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E-books are a relatively recent invention. They are popular for a great many of reasons. An e-reader takes up much less rooms in a suitcase: perfect for people who had to take several books on holiday. Besides, lots of people don’t reread books; an e-reader mean they don’t end up with a house filling with books they’ll never look at again. People say they’re more environmentally friendly: no trees cut down for paper, or no ink is needed. However successfully these devices are, nothing can beat an appeal of a genuine book for me. After all, if I’m short in cash, I can always go to the library and borrow books for free!


The life expectancy is the length of time that a person is normally likely to live. As it increases nowadays, the average person lives beyond the age of retirement. As a result, the elderly make up an ever-increasing percentage of society, which makes it more important to make effort to improve the lives of senior citizens.

First of all, one way would be to make sure that the elderly have enough money on which to live. Obviously, when a person stops working, they still require a source of income to cover their basic needs such as food, accommodation and heating. A clear solution to the problem is for the government to make sure that the state pension(养老金) is enough for these needs.

Measures should also be taken to overcome the health problems the elderly face. The government should also provide access to the best health care available, which may necessitate paying for residential homes where the elderly can have round-the-clock nursing, or, at least, providing medication free of charge to all people over a certain age.

If we try to address the problem of social isolation (社交孤立), the lives of old people could be improved. If we organize trips for the elderly to community centers, visits from social workers, their problem of loneliness can be reduced a lot which marks the lives of so many old people living alone and far from their families.

The last helpful suggestion is to change the attitude of the community towards its older members, who are all too often seen as a burden on society. We need to be taught from an early age to respect the views of old people, and appreciate their broader experience of life. This would help society as a whole, and encourage appreciation of the role that old people can still play today.

1.What does underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. time B. retirement

C. life expectancy D. age

2.What factors affected the old people’s life?

a. the state pension

b. the basic needs

c. the attitude of the community

d. the experience of life

e. social isolation

f. medical care

A. b, c, d, e B. a, b, c, d

C. a, c, e, f D. c, d, e, f

3.According to the last suggestion, the old people ___________.

A. should be respected by all of us

B. may be regarded as our heavy burden

C. must change their attitude to the community

D. have to gather more life experience

About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.

He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child came out, but a brick sailed out and — WHUMP! — it hit the Jag’s shiny black side door! SCREECH...!!!! Immediately Josh stopped the car, jumped out, seized the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what are you doing?!" Building up a head of steam, he went on. " That’s my new car and that brick you threw is going to cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"

"Please, mister, please....I’m sorry! I didn’t know what else to do!" begged the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" Tears were streaming down the boy’s face as he pointed around the parked car. "It’s my brother, Mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb (路沿) and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up. " Sobbing, the boy asked the businessman," Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.

Moved beyond words, the young businessman tried hard to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK.

“Thank you ,sir.And God bless you,” the grateful child said to him. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long walk back to the black, shining 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE — a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming at you.

1.The boy threw a brick at the businessman’s car because ________.

A. the businessman drove at a high speed

B. he envied the brand-new car very much

C. he wanted to ask for some money

D. he wanted to get help from the driver

2.Which of the following is the right order of the story?

A. The younger brother threw a brick at Josh’s car.

B. The elder brother fell out of his wheelchair.

C. The younger brother begged Josh for help.

D. Josh lifted the elder brother back into his wheelchair.

E. Josh shouted at the younger brother.

A.b, a, e, c, d B. a, c, d, b, e

C. b, a, c, e, d D. a, c, b, e, d

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Josh would accept the money from the kids.

B. The two kids were Josh’s neighbors.

C. Josh was a kind-hearted man.

D. Josh’s new car broke down easily.

4.According to the passage, the last sentence means ________.

A. trying to get ready for the trouble in your future life

B. driving fast in a neighborhood street is dangerous

C. trying to be more understanding seeing others in trouble

D. protecting oneself from being hurt


Some people would have you believe that being fat is the worst thing you can be. They think that if a person is fat they have no life, no love, no reason to want to look good in their clothes. The sad thing is that many people who are fat do feel the same loathing toward themselves and others who are overweight or obese.

I know what I’m talking about because I have been there. I have been that fat girl who wore big T-shirts to cover my “sins”. Forget style. Forget fashion sense. I absolutely had none. I didn’t even bother getting haircuts for years, just wore my hair long and straight, pulled back in a ponytail, I have to wonder if the reason the fashion industry has ignored plus sized women and children for so long is because plus sized people, feeling they couldn’t possibly look great, didn’t bother shopping for new clothes, and therefore no profit was to be found by producing those sizes.

For me, the change that improved my outer look actually started with my outlook on life. I started by being grateful for all I do have, like great health, a stable family, a steady income, freedom, a decent home, the ability to see the trees turn orange in the fall, to hear my grandson humming in the back seat, to remember the great times I’ve had in my life.

I started to focus on all the positive aspects of the life I already had. I actually started to feel the beauty of the Universe all around me and to realize that I am part of that perfection. The self loathing stopped. I noticed all the people in my life who loved me in spite of my size. I got off the pity pot and smiled at myself. I acknowledged my shame and embarrassment and moved through that too.

1.We can learn from the first paragraph that ________.

A. a fat person is easy be taken away by others’ viewpoint

B. fat people always have a low opinion of themselves

C. fat people usually envy others who are slim

D. fat people usually have pity on each other

2.According to the author, the fashion industry ________.

A. makes a lot of money by making clothes for fat people

B. does not bother to make clothes for fat people

C. targets on fat people mainly for the purpose of making profit

D. looking down upon fat people too

3.What does the author think is the most important to lead a happy life?

A. One’s view on life.

B. The support and care from others.

C. Neglecting others’ views.

D. Focusing on one’s inner beauty.

4.The author is probably ________.

A. an expert at weight loss

B. a girl who is troubled by her weight

C. an old woman who is much careful with her appearance

D. an old lady who is happy with almost everything

Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area. Not all historical buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasons — for example, economic reasons — why they should be preserved. So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do then if a new building is needed?

In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style. Indeed, there are many examples in my own hometown of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings. As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate (影响) its surroundings too much, it often improves the attractiveness of the area.

It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt (破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too. Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas. I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative(保守的) and do not like change.

Although we have to respect people’s feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward. If we always reproduced what was there before, we would all still be living in caves. Thus, I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different, even though that might be the more risky choice.

1.What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph?

A. Most of them are too expensive to preserve.

B. They are more pleasing than modern buildings.

C. They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.

D. Some of them are not attractive.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?

A. Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.

B. We should reproduce the same old buildings.

C. Buildings should not dominate their surroundings.

D. No one understands why people speak against new buildings.

3.By “move things forward” in the last paragraph, the author probably means “________”.

A. destroy old buildings

B. put things in a different place

C. choose new architectural style

D. respect people’s feelings for historical buildings

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain why people dislike change.

B. To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.

C. To warn that we could end up living in caves.

D. To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.

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