One day,a friend told me about his problem. He has been spending more time 41 lately — he goes to the mall every weekend,and once or twice in the week as well. The shop windows are really 42 for him and it's true that he 43 a few things when he is there. Besides,he can51 44 shopping during sales. His wife tells him they don't need all those things,  45 he thinks they are so cheap and good ... Now my friend's wife has decided to get his credit card cancelled. Life is getting for him!

    This sounds like a(n) 47 of compulsive(强迫性的) shopping,and hundreds,maybe thousands of people have the same 48. 1’m afraid there's no easy 49 ,although there are a number of methods we can suggest.

     One thing you could do is to try making a 50   before you go out. You won' t buy so many things if you think first about what you really 51 .

    Another good  52 would be to check your budget. How much can you 53 to spend? If you can't control your 54 ,don't take your credit card with you!For example,take £50 and say: UI can buy what I want,as long as it doesn’ t cost more

than £50.? 55,you can do this 56 once a week,or once a month!

     57,if you still can't control things,maybe you should just 58 going to the shops. There's a lot more to life than just shopping. Try not to spend your family's moirey,59 , spend time with them. Be sociable!60 a hobby,such as cycling or swimming,or going out with your friends. But let someone else dq the shopping.

41. A. working   B. learning   C. shopping   D. travelling

42. A. great   B. strong   C. strange   D. big

43. A. loses   B. buys   C. makes   D. returns

44. A. continue   B. try  C. remember   D. stop

45. A. so   B. but   C. and   D. or

46. A. fair   B. hard   C. normal   D. good

47. A. lesson   B. experience   C. way   D. example

48. A. problem   B. opinion   C. accident   D. approach

49. A. life   B. solution   C. promise   D. task

50. A. conversation   B. suggestion   C. start   D. list

51. A. need   B. agree   C. forget   D. expect ’

52. A. question   B. goal   C. reply   D. idea

53. A. afford   B. find   C. choose   D. borrow

54. A. time   B. money   C. power. D. patience

55. A. Luckily   B. Naturally   C. Frequently   D. Clearly

56. A: only   B. even   C. ever   D. also

57. A. Shortly   B. First   C. Lastly   D. Later

58. A. hate   B. avoid   C. keep   D. enjoy

59. A. instead   B. however    C. besides   D. then

60. A. Share   B. Show   C. Change   D. Develop

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