
A Tight Situation

  Sometimes funny memories are the most special way to remember a beloved lover.It helps take away some of the feeling of loss.Before he passed away,my husband loved to share this story with our friends.Now,it makes a smile to share this story with you.

  Our neighbor's son was getting married in 1971 at a church,and we were invited.we immediately rushed out of the store,and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket.The dress was a little tight,but I had a month before the June 30 wedding and I would lose a few pounds.

  June 29 came and,of course,I had not lost a single pound;in fact,I had gained two.But,I thought a new girdle(收腹健美裤)would solve my problem.So on our way to the wedding,we stopped once again at the store.I ran in and told the clerk I needed a size alarge girdle.

  The clerk round the box with the described girdle,marked“L”,and asked if I would like to try it on“Oh,no,alarge will fit just right.I won't need to try it on.

  The next morning was hot,so l waited to get dressed until about forty-five minutes before time to go.I opened the girdle box only to find a new $49.95 girdle in a size small.Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn't't fit right without a girdle,a fight broke out between me and the girdle Have you ever tried to shake twenty pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag?Finally,my husband, laughing like crazy,got hold of each side and shook me down into it,and I was ready to go.

  As we walked into the church,he asked if could make it.Now,he was getting worried because I was breathing funny.I told him that it would last one hour,twenty-two minutes and eight-and-on-half seconds-the minister blessed everything except my girdle!

  My knees were blue and my legs lost all the feeling.My husband was asking questions and trying to comfort me.

  As soon as the minister pronounced them married,l rushed out with my husband.“Please,just get me out of here!”I said.

  We ran out to our car,and once there he opened the front and back passenger doors against the next car.Right there,before God,human and the wedding party,l took off that girdle.When the girdle flew out of my hand and landed under the car next to ours,my husband was laughing so hard and we drove away.

Over the years,he and l had often wondered what the people of that church thought the next morning when they found $49.95,size girdle in their Parking lot.

1.When she was telling the story,she________.

[  ]

A.was sorry for her husband's death

B.was happy to share her funny memories

C.was wondering who had picked up the girdle

D.still couldn't't forget the trouble on that day

2.She still bought the tight pink dress,because she thought________

[  ]

A.she would save same money

B.she would gain a few pounds

C.she would lose some weight

D.she looked thinner in the dress

3.Which statement is true according to the story?

[  ]

A.she changed the girdle for a larger size.

B.They tried hard to pour lots of potatoes into a small bag.

C.She put on the dress without the girdle in the end.

D.She managed to put on the girdle with her husband's help.

4.The title“A Tight Situation” really means________.

[  ]

A.she was dressed in a tight girdle

B.she dressed herself in a limited time

C.she got herself embarrassed

D.the wedding lasted longer than she expected

5.The writer's purpose of writing this story is________.

[  ]

A.to tell an interesting experience

B.to prove her husband's love

C.to describe her tight girdle

D.to describe her unspeakable feeling




1.Where is his mother now?

A.At home.

B.In the hospital.

C.At work.

2.How does the man feel about his job?

A.He enjoys it.

B.He doesn’t like it at all.

C.He wants to find a new job.

3.What does the man mean?

A.It will take him a long time to help the woman.

B.He can help her for a while.

C.It won’t take a long time for him to help her.

4.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a plane.

B.In a coffee shop.

C.In a restaurant.

5.Why couldn’t the man get through?

A.The woman’s telephone was out of order.

B.The woman’s receiver wasn’t put in the right place.

C.The receiver of the telephone was broken.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:How is your mother feeling these days?

M:Much better,thanks.She should be coming home in a few days.The operation was a success and the doctor says she’ll recover in no time.

(Text 2)

W:You seem to have a lot of work at your office.You’re always staying late and working overtime.

M:That’s true,but I think the work is interesting and fun.I don’t mind the extra hours at all.

(Text 3)

W:Jack,can you help me with this work?

M:Sure,if it won’t take too much time.

(Text 4)

M:Miss,is there still time for a cup of coffee on this fight?

W:Yes,but you have to drink it fast,because we’ll be landing in 10 minutes.

(Text 5)

M:Is your phone out of order?


M:I tried calling you but couldn’t get through.

W:I’m sorry.Perhaps the receiver was off the hook.




6.Why does the woman want to buy something for her husband?

A.It’s a birthday present.

B.It’s a Christmas present.

C.His husband isn’t satisfied with the tie.

7.What did the clerk recommend(推荐)the second time?

A.A tie.

B.An electric shaver.

C.Some cosmetics(化妆品).

8.Why did the woman ask the clerk to put a card into the present?

A.To tell her husband how much she paid for the gift.

B.To congratulate him in written words.

C.To post it.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Could you help me,please?I’m looking for something for my husband’s birthday next week and I just can’t seem to think of anything to buy.

M:Certainly,madam.You don’t have anything special in mind?

W:Right.I just don’t know.

M:How about a nice silk tie?We have some handsome ties that just arrived from Italy.

W:Not a tie.I gave him one for Christmas and he’s never worn it.He hates ties.

M:What about this?He can use it after he shaves himself.

W:I don’t know.My husband has never used that kind of thing every often.He might not care for that either.Can you think of any other thing?

M:I believe I have just the thing.This wallet is something any man would be proud to own.It has a very deep money pocket.

W:That does sound nice.Please wrap it.Would you put this card in with it?

M:Certainly,madam.It will take just a few minutes.

W:All right.I’ll wait.


9.Where are the two speakers?

A.On a bus.

B.In the shopping district.

C.At a street corner.

10.What’s the largest building to the left?

A.The bank.

B.The department store.

C.City Hall.

11.What does the man need?




听力原文:(Text 7)

M:There’s a lot of traffic on the street.Is this the shopping district?

W:Yes,it is.There are a lot of stores,office buildings,and theatres near here.

M:What is the largest building on the left?

W:That’s department store.It sells clothing,furniture,food-almost everything.

M:Do you buy everything in the same store?That’s very handy,isn’t it?It saves a lot of time.I need some clothes.

W:There’s a men’s clothing store next to the bank building on the right.There are also some good stores on Lincoln Street.

M:That’s a beautiful theatre on the corner.What do all the signs in front of it mean?

W:There’s a new play there tonight.The building next to the theatre is a hotel.

M:Is that the post office across the street?

W:No,that’s the City Hall.The post office is between the bus station and the Richmond Hotel.

M:Is that far from here?

W:No,it’s just three blocks straight ahead.


12.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a library.

B.In the woman’s office.

C.In a bookstore.

13.What is the woman trying to do?

A.To buy a book.

B.To borrow a book.

C.To get the writer’s name of a book.

14.What is the man going to do when the book comes in?

A.To send it to the woman’s house.

B.To write to the woman.

C.To call the woman.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:I’ve been trying to get hold of the book for some time.

M:Well,I’m sorry we haven’t got it...but we can order it for you.

W:How long should it take to get it?

M:Only a few days.

W:All right.

M:Now,what was the title?

W:Never Say Never.

M:Do you happen to know the name of the author?

W:Yes,it’s Claudia Jameson.

M:Jameson.OK,now could I have your name please?

W:Yes.Anne…that’s with an “e” at the end…Parker.

M:Anne Parker.Can I have your telephone number,as well?


M:Thank you very much.As soon as it comes in,I’ll ring you.

W:Thank you very much.


15.What kind of man is described by the man speaker?

A.A teenager.

B.A young adult.

C.A middle-aged man.

16.What color are the man’s eyes?




听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Can you describe him?Is he tall or short?

M:Tall.Not very tall,but fairly tall.


M:Well,he’s certainly not fat.He’s very fit and strong.

But he’s not thin either.

W:Can you say he’s well-built?

M:Yes,exactly.He’s well-built.About twenty-one or twenty-two years old.

W:Fair or dark hair?


W:Is his hair long or short?

M:About shoulder-length.

W:What color are his eyes?

M:He has blue eyes.

W:I see.Can you tell us anything else?What’s he wearing,for example?

M:Yes,I can,actually.He’s wearing a big white sweater,white shorts and an open-necked shirt.

W:Thank you for calling.We’ll try to find him.


17.How many librarians are in charge of the library?

A.Only one.

B.A single man.

C.We both.

18.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.The duties of the librarian.

B.The rules of the library.

C.The length of the students’ borrowing books.

19.How many books can students borrow at a time?

A.Two books.

B.Three books.

C.Four books.

20.Which of the following is NOT true of the rules for good behaviour in the library?

A.The students should keep the books in good condition when they return them.

B.The students should not keep books longer than two weeks if they don’t finish them.

C.The students want to take away some books with the permission given by the librarian.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  We have a big well-equipped library in our school.There is a librarian in charge of it.Students of the school may borrow books from the library but they may not lend them to others without the permission of the librarian.Students may borrow three books at a time.They may keep the books for 2 weeks.If they do not return them by the end of this period,they may be refused permission to borrow any more.?

  There are a number of rules for good behaviour in the library.Students ought to put back the books in their correct places on the shelves.They ought to leave the books carefully and keep them in good condition.Students may not talk or disturb others in the library.They ought to keep quiet when they are passing along outside the library.

From poor beginnings to most expensive player

      ZINEDINE Zidane,who dreams of leading France to its second World Cup title in a row next month,has always preferred to express himself with a football rather than with words.

      Last Wednesday Zidane scored the decisive goal when Real Madrid of Spain won the Champions League final against Germany's Leverkusen 2一1.

      He became one of the world’s most expensive players when he joined Real Madrid from Italy's Juventus for US $ 66 million.And he has been a national hero since he scored twice in the 3-O defeat of Brazil in the 1998 World Cup Final.

      But despite his success,Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground.He leads a quite family life,there is hardly any gossip about him and he avoids putting his wife and two children in the spotlight.

      “Just because I'm a public figure it doesn't mean I have to express myself on everything.I don't like to discuss some personal matters publicly.”he said.

      Even as a child playing football in the slum area of Marseille,France,where he was raised by his Algerian parents,Zidane was shy.

      He loved football even as a little kid.“I realized football is a wonderful mixture of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking,”he said.

      Even when the match awards were just chocolate and bread,Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich.

      Before he was 10 years old,it was obvious that he could become a great footballer.He was offered his first professional contract(合同)when he was just 20.Now,at the age of 29,he has already picked up two World Player  of the year awards.

      This quiet striker has not yet spoken of his hopes for the coming World Cup.But his fans across the world will be eagerly watching him to see what he'll do this time.

What did Zidane learn from his childhood football experience? He learned that_____________.

A.he could become a great footballer

B.he could become rich if he became a footballer

C.football is a mixture of a sharp mind and hard training but not just talking

D.football is a favorite sport in the future

According to the article,what are Zidane’s main characteristics?

A.He is a shy but successful man.

B.H e loves his wife and children.

C.He doesn't like to speak in public.

D.He is a quiet,down—to earth person of few words.

When the writer says“Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground”,he means_________.

A.Zidane spends more time standing than sitting most days

B.Zidane is a down-to earth person

C.Zidane has spent most of his time training on the pitch

D.Zidane likes standing when he succeeds

The sentence“Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich”means___________.

A.football made Zidane's poor family wealthy when he was a child

B.Zidane knew that football could bring him fame and wealth even when he was a child

C.football brought happiness to Zidane when he was a child in a poor family

D.Zidane knew that if he wanted to be  rich he must play football from childhood

When New York City was not very big, there was a market on the East River. On market day all the farmers came there to sell their vegetable, butter and eggs, and fruit. They laughed and talked together, so no one could hear the river that ran beside them.
But Hans ,the butterman , sat without a smile. He sold pounds of butter from a table beside him. Many people said that his butter wasn’t the right weight. They said that his rolls of butter didn’t weigh as much as a pound.
Once the weighmaster came walking down the road. He was looking for people who did not sell the full weight. Someone told him, ”Watch Hans, the butterman.”
Hans had good eyes. He saw the weighmaster and quickly put the piece of gold into the first roll of butter, between the butter and its cover.
A captain was standing beside Hans’s table, and he had seen Hans put the piece of gold into the roll. He stood at Hans’s side when the weighmaster came up to him.
“Good morning,” said the weighmaster.
“Good morning,” said Hans. “I think that you are looking for farmers who trick the people of our town.
“I’m,” said the weighmaster. “Someone told me that your rolls of butter don’t weigh a full pound.”
“Oh yes, they do. Here, Weighmaster. Here is a roll of butter. Weigh it yourself,” said Hans.
Hans took the first roll of butter and gave it to the weighmaster.
The weighmaster took his scales and put the butter onto it. The roll weighed more than a pound.
“I’ve made a mistake,” said the weighmaster. “You are an honest man. There is enough butter in this roll.”
Then the captain stood in front of Hans’s table. “You are an honest man, so I want to buy some of your butter,” he said. Before Hans could speak, the captain picked up the roll of butter with the piece of gold in it. “I’ll take this one.”
Hans’s heart began beating more quickly. “No, not that one. I’ve sold that one to a friend of mine. Take another one.”
“No, I want this one,” said the captain.
“I won’t sell it to you. I told you that I’ve sold it to a friend,” said Hans.
“Don’t make me angry. The weighmaster weighed this roll. Give your friend another one.”
“But I want to give him this one,” said Hans, who was now very uncomfortable.
“I ask you, good Weighmaster,” said the captain angrily, “don’t I have the right to choose the piece of butter that I want? I will pay good money for it.”
“Of course you have the right, Captain,” said the weighmaster. “What are you afraid of, Hans? Aren’t all the rolls of butter alike? Perhaps I have to weigh all of them.”
What could Hans say? What could he do? He had to smile and sell the butter to the captain. The captain gave Hans three cents for the butter.
The captain and the weighmaster walked away together.
“You punished the thief,” said the weighmaster.
“No, he punished himself,” said the captain, smile.
1. When Hans saw the weighmaster, he             .
A. stood up at once          B. said hello to the weighmaster
C. put a piece of gold into a roll of butter quickly
D. gave the weighmaster a piece
2. After the weighmaster weighed the roll of butter that Hans gave, he         .
A. thought Hans was an honest man
B. wanted to weigh all the other rolls of butter
C. wanted to buy a roll of butter from Hans
D. thought Hans was foolish
3. The captain wanted to buy butter from Hans           .
A. because he knew Hans was an honest man
B. because he wanted to punish Hans
C. to get the piece of gold in the butter
D. because the butter weighed more than a pound
4. Hans didn't want to sell that roll of butter to the captain because             .
A. he had sold it to someone else
B. he didn't like the captain
C. he didn't want to lose the piece of gold in it
D. it weighed more than a pound

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