

1.The idea, which is intended to __________ (促进) friendship, is highly praised and supported by the teachers and students alike.

2._________(基本上) I agree with your plans, but there are a few small points I’d like to discuss.

3.The poet expressed his burning __________(激情) for the woman he loved.

4.In past ten years, there has been a __________ (逐渐的) change in the climate.

5.I’m ___________ (确信)that she is innocent.



Every country has its heroes.The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire.If you get a list of the heroes of a nation,it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation.

Today in America,if you ask the high school students to list their heroes,their choices would probably fall into three groups.The first group of heroes would be the rock stars—the people connected with rock music.There is no doubt that such people do have talent(才能).But one wonders if one should treat rock stars as a model.The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good.The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles.However,one should seek more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.

A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star.Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area—sports.However,too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of disorder.Too frequently drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.

A third type of hero is the TV or movie star.This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome.However,the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people.Today,the rock star,the athlete and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America.Really,do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor,a teacher or a scientist?These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes.However,they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.

What is really sad is that the young try to imitate(模仿) their heroes.They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles.If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars,athletes and actors,the future does not look too bright.

1.The last sentence of the first paragraph implies that .

A.if a nation has a lot of heroes,it will be strong

B.heroes of a nation will make the nation itself

C.what the people admire will make the future of the nation

D.if you want to be a hero,you must admire the hero

2.According to the writer,people should admire those .

A.who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes

B.who can express people’s feelings

C.whose personal life is good

D.who work for the interests of the people

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards American youth’s admiration?

A.He understands it.

B.He criticizes it.

C.He is angry about it.

D.He is uninterested in it.


I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place.It was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was __________ to my daughter’s school.Our plan was to go __________ together.I’d stopped at a __________ to get some fresh fruit.We like to have some fruit to eat __________ our swim.I was driving along a high road on the way. __________ my road was another road which was built like a __________ .I was hungry so I put the bag of apples __________ me and started to eat one. __________ I saw the cars in front of me start to __________ from side to side.Then my car started to shake!I didn’t know what was happening.Perhaps something had __________ wrong with my car.I drove a little more slowly and then I __________ the car and at the same moment the road __________ onto the cars in front of me.I found myself in the __________.I couldn’t move.My legs and feet were hurting badly and I couldn’t move them.All round me was __________ .But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise.Then I memorised what had happened.I had been __________ an earthquake.For about two hours nobody came.Luckily I could reach the bag of __________ ,so at least I had plenty to eat.Then I heard people __________ towards me.A team of people had come to __________ if anyone was under the __________ road.I called out,“I’m here!” I heard a shout.Soon a stranger climbed to my car.“How are you __________?” he asked.“Not too bad,” I said.They didn’t get me out until the next morning.

1.A.driving B.leading C.walking D.running

2.A.shopping B.dancing C.swimming D.sightseeing

3.A.farm B.shop C.park D.school

4.A.after B.during C.since D.once

5.A.Under B.Along C.Over D.Beside

6.A.bridge B.roof C.cover D.top

7.A.under B.along C.inside D.beside

8.A.Finally B.Actually C.Suddenly D.Slowly

9.A.move B.roll C.burst D.jump

10.A.been B.broken C.gone D.done

11.A.parked B.started C.moved D.stopped

12.A.put B.ran C.fell D.jumped

13.A.dark B.afternoon C.sun D.car

14.A.noisy B.dusty C.quiet D.bloody

15.A.on B.at C.by D.in

16.A.food B.sandwiches C.apples D.bread

17.A.climbing B.shouting C.moving D.driving

18.A.know B.tell C.understand D.see

19.A.open B.broken C.lost D.dirty

20.A.sleeping B.feeling C.eating D.going

“It is obvious that China will climb up university rankings in the years to come.”This statement from Phil Baty, editor of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, lines up with China’s optimism that it will produce world-class universities. But there are still difficulties to overcome, experts say.

Universities from China’s mainland slipped in the 2011-2012 Times’ global rankings. Peking University dropped 12 places from last year to 49th, and Tsinghua University fell to 71st place. Among Asian universities, Peking is ranked No. 4 and Tsinghua No. 8.

A combination of factors determines rankings — research output, study environment, reputation and international outlook.

Due to China’s economic development, investment (投入) in education and research has increased, but the quality of education and research in Chinese academia seems not to have kept pace.

The gauge (判定标准) is the number of papers published in highly respected English-language journals, so while many papers are being produced in China, it appears not all are good enough to attract international attention.

Still, higher education in China is developing quickly, thanks in part to huge government investment. China spent an amount equal to 3.69 percent of GDP on education last year, according to Ministry of Finance data.

China has the largest and one of the fastest growing higher education systems in the world — 2,723 schools for 31 million students. Enrollment (入学人数) has increased more than four times from 2001 to 2011.

1.What’s Phil Baty’s attitude towards the future of Chinese universities?

A. Unconcerned. B. Uncertain.

C. Optimistic. D. Worried.

2.What was Peking University’s place in the 2010 Times’ global rankings?

A. No. 4. B. No. 37. C. No. 49. D. No. 59.

3.All the following are factors that determine a university’s ranking EXCEPT _____.

A. the quantity of its published papers

B. how good its study environment is

C. the number of its graduates

D. how well-known it is

4.What is the problem with papers produced in China?

A. Lack of variety.

B. Lack of quality.

C. Not being translated well.

D. Not being tested enough.

Some 30,000 years ago, artists who lived in caves in Europe painted pictures of the animals around them: panthers, hyenas, rhinos, cave lions, mammoths and other creatures which have been extinct for a long time.

The artwork, more than a thousand drawings, is considered the oldest group of human cave drawings which have ever been discovered. They were preserved because the cave was sealed---closed off--for more or less 23,000 years.

Fast forward to December 18, 1994, a group of French cave scientists were exploring caves in southern France. Jean Marie Chauvet, who led the group then, describes the process of discovering the cave paintings. “At that time I was in the front, Eliette just walked behind me, Christian behind. Eliette said she saw two marks with red ochre(赭石) and she said, ‘They came here.’ And at this very moment everything began. The drawings and everything linked to the parietal art(壁画). That is where it started.”

Cave art expert Jean Clotttes reviewed the paintings. “I was amazed at the number of paintings there were and paintings of their quality and particularly in front of the panel of the horses.”

Scientific analysis confirmed the prehistoric date of the artwork. Studies showed the drawings were created tens of thousands of years ago, before human history was written. The United Nations’ cultural agency UNESCO lists the cave as a World Heritage Site. They say that the drawings form a remarkable expression of early human artistic creation of grand excellence and variety.

The Chauvet Cave has been named after the explorer who first entered it. However, its environment and drawings are too fragile to be visited by human beings. So the cave is closed, and only people there for scientific purposes can go inside and see the artwork.

However, French authorities asked experts to create an exact copy of the cave, called Pont d’Arc Cavern. The copy, which we also called replica, cost more than 59 million dollars to build. It opened at the end of April in France.

Pascal Terrasse is the president of the cavern. He says everyone will be able to experience the thrill of looking at drawings made by the first humans in Europe. He says the place is magic because it is done so well. Authorities say they think as many as 400,000 people will be allowed to visit Pont d’Arc Cavern every year.

1.According to Jean Clottes’ words in Paragraph 4, the paintings in the cave were .

A. abstract B. superior C. creative D. inspiring

2.Which of the follow statements is TRUE about the Chauvet Cave?

A. It was closed off for more than 30,000 years.

B. It is thought to be the origin of modern parietal art.

C. The environment and artwork there are very easy to damage.

D. The majority of drawings there are about the extinct animals.

3.The purpose of creating Pndt d’Arc Cavern is to .

A. show admiration for the earliest artists in Europe

B. arouse visitors’ awareness of protecting ancient art

C. offer visitors chances to view the wonderful artwork

D. collect money for the perseverance of the Chauvet Cave


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I wouldn't have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DON'T FORGET. I was _________ . Don't forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. l. Snow peas. 2. Shakespeare. 3. Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someone's list?

Yesterday was my first day here. Since our teacher Mrs. Allison_________ me, nobody except the boy with _________ spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch. I tried to _________attention to the lessons, but my mind went blank. Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? “Sadira.” I _________when Mrs. Allison called my name. “It's time to line up for _________.” As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces(背带) ask, “What's that?”, _________ at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “I'll try some snow peas,” the boy behind me _________ . Snow peas! Number l on the list.

After lunch, Mrs. Allison _________ that it was “poem time.” The boy who'd asked for snow peas stood up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs. Allison nodded. “To be or not to be…” Wyatt began. When he _________, Mrs. Allison added, “Shakespeare wrote sonnets(十四行诗), a special kind of _________ .” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to feel upset, _________ what would happen next.

After school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a while before I _________Wyatt. He smiled in a _________way, saying “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.” “Forgot what'?” “You're Number 3 on my list.” So now I _________what was going on. “My mom's _________ . I'm supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.

That night, I made my own_________ . l. Try the spinach quiche. 2. Offer my _________to the boy with glasses. 3. Say _________ to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more _________ : Thank Wyatt.

1.A. terrified B. curious C. grateful D. pleased

2.A. introduced B. encouraged C. helped D. spied

3.A. rags B. glasses C. pearl D. baggage

4.A. bring B. carry C. rely D. pay

5.A. shouted B. wandered C. jumped D. stared

6.A. class B. quiz C. lunch D. scenery

7.A. glaring B. pointing C. cheering D. mixing

8.A. worked out B. blocked out C. put out D. shouted out

9.A. confirmed B. announced C. chatted D. sought

10.A. finished B. managed C. crashed D. floated

11.A. phrase B. passage C. poem D. novel

12.A. expecting B. wondering C. screaming D. existing

13.A. crashed B. bowed C. apologized D. spotted

14.A. friendly B. amazed C. exhausted D. rude

15.A. brought up B. watch out C. found out D. caught sight of

16.A. idea B. tradition C. fault D. religion

17.A. cake B. scene C. poem D. list

18.A. card B. peas C. dessert D. buffet

19.A. thanks B. sorry C. goodbye D. hello

20.A. topic B. person C. item D. system

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