Europe's best known places of interests—including the Eiffel Tower,Big Ben and Rome's Colosseum— fell dark on Saturday,following on Sydney's Opera House and Beijing's Forbidden City in joining a global climate change protest,as lights were turned off across the world to mark the Earth Hour event.

   The lights went out at the Empire State Building in New York,the National Cathedral in Washington,and the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta.

   Millions of lights were expected to turn off from 8 : 30 p. m. to 9 : 30p. m. They want to call people to protect the environment. It was the fourth time to hold Earth Hour,organized by the World Wildlife Fund.

   4,000 cities from more than 120 countries —starting with the remote Chatham Islands off the coast of New Zealand—were turned off on Saturday,though traffic lights and other safety features were still on,organizers said.

   In England,Buckingham Palace and the British Parliament building St. PauFs Cathedral and the Royal Albert Hall,as well as Edinburgh Castle in Scotland went dark to support it.

   Moscow took an active part in it. State University,on a hill overlooking the city disappeared into the darkness as the city took part.The gigantic Luzhniki Stadium (卢日尼基大体育场) nearby also went black. Some big restaurants in Vladivostok held a so-called Candle Evening,making Earth Hour as a chance for romance.

() 1. The lights were turned off across the world in these places but.

   A. Eiffel Tower   B. Big Ben

   C. the Statue of liberty   D. Rome's Colosseum

() 2. Millions of lights were expected to turn off for.

   A. half an hour   B. an hour

   C. two hours   D. all night

() 3. It was the time to hold Earth Hour.

   A. first   B. second

   C. third   D. fourth

() 4. The passage may come from a .

   A. story   B. diary

   C. report   D. poster

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