.If the victim is unconscious,check to see if they are breathing and have a pulse.Electric shocks may knock the person unconscious and stop the heart.
※5.(40)F Other injuries may have occurred that you are unaware of due to the movement.
※6.Cover the victim in a blanket and stay with them until help arrives.Do not leave them alone.Take steps to prevent or lessen the degree of hurt from the shock.

A.Wait for help to arrive.
B.Call for emergency assistance.
C.Shut off the current at the poser box.
D.You cannot help if you become a victim,too.
E.Knowing what to do in case of an electric shock could save a life.
F.Do not attempt to move the victim unless they are in further danger.
G.In the process of treating the victim,one will need to obtain water or ice for cooling purposes.

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