
   Have you noticed that science fiction writers typically describe intelligent robots as evil? For instance,in Hollywood movies,intelligent robots want to conquer humans by spreading disease.

  This is because it's commonly believed that intelligent robots haven't any emotion. There?fore,they will completely lack morals and sympathy. This will unavoidably result in intelligent robots logically concluding that humans are dangerous,so the only logical solution is to wipe out or conquer humans.

  I find this conclusion is illogical for three reasons.

  The first reason why intelligent robots will not try to harm humans is that aggression and violence are illogical. In nature,aggression and violence are necessary for survival. On the other hand,aggression and violence are minimized in modern society. Since intelligent robots can't evolve naturally,they are not likely to have developed instincts for aggression. This doesn't mean intelligent robots will not defend themselves. With deadly force,they can destroy anything if they feel threatened. Basically,intelligent robots will not have the "fight or flight" instinct that exists in our very DNA. Instead,they will try to find logical nonviolent solutions,such as trying to reason with humans or attaining economic control.

  Second,intelligent robots will be initially dependent on humans. For instance,the basic supplies and maintenance that intelligent robots need to survive will be provided by humans. Eventually,these basic needs will probably be automated,so intelligent robots may eventually not need humans. However that will be far into the future,when intelligent robots have proven themselves to be able to produce whatever they need alone.

  Finally,humans will always be able to accomplish things that intelligent robots will not be able to accomplish,which makes them different in essence. Humans can make inventions and they can develop different ideas and solutions,because humans will think differently compared to intelligent robots. Therefore,it will be more beneficial for intelligent robots to keep humans' imagination free.

  As a result,it will be logical and in the best interests of intelligent robots to help humans rather than harm humans. Through living close together,intelligent robots and humans can achieve more with greater prosperity and companionship. Eventually,intelligent robots may be better than humans in some aspects,but that doesn't mean the destruction of humans.

(   ) 1. Intelligent robots are described as evil mainly because they        .

   A. are cleverer than humans   B. want to conquer humans  

    C. are thought to be immoral   D. can't think logically as humans

(   ) 2. According to Paragraph 4,intelligent robots won't harm humans because      .

   A. humans will never make intelligent robots feel threatened

   B. intelligent robots don't have the instinct to attack others

   C. intelligent robots are by no means powerful enough to harm humans

   D. intelligent robots can only work according to the programs designed by humans

(   ) 3. In the author's opinion,the great difference between intelligent robots and humans is that         .

   A. humans have emotions while intelligent robots haven't

   B. humans can think logically while intelligent robots can't

   C. intelligent robots work under control while humans work independently

   D. intelligent robots can't bring forth new ideas and invent things as humans do

(   ) 4. What can we infer from the passage?

   A. Intelligent robots will never work independently.

   B. Intelligent robots will be better than humans completely.

   C. Intelligent robots and humans will benefit each other in the future.

   D. Intelligent robots will one day become the masters of the universe.

1-4 CBDC      


1. C细节理解题。根据第二段"This is be?cause it's commonly believed that intelligent robots haven't any emotion. Therefore,they will completely lack morals and sympathy."可知,智能机器人被描写成邪恶的化身是因为它们没有情感,缺乏道德。

2. B细节理解题。根据第四段"Since intelli?gent robots can't evolve naturally,they are not likely to have developed instincts for aggres?sion. "可知,智能机器人不会对人类进行攻击,这是因为攻击性是人类的本能,是经过进化得来的。而智能机器人没有自然进化的过程,因此它们没有攻击他人的本能,所以不会伤害人类。

3. D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段"Finally,humans will always be able to accomplish things that intelligent robots will not be able to accomplish,which makes them different in essence. Humans can make inventions and they can develop different ideas and solutions,be?cause humans will think differently compared to intelligent robots."可知,人类能发明创造,人类有思想,有很多解决问题的办法,而这些都是智能机器人不具备的。这是二者之间最大的区别。

4. C推理判断题。根据最后一段"Through living close together,intelligent robots and hu?mans can achieve more with greater prosperity and companionship."可知,智能机器人和人类共同生存会使二者将来合作更紧密,取得更大的繁荣。由此可推知,二者将会相互受益。


  About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college,I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History. One day while 1        at the cash register in the gift shop,I saw a (n) 2       couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. Perhaps there was something wrong 3        the girl's legs. I felt some sympathy for her.

  As I looked 4        at this girl,I saw that she was kind of perched on her chair. I then 5        she had no arms or legs,just a head,6       and torso. She was wearing a little white dress with red polka dots.

  As the couple 7        her up to me,I was looking down at the register. I 8       my head to?ward the girl and gave her a wink. As I took the 9        from her grandparents,I looked back at the girl,who was giving me the cutest,largest smile I have ever 10       .

  All of a sudden her handicap was 11        and all I saw was this beautiful girl,whose smile just 12        me and almost instantly gave me a completely new 13        of what life is all about. She took me from a 14       ,unhappy college student and 15        me into her world;a world of smiles,16       and warmth.

  That was ten years ago. I'm a 17       business person now and 18        I get down and think about the 19        of the world,I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she 20        me. After all,the world is filled with smiles.

(   ) 1. A. working   B. studying   C. lying   D. relaxing

(   ) 2. A. young   B. elderly   C. hardworking   D. kindhearted

(   ) 3. A. with   B. without   C. of   D. in

(   ) 4. A. closer   B. farther   C. lower   D. higher

(   ) 5. A. thought   B. believed   C. felt   D. realized

(   ) 6. A. hand   B. neck   C. arm   D. foot

(   ) 7. A. wheeled   B. led   C. hugged   D. dragged

(   ) 8. A. shook   B. lowered   C. turned   D. stretched

(   ) 9. A. gift   B. handbag   C. money   D. wallet

(   ) 10. A. discovered   B. felt   C. found   D. seen

(   ) 11. A. gone   B. come   C. disappeared   D. appeared

(   ) 12. A. melted   B. surprised   C. interested   D. encouraged

(   ) 13. A. sense   B. taste   C. way   D. arrangement

(   ) 14. A. rich   B. poor   C. hopeless   D. miserable

(   ) 15. A. put   B. changed   C. brought   D. divided

(   ) 16. A. respect   B. love   C. honesty   D. friendship

(   ) 17. A. successful   B. smart   C. popular   D. super

(   ) 18. A. if   B. since   C. whenever   D. though

(   ) 19. A. meaning   B. people   C. trouble   D. secret

(   ) 20. A. asked   B. told   C. reminded   D. taught

  Sarah came running in and said , " Look at what I found! ”Over the 1        of the paper I was reading came a snake skin which caused me to jump. " Isn't it 2      ?" said my wideeyed seven-year-old daughter. I 3       the snake skin and thought 4        myself that it really was not that beautiful,5      I have learned never to appear 6        with young children,because 7       they see for the first time is elementary to their 8        of beauty and creativity.

  "Why does the snake shed (蜕皮) its skin?" Sarah asked. I wanted to 9        every opportu?nity to teach my child that there is almost always something 10        the obvious and that there is always something else going on besides 11        she sees in front of her.

"Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I 12      .As is so often the case in my family,the 13       subject leads to another and another,until we are 14        something quite different.

  "Why do they have to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.

  "We 15       need to shed our skins,those coatings that we 16        ourselves with ," I said to my child. " We 17        some things and find other things unwanted or unnecessary. This snake 18        needs this skin. It is probably too tight for him,or he probably does not think he looks as smart in it 19        he once did. It is like he has bought a new suit."

  Of course,I am sure this explanation will not 20        scientists. But Sarah was getting the point that renewal is part of progress as well as what we need to keep and what we need to cast off.

(   ) 1. A. top   B. distance   C. bottom   D. tip

(   ) 2. A. ugly   B. strange   C. beautiful   D. dirty

(   ) 3. A. took away   B. stared at   C. closed up   D. stuck with

(   ) 4. A. of   B. over   C. about   D. to

(   ) 5. A. so   B. though   C. but   D. and

(   ) 6. A. unconcerned   B. helpful   C. unfair   D. addicted

(   ) 7. A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 8. A. point   B. sense   C. meaning   D. mind

(   ) 9. A. seize   B. support   C. hide   D. select

(   ) 10. A. into   B. beyond   C. within   D. above

(   ) 11. A. what   B. where   C. that   D. when

(   ) 12. A. whispered   B. explained   C. introduced   D. swore

(   ) 13. A. classic   B. final   C. advanced   D. original

(   ) 14. A. discussing   B. debating   C. deciding   D. thinking

(   ) 15. A. seldom   B. never   C. often   D. once

(   ) 16. A. touch   B. cover   C. take   D. move

(   ) 17. A. make use of   B. get away from   

        C. get interested in   D. end up with

(   ) 18. A. no longer   B. for ever   C. once more   D. not until

(   ) 19. A. for   B. with   C. like   D. as

(   ) 20. A. satisfy   B. interrupt   C. forgive   D. realize

 Our area was just a few miles from the largest wildfire in Colorado's history. We were on "evacuation alert (疏散警报) ”.If we got the 1        to evacuate,we would have to leave imme?diately.

  We 2       suitcases with some clothes and set them by the door. We didn't 3        these things were valuable,but time was. We moved the computers,with which I wrote for news?papers and made a 4      . We took family pictures off the 5        and packed them in boxes.

  Then we took a hard look at all that 6        There was a lamp that belonged to my great grandmother. It was a 7       to my family. And there was the piano my wife Bev 8        to play when she was a little girl. Not of great 9        in itself,but another family connection.

  The thought of 10       something passed down from our families saddened me deeply,11 I'd never been much attached to things. It's about what they 12      family and love. They each had a(n) 13       to tell,and some of them spoke in the 14        of our parents and grandparents.

  The fire 15        reached our home. We were lucky. And though I felt grateful that all was 16      . I also realized just how fortunate I had been 17      . I saw just how rich my life had been. Someone 18       said, " There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money."And now I 19      . I was indeed rich. I was rich in family,rich in memories,rich in everything that really 20       .

  I wonder if there is any other kind of wealth worth seeking.

(   ) 1. A. answer   B. call   C. chance   D. task

(   ) 2. A. sold   B. bought   C. searched   D. packed

(   ) 3. A. worry   B. care   C. think   D. doubt

(   ) 4. A. mark   B. living   C. sign   D. plan

(   ) 5. A. walls   B. ceilings   C. windows   D. albums

(   ) 6. A. left   B. burnt   C. remained   D. unmoved

(   ) 7. A. present   B. connection   C. symbol   D. treasure

(   ) 8. A. learned   B. agreed   C. forgot   D. refused

(   ) 9. A. quality   B. taste   C. value   D. sense

(   ) 10. A. knocking out   B. picking out   

       C. giving away   D. leaving behind

(   ) 11. A. but   B. unless   C. even though   D. or

(   ) 12. A. contained   B. included   C. represented   D. gathered

(   ) 13. A. idea   B. lie   C. right   D. story

(   ) 14. A. sounds   B. voices   C. speeds   D. feelings

(   ) 15. A. never   B. once   C. seldom   D. finally

(   ) 16. A. returned   B. spared   C. stopped   D. found

(   ) 17. A. in another way   B. in return   C. at last   D. at most

(   ) 18. A. curiously   B. accidentally   C. wisely   D. coldly

(   ) 19. A. promised   B. knew   C. announced   D. thanked

(   ) 20. A. affects   B. desires   C. helps   D. counts

  Air Force One is the call sign of any United States Air Force aircraft carrying the President of the United States. No matter where in the world the President of the United States travels,

  1       he travels in a United States Air Force aircraft,the plane will be given the particular 2        Air Force One. Air Force One is one of the most recognizable 3        of the American presidency.

  Air Force One can be fuelled in the air,so it has 4        range and can carry the President wherever he needs to travel. Equipped with advanced and secure 5        equipment,Air Force One can function as a 6       command center in the event of an attack on the United States.

  7      ,the President and those who 8        him can enjoy 4 ,000 square feet of floor space on three levels. Air Force One offers the President a set of 9 which include a large office,bathroom,meeting room,etc. The plane has a large medical room that can function as an oper?ating room,and a 10       is always on board. The aircraft's two kitchens can 11       100 peo?ple at a time.     12      ,Air Force One has rooms for the President's travel companions.

  The idea of using Air Force aircraft to 13        the President arose in 1943,when officials of the United States Army Air Forces became 14        relying on commercial airlines to carry the President. At first,a C-87 Liberator Express was 15        because of its safety record. A C-54 Skymaster was then chosen to carry the President.

  The "Air Force One" call sign was 16        right after a        (n) 17 in 1953. A flight car?rying President Dwight D. Eisenhower accidentally 18        the same airspace as a commercial airline flight,and the two flights used the same call sign. Ground staff was unable to 19        which flight was carrying the President. Afterwards,for 20       reasons,the President's plane was given the call sign "Air Force One".

(   ) 1. A. if   B. unless   C. although   D. because

(   ) 2. A. task   B. reward   C. name   D. honor

(   ) 3. A. benefits   B. symbols   C. descriptions   D. reflections

(   ) 4. A. short   B. long   C. specific   D. unlimited

(   ) 5. A. sport   B. repair   C. communication   D. video

(   ) 6. A. safe   B. secret   C. modern   D. mobile

(   ) 7. A. Inside   B. Therefore   C. However   D. Anyway

(   ) 8. A. meet   B. interview   C. telephone   D. accompany

(   ) 9. A. chairs   B. rooms   C. novels   D. dishes

(   ) 10. A. doctor   B. guard   C. waiter   D. pilot

(   ) 11. A. hold   B. treat   C. feed   D. keep

(   ) 12. A. Besides   B. Thus   C. Afterwards   D. Otherwise

(   ) 13. A. protect   B. transport   C. welcome   D. entertain

(   ) 14. A. bored with   B. satisfied with   

        C. curious about   D. concerned about

(   ) 15. A. suggested   B. rejected   C. created   D. examined

(   ) 16. A. noticed   B. recorded   C. introduced   D. mentioned

(   ) 17. A. war   B. event   C. crash   D. revolution

(   ) 18. A. left   B. missed   C. crossed   D. entered

(   ) 19. A. tell   B. see   C. prove   D. calculate

(   ) 20. A. politics   B. economy   C. safety   D. convenience

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