Lisa: My best teacher is my geography teacher in 10th grade. Why? Because we did school projects! Back then I wrote about India and never forgot what I had learned. He brought the culture to life by letting me become part of it. He also listened to us and was always ready with a kind word.

David: My best teacher is my high school social studies and history teacher, Thomas Ladenburg. He respected us, though we were just teenagers. His class was never boring because he often asked us to discuss in class. He used his own materials which made the class very interesting.

Henry: My best ever teacher is my biology teacher in high school. I really liked her class. She explained everything very clearly. She also checked our notebooks to make sure we had written down what she said. Now, many years later, I can still remember a large part of the things she taught!

Susan: The best teacher I have ever had is my 10th grade social studies teacher. She was always in a good mood and kept us laughing. She was really young, so she acted like us teenagers, which made learning fun. If we needed to talk to an adult about a problem, we would always come to her because we knew she could help us.

Tom: My favourite teacher is Mr. Yelle. He taught us math, science and music. He spoke to us “at eye level”, and was very patient and kind. We did great projects for the science fairs. Forty years later, I still remember his lessons very well. By the way, though he was called Mr Yelle, he didn’t yell(喊叫).

1.We learn that when she was in 10th grade, Lisa ________.

A. was always ready with a kind word

B. often forgot what she had learned very easily

C. liked doing school projects in the geography class

D. was interested in India the most in the geography class

2.How did David most probably find Thomas Ladenburg’s class?

A. Difficult. B. Lively. C. Useless. D. Long.

3.We can learn that Susan’s 10th grade social studies teacher _______.

A. was good at listening to her students’ problems

B. liked laughing at her students’ problems

C. was not happy when she had a problem

D. didn’t like taking her students as friends



You can really tell a lot about people’s character by how they act at the grocery store.I________ what had happened in a crowded store when there was a ________ of shopping carts a few days ago.

A well-dressed man, together with his wife and a child, was ________ a cart when another man stopped him. “Excuse me,” the second man said, “ ________ this cart is what I brought here. It’s mine.” The first guy looked rather ________ and then became annoyed. Instead of ________ , he protested, “But someone took my cart!” At that moment, his wife also glared at him, so he unwillingly ________ his ill-gotten gain. The well-dressed man had ________ the useful saying that “Do to others as you would have others do to you.” ________ , there are often some shoppers who have changed their minds about ________ some items and put what they have chosen on the ________ shelf. They think that the store ________ shop assistants who should put the things they give up ________ . In the opinion of these fellows, does that mean it’s OK for kids to ________ their rubbish on the floor or everywhere because schools employ ________ to clean the hall? In the ________ , there are express-line cheaters who enter the “10 items or less” line with 14 items because they’re in a hurry or ________ because they are unwilling to queue up. They don’t think that someone will________ them behaving immorally. Even if someone finds them out, they’re ready to ________ that “It depends on what you call an item.”

I consider these fellows as a black sheep and there are a small number of such people. In our society we should be ________, and play by the rules. It is important for us to set a good example to our kids, even in the grocery store.

1.A. believe B. remember C. imagine D. recognize

2.A. loss B. request C. shortage D. picture

3.A. pushing B. carrying C. dragging D. searching

4.A. but B. while C. so D. then

5.A. concentrated B. disappointed C. relaxed D. embarrassed

6.A. apologizing B. accepting C. replying D. quarreling

7.A. took away B. gave up C. doubted about D. thought about

8.A. understood B. refused C. ignored D. imitated

9.A. Actually B. However C. Especially D. Exactly

10.A. picking B. buying C. using D. exchanging

11.A. lowest B. nearest C. newest D. cleanest

12.A. hires B. admits C. supports D. offers

13.A. ahead B. back C. aside D. out

14.A. recycle B. hit C. throw D. deliver

15.A. teachers B. students C. assistants D. cleaners

16.A. store B. school C. hospital D. bank

17.A. hardly B. quietly C. simply D. nearly

18.A. protect B. stop C. resist D. challenge

19.A. repeat B. confirm C. condemn D. argue

20.A. polite B. confident C. creative D. considerate

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