
______ of money        spent on the bridge.

  1. A.
    A large amount ; were
  2. B.
    Large amounts; were
  3. C.
    Large amount; was
  4. D.
    A plenty; was
本题考查主谓一致。large amounts of修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。A项a large amount of修饰不可数名词,谓语动词需要用单数形式。D项plenty前的A应去掉。C项large前应加A。

I made a pledge (发誓) to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a loving husband and father. Totally loving .  No ifs, ands or buts.
The idea had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The speaker was quoting (引用) a Biblical (圣经的) passage about husbands being thoughtful(体贴的) of their wives. Then he went on to say," Love is an act of will. A person can choose to love." To myself, I had to admit that I had been a selfish husband. Well , for  two weeks that would change.
And it did. Right from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said," That new yellow sweater looks great on you."
"Oh, Tom, you noticed," she said, surprised and pleased, maybe a little puzzled.
After the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn suggested a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, but then I thought, "Evelyn's been alone here with the kids all the week and now she wants to stay with me. " We walked on the beach while the children flew their kites.
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the Wall Street firm where I am a director; a visit to the shell museum though I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that's how the whole vacation passed, I made a new pledge to keep on remembering to choose love. There was one thing that went wrong with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. Last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn stared at me with the saddest expression.
“What’s the matter?” I asked her.
“ Tom ,” se said in a voice filled with distress, “ do you know something I don’t?”
"What do you mean?"
"Well...that checkup(体检) I had several weeks ago...our doctor...did he tell you something about me? Tom , you've been so good to me... am I dying?"
It took a moment for it all to sink in. Then I burst out laughing.
"No, honey," I said, wrapping her in my arms. "You're not dying; I'm just staring to live."
71.  In the first paragraph, "No ifs, ands or buts" probably means___.
A. unnecessarily     B. unexpectedly    C.   impossibly    D. unconditionally
72. From the story we may infer that Tom went to the beach cottage___.
A. with his family    B. with Evelyn     C. alone           D. with his children
73. During the two weeks on the beach, Tom showed more love to his wife because___.
A. she looked lovely in her new clothes
B. he had made a lot of money in Wall Street
C. he was determined to be a good husband
D. she was seriously ill
74.  The underlined words "one thing" in the passage refer to the fact that___.
A. he praised her sweater, which puzzled her
B. she insisted on visiting a museum, which he hated
C. he knew something about her illness but didn't tell her
D. he was so good to her that she thought she must be dying
75.  By saying "I'm just starting to live", Tom means that___.
A. he is just beginning to understand the real meaning of life
B. he is just beginning to enjoy his life as a loving husband
C. he lived an unhappy life before and is now starting to change
D. he is beginning to feel regretful for what he did to his wife

The Wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. in 1992, the people of the town decided that it was time to restart some long-forgotten traditions. Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area. He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.
The Wife-carrying World Championship is becoming increasingly popular. A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World championship every year.
The event is well-known for its warm and humorous atmosphere. The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.5 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep.
There are a few basic rules and the winning team is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor’s. the minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49kg. if she is less than 49kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds.
Along with the Wife-carrying World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink the official “wife-carrying drink” before continuing the race. A special prize is awarded to the team with the best costumes.
Alongside with the Wife-carrying World Championship, there are bands playing music, a wife-carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.
【小题1】According to the passage, the Wife-carrying World championship ___________.

A.was first celebrated in 1992.
B.was first held by Rosvo-Ronkainen
C.is celebrated in Finland or Canada every year
D.will award “wife-carrying drinks” to the winners
【小题2】 The Wife-carrying World championship is famous because ___________.
A.it is held on a 253.5 meters long track
B.many competitors take part in it
C.it has a pleasant atmosphere
D.the winner will be awarded a lot of money
【小题3】 If a husband drops his wife three time in the competition, he will be fined ________.
A.15 secondsB.35 secondsC.45 secondsD.60 seconds
【小题4】 compared with the Wife-carrying World championship, the team competition _______.
A.is more excitingB.has a special prize
C.has a different trackD.has three teams altogether
【小题5】The passage is written mainly to ____________.
A.warn people that the competition is dangerous
B.attract more visitors to the Wife-carrying World championship
C.introduce how the Wife-carrying World championship has become popular
D.tell us something about the Wife-carrying World championship

One of the most exciting and attractive fields of work today is the fashion industry. Some of the most well-known people in this industry are the fashion designers with unbelievable financial (金融的) Kingdoms. But most of the clothes that you wear have been designed by people that the world has never heard of. Although these unknown fashion designers will never make a very large amount of money as their famous workmates, most still would not think of changing their careers. They are doing what they love.
If you spend hours looking through fashion magazines and like making your own clothes, a career as a fashion designer might be right for you. You do not have to go to design school to become a fashion designer, but many people who want a career in this field do. One of the most famous places to study is the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. It is located in the heart of the “garment” district on Eighth Avenue, also known as Fashion Avenue.
Becoming a fashion designer is not just a matter of classroom education. Students know that they cannot just leave school and start designing on their own. Many think that they need at least four years’ experience working for someone else after they graduate. The best schools encourage students to work closely with the fashion industry while they are still studying.
You need ambition (抱负) and hard work to get a career in fashion. Students often work 12 hours a day. They are encouraged to have realistic ambitions and not to expect success overnight, if ever. Success means finding a job in the fashion industry and more years of hard work.
【小题1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Some famous fashion designers can make a lot of money.
B.Most of the clothes are designed by famous designers.
C.Most fashion designers don’t like their own jobs.
D.Unknown fashion designers can earn a large amount of money.
【小题2】In order to have a career in fashion design, one had better ___________.
A.look through magazines
B.go to New York City
C.study in a design school
D.graduate from high school
【小题3】The following can lead to the success of a fashion designer EXCEPT___________.
A.working with the fashion industry B.realistic ambitions
C.hard workD.expectation of success overnight
【小题4】Which of the following old sayings shows the writer’s opinion about learning fashion design?
A.Better late than never.
B.Experience is the best teacher.
C.Well begun is half done.
D.Seeing is believing.
【小题5】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.To be a fashion designer, design school education is a must.
B.All famous design schools are located in New York City.
C.Design school students had better do some practice while studying.
D.All students have to work with famous designers first.

第三部分      阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
The key to happiness is how quickly you can get back your focus on what`s important.
Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here`s what happened. I hopped in a taxi,and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when,all of a sudden,a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes,skidded,and missed the other car`s back end by just inches!
The driver of the other car,who almost caused a big accident,started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean,he was friendly.  So,I said,"Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call "The Law of the Garbage Truck. "
Many people are like garbage (rubbish)trucks. They run around full of garbage,full of frus-tration, full of anger,and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump it. And if you let them,they`ll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you,don`t take it personally. You just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on. You`ll be happy with what you did.
I started thinking,how often do I led Garbage Trucks run right over me?And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people ai work,at home,or on the streets?It was that day
I said,"I`m not going to do anymore. "
Successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day. What about you?If you let more garbage trucks pass you by,you`ll be happier. Life`s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So,Love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don`t.
56.What happened one day when the author was taking a taxi?
A.The taxi almost hit another car.
B.The taxi driver was injured.
C.The author scolded the driver of the other car.
D.The author learned a lesson from the driver of the garbage truck.
57.How did the taxi driver respond to the behaviour of the driver of the black car?
A.He yelled back at the driver.
B.He sent the driver to the hospital.
C.He was friendly towards the  driver.
D.He dumped some garbage in front of his car.
58.What does the taxi driver think of people according to Paragraph 3?
A.Many people like to drive garbage trucks.
B.Many people dump garbage wherever they like.
C.Many people are warm-hearted to make others happy.
D.Many people tend to be very much depressed.
59.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.The author used to have a lot of garbage trucks.
B.The author used to complain a lot.
C.The author used to have a lot of money.
D.The author used to be a good manager.
60.According to the passage,what should you do if people "dump garbage" on you?
A.Ignore them and go on with our own work.
B.Try our best to persuade them not to do that again.
C.Tell them to dump the garbage in the right place.
D.Take over their work and carry the garbage to somewhere else.

The hardworking blacksmith(铁匠) Jones used to work all day in his shop and so hard working was he that at times he would make the sparks fly from his hammer.
The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the blacksmith worked. "Young man, why don't you try to learn to make shoe tacks(鞋钉), even if it is only to pass the time?" said the blacksmith. "Who knows, one day, it may be of use to you." The lazy boy began to see what he could do. But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.
Old Mr. Smith died and the son because of the war lost all his goods. He had to leave home and settled down in another country. It so happened that in this village there were many shoemakers who were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers' shoes.
Our young Mr. Smith, who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread, remembered that he had learned how to make tacks and had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his workshop. The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer. And after a while, Mr. Smith found that he was soon making the finest tacks in the village.
"How funny it seems," he used to say, "even making tacks can bring a fortune(财富).”
【小题1】From the passage, we can learn the young Mr. Smith became rich ______.
A by selling shoes  B by making shoe tacks  C with his father’s help D by making bread
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A The young Mr. Smith’s father was very wealthy.
B The young Mr. Smith was lazy before learning to make shoe tacks.
C The shoemakers offered him a working place to make shoe tacks.
D The shoemakers were unwilling to buy the young Mr. Smith’s tack.
【小题3】What can we learn from the young Mr. Smith’s success?

A.It is no use crying over the spilt milk.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.All roads lead to Rome.
D.Seeing is believing.
【小题4】What is the right order of the events related to the young Mr. Smith?
a. He was born in a rich family.
b. He became rich by selling tacks.
c. His father died and he became poor.
d. He was asked to learn to make shoe tacks.
e. He settled in another country.

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