
  One morning all the employees reached the office as usual.  And on the wall they saw a big 1        on which it was written: Yesterday,the person who has been 2        your growth in this company passed 3       . We invite you to join the funeral prepared in the 4       .

  In the beginning,they all got 5        for the death of one of their colleagues. 6       after a while they star?ted getting 7        to know who was the man that limited the growth of his colleagues and the company itself.

  The 8      in the gym was such that security agents (保安) were 9        to control the crowd within the room.   The more people reached the coffin,the more the excitement 10        up. Everyone whispered to each other : " 11        on earth is this guy?"

  One by one the excited employees got closer to the coffin,and when they 12        inside it,they 13       be?came speechless. They stood nearby the coffin,shocked and in 14       ,as if someone had 15        the deepest part of their soul.

  There was a 16       inside the coffin;everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that 17       : there is only one person who is 18        to set limits to your growth : IT IS 19       !Your life doesn't change when everyone around you changes. Your life changes when YOU change,when you go beyond your limiting beliefs inside.  Don't be afraid of 20      : build yourself and your reality. It's the way you face life itself that makes the difference!

1. A. card   B. post   C. sign   D. letter

2. A. encouraging   B. helping   C. building   D. limiting

3. A. on   B. by

  C. away   D. down

4. A. office   B. gym

  C. way   D. meeting room

5. A. sad   B. excited   C. afraid   D. calm

6. A. And   B. But   C. Or   D. So

7. A. ready   B. pleased   C. curious   D. serious

8. A. surprise   B. anger   C. excitement   D. sadness

9. A. admitted   B. forced   C. forbidden   D. ordered

10. A. heated   B. woke   C. turned   D. kept

11. A. Where   B. What   C. How   D. Who

12. A. walked   B. looked   C. got   D. turned

13. A. suddenly   B. gradually   C. merely   D. extremely

14. A. sorrow   B. order   C. silence   D. person

15. A. stolen   B. touched   C. attacked   D. seen

16. A. letter   B. book

   C. mirror   D. appeared

17. A. wrote   B. read

  C. showed   D. reflected

18. A. sure   B. eager   C. afraid   D. able

19. A. YOU   B. ME

   C. HE   D. ITSELF

20. A. punishment   B. praises

   C. changes   D. blame 

1. C根据语境可知,在墙上有一个标志。card卡片;post 杆子;sign标志,招牌,迹象,手势,符号;letter信。

2. D根据后面的提示可知用limit。limit your growth限制你的发展。

3. C pass away去世。

4. B 根据后文的提示in the gym可知用gym。

5. A根据语境可知一位同事死了,所以大家都感到难过。

6. B然而由于好奇大家都想知道死的这个人是谁。故选B项。

7. C ready准备好的;pleased高兴的;curious好奇的;seri?ous严肃的。根据上下文选C项。

8. C根据后文提示可知用excitement

9. D根据语境知,保安被命令将人们控制在房间里。ad?mit承认;force 3虽迫;forbid禁止;order命令。

10. A人们激动的心情不断加剧。heat加热;wake醒来; turn转变;keep保持。

11. D人们想知道这个人究竟是谁?

12. B当人们向棺材里看的时候,人们突然变得无话可说。walk走;look看;get得至lj;turn转变。

13. A suddenly突然;gradually逐渐地;merely仅仅;ex?tremely极其。由语境可知选A项。

14. C人们站在棺材旁边感到震惊且沉默不语。sorrow 悲伤;order命令;silence沉默;person人„

15. B ......似乎触动了人们的内心深处。steal偷;touch触动;attack袭击;see看见。

16. C根据后文可知,棺材里有一面镜子(mirror) 。

17. B镜子旁边的标示写着:只有一个人能限制你的发展,那就是你自己。

18. D be able to能。

19. A 

20. C 不要害怕改变(change) 。punishment惩罚;praise 表扬;change改变;blame责备。


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