

President Clinton was born in the little southern town of Hope, Arkansas, on August 19,1946. But his name was not Bill Clinton. It was William Jefferson Blythe. His mother named his for his father, who had been killed in a car accident a few months before he was born. When Bill was four years old, his mother married Roger Clinton who then legally became Bill’s father. Roger Clinton and Bill’s mother had a son, Roger Jr.
Bill Clinton studies international affairs at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. He won a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford University in Britain. There, he met other students with whom he has continued life-long friendships. One of them is Robert Reich, who was just nominated to be Secretary of Labor. After Oxford, Bill Clinton earned a law degree at Yale University.
In 1973, Bill Clinton became a law professor at the University of Arkansas, but he was too interested in politics to stay at the university. He campaigned for the House of Representatives but was defeated. In 1976, he was elected General for the state of Arkansas, the state government’s chief lawyer.
Two years later, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas. He was defeated for re-election after his first two-year term. But he was elected Governor again in 1982. He has been re-elected to that office every two years since then.
Bill Clinton married lawyer Hillary Rodham Rodham in 1975. She kept Rodham as her last name until it became an issue during her husband’s 1980 campaign for governor. Since then, she has been known as Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Clintons have a daughter, Chelsea.
28. We learn that Bill Clinton’s father ________.
A.died before Bill Clinton was born  B.died when Bill Clinton was a few months old
C.left his wife after Bill Clinton was born  D. was his mother’s second husband
29.Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas in ________.
A. 1976        B. 1978        C. 1980       D. 1973
30. Hillary Rodham did not change her last name until ________.
A. she married Clinton             B. she gave birth to their daughter
C.Clinton campaigned for President
D. Clinton was defeated in his campaign for governor




Jamie Oliver has been invited by Gordon Brown to prepare a banquet(宴会)at No.10 for President Barack Obama and other leaders of the G20, offering a cut-price menu to reflect times when trade and industry are far from prosperous and the rate of employment is decreasing.

Downing Street sources say Oliver, the well-known chef, will cook using “honest high-street products” and avoid expensive or “fancy” ingredients (材料).

The prime minister is trying to avoid a repeat of the embarrassment last year when he sat down to an 18-course banquet at a Japanese summit to discuss world food shortages.

Obama,President Nicolas Sarkozy of France,Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and other leaders will be served by apprentices (学徒) from the Fifteen London, a restaurant Oliver founded to help train young people in poverty in order to make a living by mastering a skill.ks.5u

Brown wants the dinner to reflect the emphasis of the London summit,which he hopes will lead to an agreement to lift the world out of recession. “To be invited to cook for such an important group of people,who are trying to solve some of the world’s major problems, is really a privilege,” said Oliver.

“I’m hoping the menu I'm working on will show British food and produce is some of the best in the world,but also show we have pioneered a high-quality apprentice scheme at Fifteen London that is giving young people a skill to be proud of..”

The chef has not yet finalized the menu,but is expected to draw inspiration from his latest book, Jamie's Ministry of Food,, which has budget recipes for beef and ale stew (啤酒炖菜) and “impressive” chocolate fudge cake.

The underlined word “recession” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “ ______ ”.

A. business        B. opposition       C. discussion       D.depression

What can we learn about Oliver from the text?

A. He is a well-known American cook.   B. He is invited to attend the G20 summit.

C. He has founded the Fifteen London

D. He is one of the apprentices serving leaders of the G20.

The menu of the banquet for the leaders of the G20 is supposed to________.        .

A. include all delicious British foodks.5u

B. use inexpensive produce with special characteristics

C. be rich,varied and of high quality    D.imitate the menu of last Japanese summit

Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Oliver is honored to be invited to cook for the G20 leaders.

B. Altogether three presidents are mentioned in the text.

C. President Baraek Obama offers the cut-price menu.

D. The menu for the G20 dinner banquet has been decided.

What is the Fifteen London?

A. an apartment in London                  B. a luxurious restaurant in London

C. a restaurant as well as a training center      D.a famous avenue

One student took a box of chicken to class,another carried on a cell phone   31  and still another whistled loudly every time the   32  turned his back.
Reform school? No. College.
More and more, professors say, they are coming across   33   students in their classrooms. Many of today’s young scholars (学者) arrive late, leave  34  , talk loud or take care of personal   35  such as paying bills during class.
Why are the students behaving badly?
“Because they can,” said a student of University of North Texas. “A lot of the time, the professors let them get   36  with it.”
Some educators say it is time to bring politeness back to their classrooms—and even   37  
taking some of the blame for bad behavior. They say that rude students are by no means the majority but that one of them can ruin an entire   38 .
People are   39  when they learn that impolite behavior is becoming more and more common in   40  education, says Dr Gerald Amanda, a counselor at City College of San Francisco. They   41  some high school students to misbehave but think those who get to   42  will behave more politely.
Dr Amanda believes that society in   43  has become more tolerant (容忍的) of rude behavior and   44  people in power, including professors, no longer   45  standards for   46 . That leads to a growing imprudence (轻率行为)   47  some college students. “There’s a great   48  of bad behavior in the world around them, and young people see it and   49  disrespect,” said Dr Amanda,   50  that sometimes students “have no idea that they are being rude.”
31.A. line                                   B. conversation                 C. message                       D. picture
32.A. professor                      B. student                          C. president                        D. classmate
33.A. hardworking              B. cheating                      C. rude                                 D. selfish
34.A. late                               B. early                             C. noisily                              D. quietly
35.A. feeling                            B. interest                         C. computer                       D. business
36.A. away                            B. down                              C. along                               D. back
37.A. enjoy                            B. hate                                C. start                                D. avoid
38.A. school                          B. company                       C. society                                      D. class
39.A. delighted                       B. surprised                       C. interested                     D. encouraged
40.A. better                                      B. more                            C. higher                            D. younger
41.A. expect                            B. hope                             C. forbid                             D. wish
42.A. work                             B. college                           C. 1earning                         D. knowledge
43.A. all                                    B. time                           C. charge                             D. general
44.A. why                                  B. how                             C. whether                        D. that
45.A. change                           B. break                              C. set                                    D. reach
46.A. teaching                        B. politeness                     C. thinking                           D. progress
47.A. about                                       B. for                                   C. behind                             D. among
48.A. deal                                B. number                          C. many                               D. sum
49.A. prepare                         B. grow                                C. develop                           D. improve
50.A. speaking                     B. adding                            C. warning                          D. wishing

A twenty-nine-year-old kindergarten teacher from Maryland was named National Teacher of the Year in 2006. On June first she would begin a year as a national and international spokeswoman for education.
Kimberly Oliver was the first National Teacher of the Year from her state. She taught five-year-old children at a public school in Maryland, near Washington, D.C. President Bush honored her and other top teachers at the White House.
Kimberly Oliver said she wanted people to understand that the first several years of a child’s life were the most important for learning. She said investing in children at a very young age would result in great gains later in school and in life. She called on parents to read to children from an early age so they would not fall behind in school. One of the activities at her school was an event called “ Books and Supprer Night ”. Families read together at the school and received free books to take home. Parents, children and teachers also ate dinner together.
Broad Acres Elementary School was in a poor area. Many of the parents were immigrants with limited English. Kimberly Oliver helped improve learning environment at her school. She received money to buy electronic learning systems, tape players and books in English and Spanish and sent them home with students. Parents said she had shown them how to help their children at home.
She was born and raised in Delaware. She held one degree in English and another in Elementary Education. Kimberly Oliver would follow in the footsteps of another teacher Jason Kamras from the Washington area as National Teacher of the Year. Jason Kamras, as honored for his work, teaching math to middle school students in the nation’s capital.
The National Teacher of the Year program began in 1952. A fourteen-member committee choose from among teachers honored as the best in their states.
【小题1】 From the text we know that in the state of Maryland, __________.

A.no other teacher than Kimberly Oliver had been given the honor
B.Kimberly Oliver had been teaching in a middle school for many years
C.Kimberly opened her own school early in Washington in 1952
D.many other teachers were given the honor together with Oliver
【小题2】Oliver hoped that parents should __________.
A.spend more time playing with their children
B.read to their children at an early age
C.not give too much money to their children
D.stay at school with their children more often
【小题3】Kimberly Oliver had been named National Teacher of the Year mostly because ___________.
A.she taught five-year old children at a public school
B.the elementary school she taught in is in a poor area
C.she was helpful ahd had many special and good ideas in teaching children
D.she called on parents to read to children from an early age
【小题4】 The National Teacher just before Oliver comes from __________.
A.DelawareB.MarylandC.New YorkD.Washington

Many Americans take their summer vacations in August. President Obama and his family are among them. This August the first family visited the Florida Gulf Coast. The president wants to promote tourism in the area after the BP oil spill (漏油). The first family took a ten-day vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Massachusetts.

Martha’s Vineyard is known for the sailing, sunsets and its tall cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The island is about 13 kilometers off the coast and is less than 260 square kilometers. Homes designed like those of earlier times line the streets of Edgartown, Oak Bluffs and Vineyard Haven. These are the major towns on Martha’s Vineyard.

For most of the year, the population of Martha’s Vineyard is about 15 000. In summer, more than 100 000 people crowd the island. In addition to the Obamas, you might see some Hollywood stars and other rich and famous people. Many visitors return year after year.

During warm weather the Vineyard is a good place for many different activities. People can play golf or catch fish. They can ride in sailboats or motor boats. They can waterski and swim. They can take quiet walks along sandy beaches and among the thick green trees.

One of the popular places for families with children is the Flying Horses Carousel in Oak Bluffs. It is the oldest continually operated merry-go-round ride in the United States. The colorful wood horses that turn in a circle were created in 1876. One of the best places for children to swim is the Joseph A. Sylvia state beach. The water there is warmer and calmer. Families also enjoy the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary where they can observe much of the island wildlife.

Visitors watch the sunsets sitting on the beach and on rocks in the fishing village of Menemsha. As the sun goes down in the sky it paints yellow, red, and other colors on the clouds. Fishing boats rise and fall with the waves. Bells sound to help guide the boats to land as darkness covers the water.

Historians say British mapmaker Bartholomew Gosnold first made a map of the island for the rulers of England in 1602. Gosnold named the island to honor his baby daughter, Martha. The Vineyard part of the name came from the many wild grape vines Gosnold found on the island. Later, King Charles of England gave the island to businessman Thomas Mayhew of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, whose son established the first European settlement on the island in 1642. By the middle of the nineteenth century, ships from the American mainland began bringing visitors to the island. Big hotels were built near the edge of the water. Martha’s Vineyard was on its way to becoming the visitors center that it is today.


 We can infer that ______.

A. the BP oil spill has a negative effect on the tourism along the Florida Gulf Coast

B. the BP oil spill has contributed to the tourism along the Florida Gulf Coast

C. President Obama went to the Florida Gulf Coast to deal with the BP oil spill

D. this was the first time that President Obama and his family had taken the vacation on Martha’s Vineyard


 Which month is the peak time for tourism in Martha’s Vineyard?

A. January.          B. August.          C. December.            D. March,


If children want to see wild animals, the family should go to ______.

A. the Flying Horses Carousel                B. the Sylvia state beach

C. the fishing village of Menemsha           D. the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary


 Bartholomew Gosnold named the island Martha in honor of _______.

A. his mother                                B. the king of England

C. his daughter                              D. his father


A turkey named Courage gave thanks to President Obama for saving his life on the day before Thanksgiving. Honouring a 62-year-old tradition, the President pardoned the bird on Thanksgiving eve.

   The tradition of a turkey pardon at Thanksgiving began with President Truman in 1947. Courage comes from Ellsworth, Iowa. The name Courage was chosen by voters (投票人)who took part in a survey posted on the White House website. The lucky turkey walked on the lawn of the Rose Garden and posed for the cameras at the presidential podium(讲台).

   The dinner that has become known as the First Thanksgiving was actually a harvest festival celebrated in December of 1621. That’s when English settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, gave thanks for the progress they had made after a hard winter in their new country. As America grew, Thanksgiving customs also spread and got bigger. George Washington declared that the first national Thanksgiving would be on November 26, 1789. In the decades to follow, however, people celebrated Thanksgiving locally, with no official date. President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November 1863 a national day of Thanksgiving. It stayed that way until 1939, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved it one week earlier. He wanted to lengthen the shopping period before Christmas to encourage gift-buyers and to help businesses. So Congress(议会) ruled that, after 1941, Thanksgiving would be an official federal holiday falling on the fourth Thursday of November.

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday, November. Millions of Americans got together to give thanks with friends and family. The lucky turkey, Courage, was one of them. After his pardon, Courage would be sent to Disneyland Resort in California, where he would be the grand assemble of Disney’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

1.That the turkey Courage was pardoned was decided by ________.

A. George Bush                 B. Congress                        C. President Truman        D. the public

2.The first Thanksgiving Day was held to ________.

 A. celebrate the harvest of British settlers

 B. celebrate the progress of Americans

 C. encourage the struggle with British settlers

 D. celebrate the joy of all Americans after a hard winter

3.In 1939, President Roosevelt put forward the national day of Thanksgiving to ________.

 A. encourage the economy                                   B. help the poor

 C. please Congress                                               D. lengthen the summer holidays

4.We can infer from the passage that ________.

 A. President Obama pardoned a turkey before Thanksgiving because of the economic crisis

B. the turkey named Courage was pardoned by President Roosevelt before Thanksgiving

 C. the pardoned turkey walked on the lawn of the Rose Garden on Thanksgiving eve

 D. the pardoned turkey will appear in a celebrating parade of Thanksgiving Day


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