
A.in doubt(about) ?

B.no doubt about?

C.no doubt of?

D.have no doubt that?

E.cast doubt on ?

F.doubts as to?

G.some doubt whether?

H.any doubt on?

I.Beyond doubt?

(1)She has her _________this being true.?

(2)I have _________his ability.?

(3)There is__________ the correct thing to do.?

(4)There is__________ he is the best man for the job.?

(5)I __________he will succeed.?

(6)No one has ___________this point.?

(7)We are___________ what to do next.?

(8)_____________he will give you some advice on your study.?

(9)What he had done ___________ his honesty.?


         It was a bitter, cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man was waiting for a ride across the   36  . The wait seemed   37  .

         At last he heard the slight, steady rhythm of approaching hooves (马蹄) coming along the frozen path. Anxiously, he   38   as several horsemen came around the bend (转角处). He let the first one   39  . Then another, and another. Finally, as the   40   rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue, the old man   41   the rider’s eye and said, “Sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn’t appear to be a passage way by  42  .”

         The rider replied, “Sure.” Seeing the old man was unable to  43   his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman got down and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination.

         As they neared the tiny but cozy (舒适的) cottage, the horseman’s   44   caused him to ask, “Sir, I notice that you let several other riders go by without making a(n)   45   to get a ride. Then I came up and you   46   asked me for a ride. I’m curious why, on such a bitter winter night, you would wait and ask the last rider.   47   I had refused and left you there?”

         The old man replied, “I’ve been   48   here for some time. I think I know people pretty good.” He continued, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no   49   for my situation. But when I looked into your eyes,   50   was evident. I knew,   51  , that your gentle spirit would   52   the opportunity to give me help in my time of   53  .”

         Those heartwarming comments   54   the horseman deeply.

         “I’m most grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I   55   to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”

         With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House.

A. town                   B. river              C. country                           D. island

A. meaningless       B. useless        C. careless                          D. endless

A. watched   B. asked      C. waved                       D. approached

A. come over           B. get off               C. pass by                            D. take off

A. coming                 B. leaving         C. next                                 D. last

A. missed                  B. caught         C. avoided                           D. saw

A. bus                        B. car                C. foot                                  D. horse

A. feel             B. push                   C. lift                                     D. stand

A. honesty                B. courage       C. enthusiasm          D. curiosity

A. choice                 B. stop          C. effort                               D. scene

A. immediately  B. hurriedly         C. friendly                            D. strangely

A. What about      B. What if              C. How come            D. If only

A. in                         B. out                C. around                            D. beyond

A. concern    B. doubt                C. chance                            D. reason

A. meaning   B. kindness  C. seriousness          D. help

A. then and there                                    B. for a moment  

                      C. all of a sudden                    D. sooner or later

A. offer                    B. create               C. find                                   D. welcome

A. need                   B. danger              C. fortune                            D. happiness

A. influenced         B. excited              C. touched                          D. hit

A. happen               B. try                      C. disagree                         D. fail

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

An old man had three children, all boys. When they had grown up, he called them together and told them that he was very __36__ and no longer able to provide, __37__ for himself .He ordered them to go out and bring him food and clothing.

The three brothers __38 __  , and after a very long while they came to a large__39__. They decided that once they got across they would __40__. The eldest told the youngest to take the middle road, and the second to go to the right, __41__ he himself would go to the left. Then, in a year’s time, they would __42__ to the same spot.

So they parted, and at the end of a year, as __43__, they found their way back to the riverside. The eldest asked the youngest what he had gotten during his travels, and the boy __44__: I have nothing but a __45__ . If you look into it, you can see all over the country, no matter how far away.”

 When asked __46__ what he had gotten, the second brother replied : “Only a pair of sandals that are so full of __47__ that if one puts them on one can walk at once to any place in the country in one step.”

Then the eldest himself, said: “ I , __48__ , have obtained but little, a kind of medicine, that is all. But let us look into the mirror and see how father __49__.”

The youngest __50__ his mirror, and they all looked into it and saw that their father was already __51__.Then the elder said: “Let us __52__ home and see what we can do,” So the second brought out his sandals, and all three placed their feet inside them and ,  __53__ , they reached their father’s grave. Then the eldest took the__54__ out of his bag, and poured it over the grave. At once their father __55__, as if nothing had been the matter with him.

Now which of these three sons has performed the best?

1.A. old                B. tired               C. active              D. unusual

2.A. merely             B. even       C. already       D. ever

3.A. took down   B. grew up               C. set out      D. turned around

4.A. plain               B. temple                   C. mountain     D. river

5.A. settle                 B. speed                C. bathe              D. separate

6.A. but                  B. although           C. while     D. if

7.A. refer                  B. return                C. owe               D. contribute

8.A. agreed     B. tested                    C. proved        D. called

9.A. rose                   B. replied                  C. aimed           D. added

10.A. map                 B. rule                  C. mirror           D. telescope

11.A. in doubt          B. in store           C. in time           D. in turn

12.A. happiness       B. time              C. energy          D. power

13.A. however          B. therefore            C. too                D. anyway

14.A. came out        B. got on                    C. made up      D. broke down

15.A. produced       B. fetched                 C. hid            D. received

16.A. dead                 B. rich                   C. strong     D. sick

17.A. call                   B. ride                  C. hurry            D. drive

18.A. suddenly         B. instead             C. slowly  D. immediately

19.A. fish       B. medicine        C. money  D. wine

20.A. got up    B. built up           C. joined in    D. passed away


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