2. ¡ªLily,I heard that you did well in the exam.


¡ªThank you. I thought I £¬ but in fact I was among the top ten.

   A. should have failed   B. couldn¡¯t have failed

   C. might have failed   D. needn¡¯t have failed

2. C

2. C½âÎö:¾äÒ⣺¡°ÀòÀò£¬ÎÒÌý˵ÄãÕâ´Î¿¼ÊÔ ¿¼µÃºÜºÃ¡£×£ºØÄã!¡±¡°Ð»Ð»£¬ÎÒÔ­ÒÔΪ»á²» ¼°¸ñµÄ£¬µ«ÊÂʵÉÏÎÒÅÅÔÚÁËÇ°Ê®Ãû¡£¡±±íʾ¶Ô ¹ýÈ¥ÊÂÇé°ÑÎÕ²»´óµÄÍƲ⣬ÓÃmight have done¡£

should have done±íʾ¡°±¾Ó¦¸Ã×öij ÊÂ(ʵ¼ÊÉÏû×öcouldn¡¯t have done±íʾ ¶Ô¹ýÈ¥·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÇéµÄ·ñ¶¨ÍƲ⣻needn¡¯t ha% done±íʾ¡°±¾Ã»ÓбØÒª×öijÊÂ(ʵ¼ÊÉÏ ×öÁË) ¡±¡£




All living beings have enemies. And they all have developed interesting ways to keep them at bay. Some animals hide,others run,or just fly away when faced with danger. These are their defence methods.

Some animals can hide without moving. They have the unique ability to change their colour according to the change of the surroundings. They become invisible to the predator (ÁÔʳÕß) . This method of defence is called ¡°camouflage¡±.

The most common example of an animal which uses camouflage is the chameleon (±äÉ«Áú) . If it is on a green leaf,it turns green and if it is on a brown branch,it turns brown.

Some rabbits change colour with the change of the season. The snowshoe hare is brown in summer and white in winter. The white fur serves as camouflage in the snow in winter.

Many non-poisonous snakes take on colours similar to poisonous snakes in order to scare off enemies. This form of defence is called mimicry (Ä£·Â) . Some poisonous snakes have very bright colours to warn enemies. This form of defence is called ¡°warning colouration¡±.

There is a kind of fish called the puffer fish which uses an extraordinary device to keep predators away. It swells up (ÅòÕÍ) like a balloon when it is attacked.Then,its attacker finds it difficult to swallow it.

Animals which cannot protect themselves in these ways develop other means to do so. Some have claws and teeth which they use to fight;others have poison fangs. Snakes bite,bees sting and skunks give off an unpleasant smelling liquid to ward off enemies.

36. Camouflage refers to a method in which animals

   A. use bright colour to attract other animals

   B. change shape to fit in with the surroundings

   C. change colour to cheat their enemies

   D. hide away to catch other animals

37. Which of the following uses the method of ^mim-icry¡±£¿

   A. The chameleon. B. A kind of rabbit.

   C. Snakes. D. Fish.

38. The puffer fish swells up like a balloon when it is attacked to .

   A. frighten away its enemies

   B. avoid being swallowed

   C. fight with its enemies

   D. swim faster

39. The underlined word ¡°fangs¡± in the last paragraph probably refers to .

   A. teeth   B. ears   C. fingers   D. eyes

40. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. How animals find food.

   B. Why animals are so clever.

   C. Why animals change colour.

   D. How animals defend themselves.

Forget open beaches and seaside resorts. Go to Pripyat,a city near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Part city exploration experience,part real-life video game,the tour is now being provided by several Ukrainian travel companies.

On the day of the tour,curious visitors of all ages and countries¡ªmany from the US and Western Europe¡ªgathered in the Ukrainian capital city,Kiev,and boarded a tour bus destined for Pripyat. This used to be a successful blue-collar town until the nuclear meltdown. Today,well-maintained freeways fall away to two-way highways,which finally give way to beaten old roads as one nears the edge of the Exclusion Zone ¡ªthe 30km radius around the infamous power plant.

After a brief direction which tour guides insisted that the levels of radiation experienced by visitors are similar to the exposure they had on the flight to Ukraine¡ªwe were driven beyond the checkpoint into the Exclusion Zone.

Pripyat was founded as a city for the power plant's workers. Nowadays,its once busy streets have been changed into narrow gravelly trails between breakdown buildings,and small decorative trees that at one time lined the sidewalks have returned the area to the forest it was in days past.

The tour continued inside some of the buildings. This hotel room would once have been warm and cozy,but not any more. You can see a tree growing in the room. There was a huge amount of old paint,broken windows,and wood. As Pripyat people were told it would only be a short-term evacuation,most of their personal belongings were left behind. We carefully stepped around the ruined objects littering the floor and had the unique experience of seeing a building frozen in time for over 25 years.

Part of the tour took place in the old school. And although this is definitely one of the most disturbing parts¡ªthe rows of desks covered in dust that scatter the floor are frightening,it is also one of the sites that has been the most disturbed by visitors.

51. According to the passage,Pripyat was a city .

   A. where visitors came to enjoy its beauty

   B. where most people worked at factories

   C. where the whole town was powered by nuclear

   D. where freeways fell down on the highways

52. We can infer from the third paragraph that .

   A. radiation can spread throughout tfie whole Ukraine

   B. tour guides force travelers into the Exclusion Zone

   C. the radiation near the Zone does no harm to visitors

   D. visitors are asked to travel by plane to the Zone

53. The fourth paragraph is mainly about .

   A. the deep forest in Pripyat

   B. the ruins of the power plant

   C. the narrow streets in Pripyat

   D. the surroundings of Pripyat

54. The fifth paragraph implies that people thought.

   A. they could return to their home soon

   B. they could defeat nature in 25 years

   C. they could experience the feeling of time-frozen.

   D. they didn't need their personal belongings 

55. What kind of tourism is the passage about?

   A. Business tourism.

   B. Disaster tourism.

   C. Adventurous tourism.

   D. Eco-friendly tourism

In today's market,buying toys and games can be expensive. The secret to saving money is knowing where and when to buy them. Whether you want new or slightly used items,there are plenty of places to look and you can really save money.

Thrift (½ÚÔ¼) 

Stores Thrift stores offer great deals on slightly used toys and games. Not only can you shop for items that you want,many thrift stores will give you cash or credit for turning in your old items.

Garage and Yard Sales Spring is the best time to find great deals at neighbourhood garage and yard sales. This is a great way to save money on toys and games. Look at your local paper or online classifieds for community sales.

Online Bargains 

Find great deals on toys and games online with resources such as Craigslist and eBay. Not only can you find low prices on new and used items,but you can even get free items within driving distance on your local Craigslist. Many people want to give away items quickly and will post different items daily,including toys and games for children and adults.

If you are looking for a particular toy or game,use eBay. Sign up for a free account,then search and make instant purchases. Don¡¯t forget to consider the amount that's being charged for shipping and handling. Sometimes it's cheaper to wait for a sale at your local store to avoid high shipping charges.

Store Sales 

Watch for sales on toys and games. You can often get instant discounts by signing up for a credit card with that particular store. When you have a department store credit card,you will get additional coupons to help you save more money.

Most stores offer the lowest prices on games and toys during or directly after the winter holidays. Shop at night or early in the morning during Black Friday sales. Don¡¯t forget to check online for clearance specials. You can often get free shipping as well.

46. What plays an important part in saving money in buying toys and games?

   A. Where they are produced.

   B. When and where to buy.

   C. Your character.

   D. The local price of goods.

47. Where can you sell your used toys?

   A. Thrift Stores.

   B. Garage and Yard Sales.

   C. Online Bargains.

   D. Store Sales.

48. According to Online Bargains,    .

   A. we can't find free toys online

   B. we can get a special toy from Craigslist

   C. shipping charges are always not high

   D. we have many chances to save money

49. The underlined word ¡°coupons¡± most probably refers to .

   A. rewards   B. gifts

   C. benefits   D. expenses

50. The author's purpose in writing the passage is to.

   A. introduce some ways of saving money on toys and games

   B. give us some advice on how to buy toys and games online

   C. persuade us to purchase toys and games in the market

   D. share a way of making money by selling toys

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