
He was puzzled by this phenomenon. He began to try every approach _________ the best way of working it out.

A. known to find  B. knowing to find  C. known finding  D.knowing finding



第一题 选A ,原因是这里面的known 是做形容词,被知晓的。形容approach方式 途径。 后面的to find 接目的状语,表示 目标。

B knowning 动名词一般是主动意思,所以不正确。

C D不能表示目的含义。


The world hash’t seen a pandemic(流行疾病)in 4 1 years,when the”Hong Kong”flu crossed the globe and killed about one million people worldwide.If H1N1 flu(甲型流感)reaches pandemic levels,what would happen next?

       The outbreak of SARS in 2003 rang alarm bells as potential pandemics.Although it jumped the”animal-to·human”barrier,neither disease changed enough to enable human-to.Human infection.Strictly speaking,SARS did not become pandemics because it was too good at killing their hosts.For a pandemic,it needs to be able to maintain human-to.human contact without killing its host off.

       ”H1N1 flu is already a man-to-man disease,which makes it much more difficult to manage.

       And H1N1 flu appears much more infectious than SARS.

       But the WHO warns,it cannot say whether or not it will indeed cause a pandemic.According to experts,here’s what the world might see if there is another pandemic,based on past experience.

       The disease would skip from city to city over an 18-to-24 month period,infecting more than a third of the population.World health Organization officials believe as many as 1.5 billion people around the globe would seek medical care and nearly 30 million would seek hospitalization.Based on the last pandemic and current world population,as many as 7 million people could die.Hospitals will become overcrowded;schools will close;businesses will close;airports will be empty.Business will become very bad,as people avoid as much social contact as possible.

       Health facilities will become overrun with patients and there would be less-than-adequate staffing,as medical health professionals fall ill themselves and that would result in higher deaths.

       The very young and very old will likely be the most susceptible(易受感染的)to the illness.Experts warn,much is still unknown about the current H1N1 flu virus and its severity and it is too early to say whether it will lead to a pandemic.Right now,the focus is on finding answers and controlling the spread.

How many kinds of disease is mentioned in the passage?

       A.Two      B.Three           C.Four        D.Five

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.SARS didn’t change enough to enable sustained(持续的)human-to—human infection.

       B.SARS was very good at killing its carriers.

       C.A man with H1N1 flu can not infect another man easily.

       D.Comparing SARS and H 1N 1 flu,SARS is not as infectious.

What can we know about the “Hong Kong” flu from the passage?

       A.It spread all around the globe and killed lots of people.

       B.It killed about millions of people.

       C.It killed about one million people in Hong Kong.

       D.Not the old but the young were susceptible to it and got killed.

What can be inferred from the passage?

       A.The H1N1 flu will skip from city to city over an 18一to一24 month period.

       B.Doctors and nurses will fall ill themselves,which will result in many more deaths.

       C.Every country is taking measures to stop the H1N1 flu from leading to a pandemic.

       D.The WHO and experts have known much about the current H1N1 flu virus.

Teeth are important.Strong,healthy teeth help you chew foods that help you grow.They help you speak clearly.And,they help you look your best.Here are some tips for you to take care of your teeth.

1.Brush your teeth on the right way.

Brush your teeth at 1east twice a day—after breakfast and lunch or after sweet snacks,too.

Brush all of your teeth,not just the front ones,Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth.Brush away from your gums,too.

Spend at least three minutes each time you brush.Play a song you like to help pass the time.Get a new toothbrush every three months.When you buy your toothbrush,be sure it has soft bristles(毛).

2.Learn how to floss your teeth.

Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy.Food may hide in places where a toothbrush cannot get to,like the space between two teeth.Flossing can help get rid of it.Carefully move floss between two teeth.Up and down.You’11 need to floss your teeth at least once a day.

3.Have good eating habits.

You need to be careful about what you eat and drink。Eating sugar is a major of   tooth decay(腐败).Eating sugar before you go to bed can make things even worse,eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of soda.

67.The passage is mainly about          .

A.how to take care of your teeth

B.how to brush your teeth

C.how to form good eating habits

D.how to floss your teeth

68.The underlined word “tips” in this passage means          .

A.money given to the waiter for personal services

B.piece of advice on how to do something

C.light blow,tape

D.thin end of something

69.When you brush your teeth.at least           minute(s)is necessary.

A.1                           B.2                            C.3                            D.4

70.Which is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.Flossing your teeth.                                  B.Having good eating habits.

C.Brushing your teeth.                              D.Going to see the dentist.

71.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this article?

A.We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.

B.Flossing can help to get rid of the food hidden between two teeth.

C.One of the major causes of tooth decay is eating sugar.

D.We don’t have to brush our teeth if we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

第一节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


One evening I made a trip to the grocery store (杂货店). As I   21   the room I noticed a man off to the side with a small cardboard   22   that read something to the effect : “Needing change for a hot meal.”

I also   23   several people passing him by with little more than a glance. He looked to be a traveler and seemed to be very humbled at having to ask of others. I too walked on by, but with a seed of a (n)   24   planted in my mind. I went to the far back of the grocery store where they offered the only thing I could think of that would be   25  . I bought him a couple slices of pizza and immediately went back outside to   26   it to him. I told him that it wasn’t much but it was the   27   think they had that was hot. I smiled   28   and turned to walk away and as I did he smiled back with a deep   29   and let out a very soft “thank you”. That look was worth ten times more to me than what I had been able to offer him, and it was a look I won’t   30  .

21.A.knocked at       B.closed       C.left        D.entered

22.A.sign          B.signal       C.notice       D.advertisement

23.A.inquired       B.noticed     C.begged     D.stared

24.A.dream          B.game     C.idea       D.trick

25.A.cheap           B.hot        C.delicious   D.warm

26.A.show         B.award       C.deliver      D.offer

27.A.only          B.very      C.same     D.exact

28.A.secretly        B.Shyly      C.gently       D.broadly

29.A.shyness         B.curiosity   C.surprise    D.appreciation

30.A.forget           B.forgive     C.treasure    D.doubt

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