
第二节   完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
It was a family adventure trip. My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper (旅行车) and were   36   through Baja California. The day before our return to San Diego, we   37   the camper near a beach for one last night in nature.
In the middle of the    38   I was awakened by Judith   39   me with her finger and yelling at me to   40  . My first impressions were of   41   and banging. Fairly confused, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing without clothes on,   42   the wind screen. 
What I saw   43   me quickly out of my half-dazed state. The camper was   44   by masked men hitting the   45  .
I dove for the driver's seat and tried to start the   46  . The camper had started perfectly at least 50 times that   47  . Now it tried to turn over, sputtered (劈啪作响) a few times, and died. There was the sound of breaking glass, and a hand   48   in through the driver's side window. I hit the hand with a lot of force.
My hand was bleeding   49   the broken glass. I   50   I had one more chance to
start the car. Having played hero   51   a thousand times in fantasy, I never   52   I would do it. I turned the key. The engine sputtered to life... and died. Then someone jammed a gun into my throat. I remember this thought: "You mean I don't save the family?" I was really quite surprised.
One of the men, who spoke a little English, was   53  , " Money! Money!" The gun still at my throat, I reached under the driver's seat and   54   one of them my   55   through the broken window. I was hoping this was the end of it…
36. A. crossing       B. traveling    C. conveying         D. entering   
37. A. threw      B. deleted       C. parked              D. moved   
38. A. camper     B. beach     C. nature         D. night     
39. A. pushing          B. beating       C. controlling     D. holding    
40. A. jump up          B. set up     C. light up         D. get up  
41. A. noise       B. sound     C. voice         D. fantasy   
42. A. grasped     B. crashed      C. faced         D. glanced  
43. A. confused      B. woke     C. feared         D. barked   
44. A. surrounded   B. robbed          C. examined      D. hunted   
45. A. doors       B. windows    C. walls          D. tyres   
46. A. machine       B. engine     C. journey         D. camp  
47. A. moment          B. day       C. time           D. trip  
48. A. came       B. reached      C. trembled       D. peered 
49. A. by         B. at              C. from          D. in  
50. A. suggested     B. figured       C. indicated       D. observed 
51. A. energetically       B. enthusiastically  C. successfully       D. naturally 
52. A. doubted          B. thought      C. imagined       D. required  
53. A. begging          B. translating  C. yelling              D. reminding
54. A. handed     B. offered       C. provided       D. protected 
55. A. trousers          B. license          C. shoes         D. wallet

36 – 40  BCDAD   41– 45  ACBAB     46 –50  BDBCB    51– 55  CACAD
Are you happy? Do you remember a time when you were happy? Are you seeking happiness today?
Many have sought a variety of sources for their feelings of happiness.Some have put their heart and efforts into their work.Too many have turned to drugs and alcohol.Meanwhile, untold numbers have looked for it in the possession of expensive cars, exotic(异国的)vacation homes and other popular “toys”. Most of their efforts have a root in one common fact: people are looking for a lasting source of happiness.
Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes from many people because they misunderstand the journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “I’ll be happy when I get my new promotion,” or “I’ll be happy when I lose that extra 20 pounds.” It is dangerous because it accepts that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something.
In life, we all experience stimulus(激励) and response.Today, some people think that an expensive car is stimulus.Happiness is a response.A great paying job is stimulus.Happiness is a response.A loving relationship is stimulus.Happiness is a response.This belief leaves us thinking and feeling:“I’ll be happy when…”
It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true.I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly happy.When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work.When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships.When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health.Happiness is not a response but a stimulus.
Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives.For unknown reason to me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time.Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want—we usually get things we want AFTER we choose to be happy.
61.From the second paragraph, we know too many people           .
A.are not happy when they work hard
B.are not happy when they drink or take drugs
C.are happy when they possess their own expensive cars
D.all desire exotic vacation homes
62.Generally speaking, most people feel happy because          .
A.they think happiness is rooted in their deep heats
B.they get what they want to have
C.they get a great paying job
D.they get an expensive car
63.Which f the following is right according to the author?
A.If you want to get what you want, you first choose to be happy.
B.We should try to get more and then we’ll be happy.
C.Most people today are happy.
D.Work is a necessary part in our daily life.
64.From the viewpoint of the author, happiness is        .
A.based on our needs   B.unconditional
C.out of reach                 D.linited 
第四节完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A group of dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problems with  26  . He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from a teacher? You know what people say about teachers: those who can, do---those who can't,  27  ."
To stress his point he turned to another guest, "You're a teacher, Bonnie. What do you  28  ?"
Bonnie, who had a reputation for  29  and frankness, replied, "You want to know what I make?” She  30  for a second and then began.
"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of  31  time while their parents can't make them  32  for 5 minutes without an iPod. You want to know what I make?"
She paused again and looked at each and every person sitting at the table  33  .
"I make kids wonder and question. I make them  34  for what they do  35  . I make them have  36  for the old and take responsibility for their actions. I teach them to write. I make them read. I make them learn everything they  37  to know in English while they’re preserving their own unique  38  identity. I make my classroom a place where all of my students feel  39  without fearing any danger.
Finally I make them understand that if they use the  40  they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can  41  in life."
Bonnie paused one last time and then continued. "Then when people try to  42   me by what I make, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are  43  . You want to know what I make? I make a  44  !What do you make? "
There is much truth in this  45  : teachers make other professions possible.
26.A. business               B. education                 C. literature                  D. food
27.A. listen                   B. wait                         C. watch                       D. teach
28.A. make                   B. get                           C. win                          D. possess
29.A. beauty                 B. honesty                    C. humor                      D. generosity
30.A. ate                      B. thought                    C. paused                     D. frowned
31.A. practice               B. rest                          C. class                        D. work
32.A. sit                       B. play                         C. learn                        D. sleep
33.A. nervously            B. calmly                     C. coldly                      D. curiously
34.A. prepare                B. apply                       C. apologize                 D. seek
35.A. importantly          B. wrongly                   C. valuably                   D. meaningfully
36.A. fear                     B. concern                    C. sympathy                 D. respect
37.A. need                    B. have                        C. desire                       D. mean
38.A. national               B. cultural                    C. mental                     D. social
39.A. comfortable         B. happy                      C. safe                         D. fair
40.A. tools                   B. supplies                    C. chances                    D. gifts
41.A. succeed               B. struggle                    C. survive                     D. live
42.A. pay                     B. judge                       C. admire                     D. accuse
43.A. rude                    B. foolish                     C. critical                     D. mean
44.A. decision               B. promise                    C. difference                 D. mistake
45.A. account               B. declaration               C. explanation               D. statement
Fatimah Bamun dropped out of Balizenda Primary School in the first grade, when her father refused to buy her pencils and paper. Only after her teachers said to him that his daughter showed unusual promise(有希望) did he change his mind. Today, Fatimah, 14, tall and slender, studies math in a dirt-floored fourth-grade classroom.
Whether she will reach the fifth grade is another matter. Fatimah is facing the realities of a school with no toilet, no water, no hope of privacy (隐私) other than the shadow of a bush, and no girlfriends with whom to share feelings. Fatimah is the only girl of the 23 students in her class. In fact, in a school of 178 students, she is one of the only three girls who have made it past the third grade.
“I have no friend in the class,” she said. “Most of my friends have dropped out to get married. So during the break, I just sit in the classroom and read.”
Her father, however, now says he is fully behind her. “The people from the government are all the time telling us to send our daughters to school, and I am listening to these people,” he said.
But in many cases, parents don’t listen. Parents think that if the girls stay home, they can help with the harvesting, fetch the water and collect the firewood. So they take them out of school.
In a region where poverty, tradition and ignorance make about 24 million girls not even have an elementary school education. There are many other barriers (障碍) that prevent girls going to school, such as the lack of school toilets and water.
The issue is not only equality. The World Bank thinks that if women in sub-Saharan Africa had equal education, land and other wealth, the region’s economy could improve greatly. There is a connection between growth in Africa and sex equality. It is of great importance but still ignored by so many people.
小题1:The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to _______.
A.find the cause of Africa’s poverty
B.describe the poor education conditions of African girls
C.prove the inequality in African society
D.reform the present schooling systems in Africa
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Fatimah is a girl who shows signs of success for the future.
B.Fatimah’s father is now giving a lot of support to her.
C.Fatimah is the only girl who has made it past the fifth grade in her school.
D.Fatimah has no friends at school because they most of them have dropped out to get married.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.most African girls are treated equally in society
B.African governments don’t care whether girls go to school or not
C.most African girls would rather get married than go to school
D.African girls can’t enjoy equal chances for education

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends,    31   must be willing to take actions. You must first go to the place_  32   are people. You won’t make friends    33  home alone.   34   a club or group, for talking with those who like the same things as you do is    35    . Or join someone in some activity. Many people are nervous when talking to people. After all, meeting strangers means facing    36   . And it’s human    37   to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.
Most of our fears about dealing with new people    38    doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us,    39    us too tall or too short, too this or too that.   40   don’t forget that they must be feeling    41     way as you. Try to accept yourself    42    you are, and try to put the other person at ease. You will ____43___ feel more comfortable.
Try to act self-confident even if you don’t feel that way.   44   you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look ___45___ at other people and smile. If you see someone you’d like to   46   to, say something. Don’t wait for the other person to  47   a conversation.
Just meeting someone    48   doesn’t mean that you will make friends with that person. Friendship is  49   on mutual (相互的) liking and “give and take”. They take time and   50    to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.
31.  A. you                        B. they                         C. it                             D. I
32.  A. when               B. whether                       C. where                  D. however
33.  A. arriving              B. returning               C. staying                 D. leaving
34.  A. Recognize            B. Accept                 C. Share                         D. Join
35.  A. more difficult       B. easier                   C. uncomfortable           D. ordinary
36.  A. a friend               B. the enemies                 C. trouble                        D. the unknown
37.  A. nature                       B. fault                    C. weakness             D. manners
38.  A. come from                B. give up                C. get over               D. carry off
39.  A. finding               B. making                C. stopping               D. treating
40.  A. And                    B. Therefore             C. But                    D. So
41.  A. in the                  B. a friendly              C. different               D. the same
42.  A. what                   B. as                       C. how                    D. where
43.  A. neither                B. both                     C. hardly                  D. never
44.  A. When                 B. As if                    C. So that                        D. In which
45.  A. specially             B. directly                C. shyly                   D. strictly
46.  A. refer                 B. write                    C. speak                         D. pay
47.  A. start                  B. stop                    C. develop                 D. hold
48.  A. strange                B. new                     C. famous                 D. active
49.  A. depended             B. lied                      C. taken                   D. based
50.  A. money                 B. resource                C. effort                   D. trouble
My mother seemed to be able to make dolls (洋娃娃) out of anything. She made some dolls for me and my two elder sisters. I 36 playing with them, but still, secretly, I hoped for a store-bought 37 like the one our rich cousin had. Her doll 38 open and close its blue glass eyes and even say "Mamma". I 39 stopped admiring it and hoping to have one.
However, my dream 40 came true when I was six. One day my father came back from his business trip with three 41 dolls! They were much smaller than our cousin’s doll and their eyes were just painted ones, but I did not 42 such differences. They were 43 "store-bought" dolls. We each chose one and I named 44 Misako.
Soon my sisters and I became 45. Our "children" kept us 46 all day. We gave them a bath, 47 them, brushed their hair, took them out for a walk and put them to bed. Several months later, they got more like real children — their 48 and bodies became dirtier; their dresses got stained; their hair less smooth.
But, by then, 49 interests seemed to have moved into 50 toys. Their dolls were abandoned (被抛弃) and in bad condition. One had 51 one of her arms, and 52 was one-legged. "You can 53 them if you want," my sisters said to me. Thus, I had 54_ dolls. They were more or less handicapped (残疾) and they often looked at me as if they needed me to 55 them. I enjoyed this feeling of being needed — being the only one in the world who could protect them with a lot of love. Indeed, they made the rest of my childhood days very happy.
36. A. wanted       B. expected           C. hoped                         D. enjoyed
37. A. doll              B. toy                C. girl                            D. baby
38. A. might         B. should              C. could                         D. dared
39. A. often         B. never              C. sometimes                D. seldom
40. A. immediately B. firstly                C. hardly                        D. finally
41. A. beautiful    B. lovely               C. store-bought            D. new
42. A. care about           B. care for             C. think about             D. worry about
43. A. total         B. real                    C. like                            D. true
44. A. my         B. one                  C. them                        D. mine
45. A. sisters      B. fathers                      C. friends                D. mothers
46. A. free          B. busy             C. hard                   D. tired
47. A. wore        B. put on           C. dressed               D. wash
48. A. faces        B. legs                C. arms                  D. hands
49. A. my           B. their                        C. my sisters’            D. my doll’s
50. A. tiny                  B. different          C. curious                      D. humorous
51. A. lost         B. wounded          C. cut                   D. damaged
52. A. the other    B. another          C. it                     D. other
53. A. look out for   B. take care of         C. pay attention to     D. have a look at
54. A. two          B. few                    C. many                   D. three
55. A. teach        B. feed               C. satisfy                 D. help

Dinner was almost ready when the killing happened.When Don Wise walked into the living room of his home,his ten-year-old son,Mike,and a 12-year-old friend were sitting in front of a large-screen television set.They were playing a video game they had rented(租赁), called Golden eye 007,one of the top-selling titles of 2007.
Standing behind the boys,Wise saw that one boy pushed the button and shot the character in the face.Blood splattered(喷溅)the lab coat of the character as he circled and fell.“You’re down!”the boy said,laughing.
Frightened by the child’s obvious fun,Wise ordered the boys to turn the game off.“This game is terrible.“he said seriously.“I don’t want you to play with this any more.”
Video games have become pervasive form of entertainment since the 1990s.Today about 69 percent of American families own or rent video and computer games.Most are harmless entertainment,but in far too many of the most popular ones,kids are acting out realistic violent experiences on their TV and computer screens.“These are not just games any more,”says Rick Dyer,president of the San Diego-based Virtual Image Productions.“These are learning machines.We’re teaching kids in the most incredible way what it’s like to pull the trigger(扳机).The focus is on the thrill,enjoyment and reward.What they’re not realizing are the real-life results.“
Such video games introduce kids to a fantasy world that features amazingly lifelike characters,detailed images of brutality(野蛮)。 Unlike movies and television,where you watch the violence,the video game lets you feel the sensation(感觉) of taking violent actions. When you’re into the game,you’re in the game. 
“The technology is becoming more engaging(吸引人的) for kids,”says David Walsh,president of the National Institute on Media and the Family(NIMF),a watchdog group in Minneapolis,“and a part of the games features anti-social themes of violence,sex and rude language.Unfortunately,it’s a part that seems particularly popular with kids between ages 8 to15.”
57.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of this passage?
A.Video game violence is very harmful to kids.
B.Video game is a common form of entertainment.
C.Video game violence is popular with children.
D  Video game is the reflection of the real—life violence.
58.We can infer from the passage that the_____________.
A.NIMF is characteristic for its social justice
B.NIMF is a political organization in Minneapolis
C.NIMF promotes(推崇) video games and other media products
D.NIMF detects(侦查) the media industry’s illegal actions(违法行为)
59.The underlined word“pervasive”in Paragraph 4 most probably means____________.
A.worldwide        B.instructive       C.widespread      n harmful
60.Which of the following statements would Rick Dyer agree with?
A  Video games with some violence teach kids to experience real life.
B.Video games are realistic ways to learn more about the real life  world.
C.Video games with fantastic features are loved by most kids in the US.
D  Violence video games have a negative influence on children.
The first thing my host father “warmed” me was that almost everyone in America was a big hugger.
I didn’t understand what he meant until my first party. Whether they were friends or strangers, teenagers or elders, girls or guys, everyone I met gave me a big hug.
However, as time went on, I began to understand America’s hugging culture. When a friend broke up with me, I was sad. When I told my best American friend about it, she said nothing but put her arms around me. Then warmth of the hug was a greater comfort than anything she could have said to me.
One winter day I was walking along the street, shivering(颤抖). It was then I saw two women, each holding a paper board, on which there were two words:FREE HUGS. Their were red because of the freezing weather and they were jumping up and down to keep themselves warm. “Hi, girl! Do you want a hug?” One of them asked me. I went up and opened my arms. The hug was short but warm and it took some of the coldness of the day away.
After that I became a big hugger myself. One time my host father and I were traveling to another town. When we reached a restaurant where my friend Cindy worked, he stopped the car.
“What’ wrong?” I asked.” “Alice, why don’t you go inside and give Cindy a hug?” He suggested. I went into the restaurant, ran straight up to Cindy, and gave her a hug before she realized what was going on. “That was a big surprise! And you got my day sweetie! ” She told me later.
A hug is a way to communicate love and care. Do you want a hug? My arms are wide open.
56.The point of the first three paragraphs is to explain      .
A.how body language is more important than actual words
B.why hugging is so important in American culture
C.how expressing, feelings can be difficult for Chinese
D.how the author’s attitude toward hugging culture changed
57.We can infer from the passage that the host father      .
A.seldom has has time to spend with the author
B.often shares his experience with the author
C.warns the author of the possible danger
D.teachers the author to show her care for her friends
58.According the passage, a hug can make us feel
A.comforted, loved and cared for                   B.happy, understood and amazed                 
C.excited, wise and surprised     D.cared for, wise and happy

A heart attack can happen to anyone. Let’s say it’s 5:20 pm and you’re driving home alone after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly, you start experiencing terrible pains in your chest, and they spread to your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital which is nearest your home. Unfortunately, you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You’ve been trained in a CPR course, but the guy who teaches the course hasn’t told you how to perform it on yourself. What can you do?
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seems to be quite useful. Without help, people whose hearts stop beating properly and who begin to feel faint (头晕的) have only about 10 seconds left before they faint. However, they can help themselves by coughing over and over very loudly. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, coming from inside the chest. Deep breaths and coughing must be repeated about every two seconds without stopping until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze (挤压) the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it beat normally. In this way, people who are suffering a heart attack can get to a phone and between breaths call for help.
Tell as many other people as possible about this, as it may save their lives!
64. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. The good thing about coughing.
B. How to help people survive a heart attack.
C. How to avoid having a heart attack.
D. How to survive a heart attack when alone.
65. According to the passage, CPR is most probably something done to ________.
A. regain a person’s breath and heart beat
B. oneself to help survive a heart attack
C. teach people how to stay in good condition
D. train people how to stay calm when facing danger
66. According to the second paragraph, what’s the use of taking deep breaths during a heart attack?
A. It helps to squeeze the heart.                        
B. It helps to keep the blood circulating.
C. It helps to get oxygen into the lungs.             
D. It helps to reduce the pains in the chest.
67. In which section of a newspaper could you read this passage?
A. Health care.     B. Advertisement.        C. Family.       D. Education.

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