
15.What is stroke?Stroke is a typical disease which occurs when a blood clot(凝块)blocks an artery(动脉) or a blood vessel(血管) breaks,interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain.When either of these things happens,brain cells begin to die and brain damage occurs.Abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost such as speech,movement and memory.Some people recover completely from strokes,but more than 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.Anyone can have a stroke regardless of men and women.it is really imperative for us to know something about Stroke Risk Factors.Risk factors are some beyond our control such as over age 55,being male,being Chinese,or having a family history of stroke.Others are controllable.Stroke prevention guidelines were brought forth by Journal of the American Medical Association 1n 1999.These includes:

46.Paragraph 1 is meant to sayA.
A.people can reduce the happening chances of storke
B.a stroke victim is bound to die or become disabled
C.middle-aged Chinese meales are sure to have storke
D.stroke is not as dangerous as most people may think
47.The underlined word"imperative"here meansB.
48.From Item 5 we can infer thatC.
A.both LDL and HDL are bad cholesterols in human body
B.human body does not need such a thing as cholesterol
C.high cholesterol can be controlled with diet and exercise
D.people without LDL will be healthier than those who have
49.What will contribute to the danger of a stroke?D
A.Drinking some wine daily        
B.Walking 30 minutes a day
C.Cutting down on salt and fat    
D.Losing temper constantly
50.The best title for this passage isD
A.What is Stroke?
B.Ten Causes of Stroke
C.Stroke and Health                                 
D.How to Prevent Stroke.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了中风的预防方法.包括:降血压,戒烟,限酒,饮食清淡,多锻炼,保持心情愉快等.

解答 46.A.细节理解题.文章第一段说Stroke prevention guidelines were brought forth by Journal of the American Medical Association中风的预防方法已经在美国医疗期刊登出来了.故选A.
48.C.细节理解题.文章中说It's the result of a diet in high fats,lack of exercise胆固醇是食物过于油腻,缺少锻炼的结果.故选C.
49.D.细节推断题.文章最后说A good mood without any stress is an important part of recovering from the stroke保持好的心情很重要,可以推断出喜欢发脾气容易引起中风,故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

3.For many years there's been a debate about rewarding our children.Does it work?Is it effective?
Some people think we should establish a standard with our kids and give them something for meeting this standard as a reward.Punishment is given out in much the same way,but it's used when certain standards of performance,behavior,etc.have not been met.Kids will often become more dutiful when threatened with punishment,and work harder when promised a valuable reward.The problem is what happens when you aren't around.
To develop responsible,self-disciplined(自律的)kids,parents need to promote certain ideas.One of these ideas is that everyone pitches in(努力投入)and helps in your family,even if someone is not crazy about helping.Another idea is that there can be enjoyment in doing any task if we choose to make it so.When a task is for a worthy cause(our family can enjoy the house more because I helped clean it),and when parents are cheerful about their chores,this message can have a big impact.
This is how we help our kids develop a sense of responsibility.When our children develop this responsibility,they'll be more disciplined,and they'll control their emotions better.When we give rewards to our kids,we reduce the sense of responsibility.We also create children who may temporarily(临时)perform to a certain standard,but who aren't likely to continue the performance without the carrot hanging in front of them.
"Rewards and punishment can change behavior for a while,but they cannot change the person who engages in the behavior,at least in the way we want,"said AIfie Kohn,author of Punished by Rewards."Good values have to be grown from the inside out.''Parents can help give their children a sense of shared responsibility and discipline which can last a lifetime.The real rewards that your children receive wiiI be their readiness for the complex and demanding world that waits for them---a world that rewards those who have learned the secrets of discipline responsibility.So keep those shiny rewarding to yourself,and let your kids find their own rewards.

51.According to the passage,when children are threatened with punishment,B.
A.they may lose interest in their work    B.they may appear to be well-behaved
C.they may change to another person       D.the results will be worse than usual
52.What can we know from Paragraph 3?A
A.Parents should promote certain ideas to help children develop.
B.Children should be responsible for their discipline.
C.Children should help build a good family atmosphere.
D.No children will adapt to society without their parents'help.
53.The underlined part"the carrot"in Paragraph 4probably refers toA.
A.rewards    B.aims    C.apologies   D.doubts
54.According to the passage,Alfie Kohn would agree that parents shouldD.
A.pay no attention to the way their children do things
B.show their children how to behave by example
C.never punish their children
D.help their children establish good values
55.What's the best title for the passage?B
A.Do You Often Reward Your Children?
B.Should Parents Reward Their Children?
C.When Should Parents Reward Their Children?
D.What Can Parents Reward Their Children with?
(Reservations (预订) not needed for this tour to visit Paris-you will love this tour!)
Whether you're new or experienced,our goal is not to provide you with mind-bending dates and boring stories.Instead,we offer you the famous sites,all the education information,lots of unique and fascinating stories,fantastic photo options,a comfortable bike and excellent personal service from your guide.In fact,we want you to love Paris like we do and have a great time doing it!(4hours)
﹩22students,﹩24adult (Day & Night combo﹩44student,﹩48adult)
March-May 1411am
March-July 31st11am and 3pm
August 1-November 3011am
no tours July 25
(Reservations not needed for this tour to visit Paris-you will love this tour!)
Our Night Tour is the way to experience the"City of Light"at its best!
Ride through the Latin Quarter and witness the best nightlife in town.Pedal down the lie de la Cite,along the river and enjoy ice cream at Berthillon (Paris's most famous ice cream shop). See the Louvre as never before (free concert often included) and relax onboard a boat trip on the Seine.Did we mention free wine is provided on the boat?
Make no mistake-this tour is 100% different form our Day Tour in both route and information.Over 65% of our customers take both tours and we hope you will too.Also,be sure to eat something before coming or the wine may give you an unexpected hit!(4.5hours)
﹩26students,﹩28adult (Day & Night combo.﹩44student,﹩48adult)
March 1-May 31Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday 7pm
April 1-October 31stEveryday 7pm
November 1-November 15Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday 7pm
no tours June 21 & July 14
0156581054/www Fntrire Bike Tnurs Paris.Com/info@Fat Tire Bike Tours Paris.Com?

49.According to the schedule,which day might be appropriate for a Day & Night Combo?D
A.A Saturday in November.        B.Any day in June.
C.A Friday in March.             D.A Monday in May.
50.If a teacher and his five students plan to visit Paris during daytime,they must payC.
A.﹩268       B.﹩158         C.﹩134        D.﹩142
51.One may taste the best ice cream and enjoy free wine inB.
A.the Day Bike Tour                   B.the Night Bike Tour
C.the Tour on the Seine               D.the Tour to the Louver
52.The following statements are true EXCEPTB.
A.For further information,one can call 0156581054.
B.One can attend free concert on the boat trip on the Seine.
C.The route of the Day Bike Tour is totally different from that of the Night Bike Tour.
D.No reservations are needed for attending both the Bike Tours.

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