
【小题1】 多数人统治,人头都算数;少数人统治,人头就落地。
Under m     rule, heads are counted; under minority(少数) rule, heads are cracked.
【小题2】 愚者的心长在嘴里,智者的嘴藏在心里。
The heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his h    .
【小题3】 快活的人通常都是傻瓜。
A m     man is usually a fool.
【小题4】 趁热打铁。
S     the iron while it is hot.
【小题5】 麻烦不找你,别去找麻烦。
Never trouble trouble until t     troubles you.
【小题6】 不要以从别人那里借来的观点为生。
Don’l     on the borrowed opinions of other men .
【小题7】 幸运和不幸是邻居。
F     and misfortune are next-door neighbors.
The world is a play that would not be worth seeing if we knew the p   .
A friend in n    is a friend indeed.
【小题10】 工欲善其事,必先利其器。
A craftsman who wishes to do his work well must first s     his tools.

【小题1】 heart 
【小题1】 Fortune
【小题1】 sharpen



One of my fondest Christmas memories was also one of our family’s bleakest(最令人沮丧的).We were just little kids , and on Christmas Day mom   36 us all around her to tell us ,  37 ,that there would be no presents because all we really wanted was to  38 for our daddy.He was very sick . I don’t remember anything else except four little girls surrounding my mother, crying   39 a miracle(奇迹)
At that very moment ,someone   40 loudly on the door.  41 Behind him was a merry group of soldiers from the Army base where my father   42 as a minister . News had  43  that we were in trouble ,and his colleagues knew we needed some  44  .
With all the excitement ,even my dad  45  in a blanket to keep warm , came down and sat in front of a roaring fire in our room to watch his children be  46 by good Samaritants(乐善好施的人). The presents were unwrapped , and we girls  47  packages and found a doll each and four board games.
What is  48  to me is that I don’t even remember what sickness my father was suffering from.I 49  remember an evening of laughter and  50  There were no expensive toys but    51 moments of friendship and fun given by young men who knew that a family was having a(n)  52 time . They gave their time and their  53 to little children who needed to laugh.
The most important thing in life aren’t things . And what about the true  54  of holidays ? I hope we all are able to remember a thing about the holidays that stirs(搅动)our heart , that isn’t really a thing at all, but the smile on a child’s face because we take a moment to hug or   55 a tear.
【小题1】A requested  B  commanded  C  gathered  D  recommended
【小题2】A in tears    B  in doubt     C  in silence  D  in surprise
【小题3】A apply     B   pray        C  pay      D  ask
【小题4】A to        B   with       C   for       D  in
【小题5】A knocked   B  beat        C   tapped    D  struck
【小题6】A Fighting   B  Shooting    C   Running   D  Following
【小题7】A charged   B   existed     C   governed  D   worked
【小题8】A expanded  B   spread     C   distributed  D  disappeared
【小题9】A confidence  B  cheer      C   trust       D  wisdom
【小题10】A dressed    B   attached    C   trapped    D   wrapped
【小题11】A persuaded  B   saved      C   taught     D   entertained
【小题12】A discovered  B  sought      C   unfolded   D  packed
【小题13】A strange     B   frightening  C   useful     D   encouraging
【小题14】A seldom     B   just        C   even      D   hardly
【小题15】A happiness   B   surprise     C   doubt     D   anxiety
【小题16】A shocking    B  priceless     C   worthless  D   beneficial
【小题17】A relaxing    B   great        C   ordinary   D   rough
【小题18】A praise      B   treatment    C   attention   D   response
【小题19】A theme      B   spirit        C   principle   D  theory
【小题20】A wipe away  B   deal with     C   write about  D  burst into

A few months ago, I was picking up the children at school. Emily, another mother that I knew well, rushed up to me. She was full of __41__.
“Do you know __42__ you and I are?” she asked. __43__ I could answer, she gave out the reason for her question. She had just returned from renewing her driver’s license at a government office. The woman __44__ desk asked her what her “occupation” was. Emily hesitated, __45__ how to answer it. “What I mean is,” explained the woman, “do you have a job, or are you just a ...?”“Of course I have a job,” answered Emily. “I’m a (an) __46__.”“We don’t __47__ ‘mother’ as an occupation ... ‘housewife’ covers it,” she said.
I forgot all about her story __48__ one day I found myself in the same situation. This time it was at our own Town Hall. The clerk was a woman.
“And what is your occupation?” she asked. What __49__ me say it, I do not know. The words simply jumped out. “I’m ... a (an) ___50___ in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”
The clerk stopped, her ball-point pen ___51__ in mid-air. She looked up __52__ she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly.
“Might I ask,” said the clerk with new interest, “just what you do in your ___53__?” Coolly, I heard myself ___54__, “I have a continuing program of research in the
laboratory and in the field. I’m working for my masters (the whole family) and already have __55__ credits (令人增光的人或事物) (all daughters). I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). The job is more challenging than most jobs and the __56__ are in satisfaction rather than just money.”
There was an increasing note of __57__ in the clerk’s voice as she __58__ in the form. As I drove into our driveway(私家车道), I was __59__ by my lab assistants — ages 13, 7, and 3. Inside the house I could hear our new experimental model (six months) in the child-development program.
I felt successful. Motherhood...what a great __60__.

A.sinceB.unlessC.until D.when
A.so thatB.even thoughC.as thoughD.because of
【小题17】 A. interest           B. respect              C. doubt            D fear

More than a hundred adults and kids gather for the Star Party on a cold evening, chattering excitedly as they stand in the dark on a Virginia hillside. The odd thing is, no one has turned on a flashlight, and no streetlights or house lights wink(闪烁) on around them.
These people have traveled to the countryside more than an hour from Washington, D. C., to get away from the glow of city lights.  That's because they are attending a star party. Star parties are gatherings where professional and amateur astronomers set up their telescopes and invite people to come learn about the night sky. Getting away from light pollution, or artificial skylight from buildings for example,  helps stargazers (看星星的人) see objects in the sky much better.
At this star party, Sean O'Brien of the National Air and Space Museum’s Einstein Planetarium starts off by asking the crowd to simply look up and take in all they can see. He points out plenty of things that can be seen without special equipment. Stars, satellites, and even the Andromeda galaxy(仙女座) can be found if you know where to look.
After that, several dozen astronomers offer close-up views. Each has focused their telescope on a different part of the sky. As kids take a look, the owner gives a mini-lesson.
O’Brien says you can have your own star party at home and learn a lot just by paying attention to what's happening up above. "Watch the sky as the seasons pass, and you will see that it changes," he says. "Or start with the moon. Notice when and where you are seeing it—maybe even in the early morning while you wait for the school bus. "
【小题1】What was it special about the Star Party ?

A.It was organized by the local authority.
B.It was carried out without any lights.
C.It was so cold that people chatted to cheer up.
D.It was held in the town center of Virginia
【小题2】According to the passage, who were involved in the activity ?
a. some invited guests
b. some government officials
c. some experts in astronomy
d. those who were interested in astronomy
e. students who were major in agriculture
A.a, c, dB.a, d, eC.b, d, eD.c, d, e
【小题3】From the passage, we can infer that if you want to see the objects in the sky            .
A.you'd better escape from pollution and sunlight
B.you'd better follow Sean O'Brien's guidance
C.you'd better buy some advanced equipment
D.you'd better make use of your imagination
【小题4】Which of the following can be best describe what O'Brien says about discovering the stars'?
A.Roman is not built in a day.
B.No pains, no gains.
C.All roads lead to Roman.
D.Time and tide wait for no man.

One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one's mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it is even harder to say, "I was wrong, and you were right about that."
I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been the manager of a certain grocery store in the neighbourhood where I grew up, and he asked me if I remembered the egg boxes. Then he related an incident and I began to remember vaguely the incident he was describing.
I was about eight years old at the time, and I had gone into the store with my mother to do the weekly grocery shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the dairy food department where the incident took place.
There must have been a special sale on eggs that day because there was an impressive display of eggs in dozen and half-dozen boxes. The boxes were stacked three or four feet high. I must have stopped in front of a display to admire the stacks. Just then a woman came by pushing her grocery cart and knocked off the stacks of boxes. For some reason, I decided it was up to me to put the display back together, so I went to work.
The manager heard the noise and came rushing over to see what had happened. When he appeared, I was on my knees inspecting some of the boxes to see if any of the eggs were broken, but to him it looked as if I was the culprit (做错事的人). He severely scolded me and wanted me to pay for any broken eggs. I tried to explain it wasn’t me who had broken them, but it did no good. Even though I quickly forgot all about the incident, obviously the manager did not.
. How old was the author when he wrote this article?

A.About 8.B.About 18.C.About 23.D.About 15.
Who was to blame for knocking off the stacks of boxes?
A.The author.B.The manager. C.A woman.D.The author's mother.
. Which of the following statements is not true?
A.The woman who knocked off the stacks of boxes was seriously criticized by the manager.
B.The author was severely criticized by the manager.
C.A woman carelessly knocked off the stacks of boxes.
D.It was the author who put the display back together.
. The tone of the article expresses the author's         .
A.regret for the mistake he made in the store
B.admiration for the manager's willingness to admit mistakes
C.anger against the woman who knocked off the stacks of boxes
D.anger to the manager for his wrong accusation

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