Tyler was a troubled student.He was in my senior class last year.It was __1__ to his former teachers that he had made it to his senior year.

He sat in the back row.Every time I spoke in the front of the classI would ask students questions__2__ them by name.This helped me learn their names while getting the kids __3__.Unfortunatelyevery time I asked him a questionhe would __4__ with a flip(轻率的) answer.He knew the answers when he listened __5__ he didn’t want to be asked.If he got a wrong answerhe would get very angry.

One dayTyler was talking while I was teaching.In the __6__ of teaching I said“Tylerwhy are you having your own discussion instead of __7__ ours” With thathe __8__ from his chairpushed it overand yelled.I sent him to the office with a discipline referraland he __9__ a week’s out of school suspension.

The week’s out of school suspension was wonderful.Howeverthe week soon came to a(n) __10__and I began to worry about his __11__.I knew from talking with his other teachers that he would be back even angrier.

I made a(n) __12__.On the day that he came backI stood at the door __13__ him.As soon as I saw himI asked him to talk for a moment.He seemed __14__ to do it but agreed.I told him that I wanted to start over(重新开始) with him.FurthermoreI gave him permission that if he felt he was going to lose __15__ in class he could step right outside the door for a moment to collect himself.

From that point onTyler was a(n) __16__ student in my classroom.He listened and participated.He was __17__ a smart child and I could finally get to see this in him.He even __18__ a fight between two other students one day.I __19__ that giving him the power to decide for himself made all the __20__.

1.A.surprising? Binteresting

Cdisappointing? Dupsetting

2.A.visiting? Bwatching

Cinterviewing? Dcalling

3.A.defeated? Baddicted

Cinvolved? Dimpressed

4.A.exchange? Brespond

Cshare? Dconnect

5.A.until Bif

Cunless? Dbut

6.A.case? Bmatter

Cmiddle? Dpresence

7.A.joining? Bstarting

Chearing? Dlearning

8.A.fell down? Bgot up

Cjumped in? Dfell off

9.A.suggested? Brefused

Creceived? Drequested

10.A.end? Bdecision

Chead Dagreement

11.A.study? Breturn

Cfamily? Dhealth

12.A.plan Bmistake

Cface Dnoise

13.A.looking after? Bescaping from

Cwaiting for? Dstaring at

14.A.excited? Bunhappy

Ccalm? Dcrazy

15.A.touch Bcourage

Cheart? Dcontrol

16.A.changed? Bsimilar

Cconfused? Dproud

17.A.rarely? Bactually

Cusually? Dhardly

18.A.led? Bmissed

Creported? Dstopped

19.A.believe Bdoubt

Cexpect? Drecommend

20.A.effort? Bdifference

Cpoint Dway


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