
  We learned something was happening when one of the ship’s officers came up to the chief engineer, who was sitting at the table, and spoke to him in a low voice.The chief engineer got up at once, and with a short excuse, left the dining-room.We thought that there had been an accident or that a fire had broken out.We soon noticed that the ship was slowing down, and then, with a sudden violent motion, it began to turn around, some of the passengers stopped eating and rushed up to the deck.Others crowded around the ship windows and we finally joined the watchers.

  It turned out that one of the sailors had seen a man in the ocean some distance from the ship.The captain had then ordered the ship to be turned around at once.A lifeboat had already been lowered into the water.In it were four sailors, an officer and the ship’s doctor.About two hundred yards away, the man was seen holding on something that looked like a broken part of a small fishing boat.

  The lifeboat finally reached the man, who was then pulled into the boat.Why, then, was the man floating on the ocean?He had missed the ship and decided to try to catch it in his fishing boat, and he made it!


Why did the officer whisper(低声说)to the chief engineer?Because ________.

[  ]


there was something he didn’t want the others to learn


the passengers didn’t like any noise when they are eating


no one was allowed to speak louder than a whisper


he had got the habit of talking in a low voice


Later it became known that ________.

[  ]


there had been an accident on the ship


a fire had broken out


a man was seen in the ocean in the distance


the ship slowed down for a violent motion


What did the passengers do when they learned the news?

[  ]


All of them went on eating.


They could do nothing but stand on the ship and watch.


Four of them went to save the man in the lifeboat.


Hearing the news they stopped to eat at once.


Why was the man floating on the ocean?

[  ]


He carelessly fell into the water from his boat.


He was swimming with the help of his fishing boat.


He fell into the water while he was fishing.


He tried to catch the ship that he had missed in his fishing boat.


In the story the last sentence “and he made it”means ________.

[  ]


he made the fishing boat himself


it was he who had made all this trouble for the passengers


he finally succeeded


he made this joke

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