
As I enter my 40s, I’ve noticed many of my parents’ generation think social networking is something they are simply unable to understand. They fear that, should they try, they will somehow get it wrong; they will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing or behave in a way that causes embarrassment(尴尬). But here’s the first secret of social media: Everyone feels this way.

I recently met a young actor who was complaining that her work demands that she join Microblog, but she always feels like she doesn’t have anything smart to say. It’s the same resistance (抵制)I hear from the older generation, who, however, have somehow believed that age is the barrier(障碍), rather than the differences of personal taste.

Here’s the second secret of social media: everybody uses it for more or less the same reasons. Older generations often sign up to stay in touch with children and relatives. We talk about this kind of communication like it’s some old-fashioned activity, but it is exactly why younger people use social media. The truth is that most people use social media to gently keep an eye on one another, to see how those they care about are doing without needing to ring them up on the phone every night.

And this is the last secret of social media: everyone gets to use them in their own way. Newcomers—younger and older—who worry about “getting it right” are thinking that there’s a right way to get them. But actually there isn’t. Personally, I talk a lot on Microblog. And some people post nothing and they use social media every day as readers. Social media companies would rather see people decorating their networks with pictures and posts, but there’s no rule against being a fly on the wall. It’s also a fine way to get involved.

We’re quick to forget that the web wasn’t invented by 13-year-olds; it was created by today’s seniors. I’d never try forcing those with no interest in social networks to use Microblog. But don’t let the talk of age divides put you off. There’s nothing to stop the older generation from joining in the network their own generation created.

1.What’s the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To share with us his personal experience using social media.

B. To free the old generation from fearing using social media.

C. To explain why the old generation don’t use social media.

D. To tell us a few secrets of social media that he discovered.

2.The expression “a fly on the wall” in the 4 th paragraph refers to _________.

A. people who prefer reading online books

B. people who simply observe others’ posts

C. people who cause trouble to others

D. people who post many fancy pictures

3.According to the author, which is a reason for old people’s fear using social media?

A. They have no particular interest in social networking.

B. They prefer staying in touch with relatives in real life.

C. They believe they may be trapped in embarrassing situations.

D. They have no idea which contents to post online.

4.Which of the following may best describe the structure of this passage?

A. B.

C. D.


Though many people tell us we can’t succeed, we need to hear others,opinions. I remember my high school English teacher telling me not to apply to Cornell University because they wouldn’t accept me and even if they did, I wouldn’t be able to do the work. I almost didn’t apply but a few days later I saw Ivan Goldfarb, a former teacher and asked him about Cornell. He said, “If you get in,then you go. You can do it.” His words made all the difference. I applied, and was accepted.

Too often we think it’s our role to put “reality” into someone’s life. We think it’s our job to protect people from the pain of failure and defeat. We think we must point out how bad the economy is and how horrible the job market is and how the sky is falling. We think that dreams are meant for others.

I say there are enough “realists” in the world. The world doesn’t need more negativity and impossible thinkers. The world needs more optimists,encouragers,and inspirers. The world needs more people to speak into the hearts of others and say “I believe in you.” “Follow your passion and live your purpose.” “The job market is not great but I believe you’ll find the right job for you.” and so on.

When it comes to encouragement, I know that everyone loves working for and with people who bring out the best in us. And while we'll always remember the negative people who told us we couldn’t accomplish something, we will always cherish and hold a special place in our heart for those who encouraged us.

Today I want to encourage you to be an encourager. So often the difference between success and failure is belief. And so often that belief is instilled (逐步灌输) in us by someone who encouraged us.

1.After a talk with the English teacher, the author thought .

A. he would have a try even if he was to meet with a failure

B. he cast much doubt on what the teacher had said

C. whether he should give up his dream

D. he should turn to another person for advice

2.Whom would you wish to get advice from if you were a person in need?

A. One who can foresee your failure in the future.

B. One who can analyze the severe situation ahead.

C. One who is willing to help you with your work.

D. One who can stimulate your courage and creativity.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Your casual words may have a big effect on others.

B. It is better not to tell truth when you are asked for advice.

C. No one on earth is content to believe a true word.

D. Teachers should be cautious of what they do.

Sleeping in Class

I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was a college freshman and had_________most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just _______ my first class of the day my eyelids were feeling _______and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a _______. A few minutes’ nap time before class couldn’t_______, I thought.

Boom! I lifted my head immediately and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my heart _________ quickly trying to find the cause of the _______. My young professor was looking back at me with a _______, boyish smile on his face. He had _________ dropped the pile of textbooks he was carrying onto Ms desk. “Good morning!” he said, still smiling. “I’m glad to see everyone is ________. Now let’s get started.”

For the next hour I wasn’t sleepy at all. It wasn’t from the shock of my professor’s textbook__________either. It was ________from the attractive discussion he led. With knowledge and good humor, he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and loving kindness. I________the classroom not only wide awake, but a little ________and a little better as well.

I learned something far more important than ________ in class that day, too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, do it ________, and make it an ________ of your love. What a glorious place this world would be if all of us did our work joyously and well. What a beautiful world we could ________ if every doctor, teacher, musician, cook, waitress, poet, miner, farmer, and laborer made their work an expression of their love. Don’t sleepwalk your way through life then. ________! Let your love fill your work and your soul. Life is ________short not to live it well.

1.A. used up B. stayed up C. mixed up D. taken up

2.A. before B. during C. after D. over


A. lighter and lighter B. wider and wider

C. smaller and smaller D. heavier and heavier

4.A. pillow B. bed C. tool D. waste

5.A. break B. shock C. hurt D. pass

6.A. jumping B. striking C. moving D. beating

7.A. accident B. lesson C. action D. noise

8.A. sad B. evil C. naughty D. silly

9.A. intentionally B. accidentally C. naturally D. obviously

10.A. present B. awake C. sleepy D. attentive

11.A. bomb B. instructions C. alarm o’clock D. hitter

12.A. even B. instead C. still D. therefore

13.A. left B. attended C. missed D. entered

14.A. smarter B. stranger C. braver D. prettier

15.A. not talking B. not learning C. not fighting D. not sleeping

16.A. with effort B. with pressure C. with desire D. with joy

17.A. aim B. expression C. acceptance D. offer

18.A. describe B. create C. change D. ruin

19.A. Cheer up B. Hurry up C. Wake up D. Look up

20.A. so B. as C. too D. such

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