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Broward public schools require 40hours to graduate£®Palm Beach County public schools require 20£¬and most private and charter schools £¨ÌØÐíѧУ£© require at least that much£®
The purpose£ºTo give students a taste of the real world£¬and the chance to explore a career and create a habit of volunteering£®
"We hope that when they finish high school they'll continue service£¬"says Mike Roland£¬student activities officer for the Broward School District£®
About half of US public schools require community service£¬according to a national study£®Broward School Board £¨¶Ê»ᣩ member Bob Parks says encouraging community service has launched all kinds of new projects£¬including tutoring and food collections£®
Carroll£¬a junior student at South Plantation High£¬has connected with FLIPANY£¬a nonprofit £¨·ÇÓªÀûµÄ£© organization that offers cheap physical activity and food to low-income families£®He helps teach children about cooking and healthy eating£®
"It has been a life-changing experience£¬"says Carroll£¬who is now leaning toward a career as a sports trainer£®"I want to find a career encouraging people to lead a healthier lifestyle£®"
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÊǶÁдÈÎÎñÐÍд×÷£¬ÕâÀà×÷ÎÄ¿É°´ÕÕÈý¶Îʽģ°åд£ºµÚÒ»¶Î£º¸Å¿öËù¸ø¶ÌÎÄÒªµã£®µÚ¶þ¶Î£º¹ý¶É´ÊÒý³öÖ÷Ìâ¾ä---²ûÊöÀíÓÉ£®µÚÈý¶Î£º¸öÈ˹۵㣮ÌرðҪעÒâµÚÒ»¶ÎµÄ¸ÅÀ¨£®ÓÃ×Ô¼ºµÄÓïÑÔ¸ÅÀ¨£¬²»ÄÜÕÕ°áÕÕ³ÔÎÄ£® ʱ̬ÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£®È˳ÆÓõÚÒ»ºÍµÚÈýÈ˳ƣ® ÖØÒª¶ÌÓbe required to do sth£¨±»ÒªÇó×öijÊ£©£¬offer sth £¨ÌṩijÎ£¬be of great benefit to£¨¶Ô¡ÓÐÒ棩£¬explore sth£¨ ̽Ë÷£¬¿±Ì½£©£¬create a habit of£¨ÅàÑøÒ»¸ö¡Ï°¹ß£©£¬in need£¨ÐèÒª£©£¬be helpful to£¨¶Ô¡ÓаïÖú£©£¬cultivate our social responsibility£¨ÅàÑøÉç»áÔðÈΣ©£¬get involved in£¨¾íÈ룬ǣÁ¬µ½£©£¬treasure all chances £¨ÕäÖØ£¬ÖØÊÓËùÓеĻú»á£©£®
1£®From the passage we know¢Ùthat students in many US high schools of are required to offer various community service before graduation£¬¢Úin order to give students chances to know the real world£¬explore a career and create a habit of volunteering£®
¢Ù´Ë´¦ÊÇÓÉÁ¬´Ê"that"Òýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬Ö÷¾äΪ"we know"£®
2£®By participating£¬we can learn how to work well in a team£¬how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizing ability£®
´Ë´¦ÊÇÓÉÁ½¸öÒÉÎʸ±´Ê"how"Òýµ¼µÄ±öÓï´Ó¾ä£¬Ö÷¾äΪ"we can learn"£®
½â´ð From the passage we know that students in many US high schools of are required to offer various community service before graduation£¬in order to give students chances to know the real world£¬explore a career and create a habit of volunteering£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨¸ÅÀ¨£©
In recent years£¬the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people£¬especially among youngsters£®More and more schools in China require students to take part in community service during the vocations£®Students are often seen to sweep the streets£¬plant trees and visit orphanages£®
Community service is of great benefit to both those in need and society£®Moreover£¬community service is helpful to cultivate our social responsibility£®
As modern middle school students£¬we should get actively involved in community service£®By participating£¬we can learn how to work well in a team£¬how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizing ability£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿Undoubtedly£¬all of these are important to our development£®Therefore£¬we should treasure all such chances£®£¨¸öÈ˹۵ã---ÐèÒª×÷ʲô¸Ä±ä£©
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---Yes£¬but you can not imagine ______ during the past three years£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | what a hard life he has experienced | |
B£® | what he has experienced a hard life | |
C£® | he has experienced what a hard life | |
D£® | what a hard life has he experienced |
A£® | No matter who will take on | B£® | Who takes on | ||
C£® | Whoever will take on | D£® | Whoever takes on |
A£® | hold off | B£® | hold on | C£® | hold back | D£® | hold up |
A£® | compare | B£® | match | C£® | produce | D£® | win |
A£® | Ran the children down the hill | |
B£® | Down the hill did the children run | |
C£® | Down the hill the children ran | |
D£® | Down the hill ran the children |