

______ him well, I would have invited him to my birthday party.

         A. Had I known                            B. Should I know

         C. If I know                                   D. If I knew







Having driven almost thirty hours, I decided to stay in South Carolina for a few days. The next morning, I purchased a three-day fishing license and bait (饵料) before heading to the lake.
Opening my trunk, I carefully took out my fishing gear (用具), put it on the lake’s edge, baited up and began to fish.
“Good morning,” said someone, walking up from behind me.
Turning around, I saw a game warden (猎场管理员) with a clip-board.
“Good morning,” I said, nodding my head.
“Catch any fish?” he asked.
“No sir, just relaxing and killing time.”
“Can I see your fishing license?”
I handed him the license I had purchased at the bait shop.
“Can I see your driver’s license, too?” he requested.
“I see the name on the driver’s license is spelled Kiser and the name on the fishing license is Kaiser,” said the warden.
“The gentleman at the bait shop must have written it wrong,” I told him.
“Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to write you up for fishing with an invalid license and take away your fishing gear.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” I responded, with a surprised look on my face.
Sure enough I was written up and my fishing gear taken away. I was told that I would have to pay a fine and that my stuff would be sold at auction(拍卖).
I stood there almost in tears as he drove away. Those rods and reels were very special to me. I had used them over twenty years, fishing with my friends, who were now all dead.
After returning home in Georgia, I telephoned South Carolina trying to explain the situation, but no
one would listen. I was told that the Department of Fish and Game had a “zero tolerance” for fishing and hunting violations. Finally, in tears I paid the fine and gave up the fight.
Nine months later, I received a letter. I had no idea who it was from as there was no return address. On a plain piece of notebook paper was written “Auction for the Department of Fish and Game held this Saturday at 11:00 am.”
On Saturday, at six in the morning I headed to South Carolina. By ten o’clock I had found the auction. There were numerous boats and piles upon piles of fishing equipment. All at once, there it was—my wonderful stuff all thrown in a pile as if it was worth nothing.
As the auction began I took my seat. In my wallet was twenty-seven dollars. For more than an hour I waited for my property to be brought to the auction block.
“We have three rods and reels here. I guess we will sell this as a unit,” said the auctioneer.
“50 dollars,” yelled someone in the crowd.
“51 dollars,” yelled another man.
I rose from my seat and walked out of the auction.
“66 dollars,” I heard as the bidding continued.
“100 dollars,” came another bid. The auction became silent.
“100 dollars once, 100 dollars twice, 100 dollars three times. Sold for 100 dollars,” went the auctioneer.
I walked to my truck, got in and just sat there. Suddenly I heard something hit the side of my truck. Turning around, I saw the back of a man putting my three rods and reels into my truck. It was the same game warden who wrote me the ticket almost a year ago!
As I got out of the truck he stuck out his hand and said, “I wasn’t wrong. It’s the law that is wrong.
I shook his hand, thanked him and drove away. I cried as I crossed the South Carolina Georgia state line.
【小题1】Who wrote a letter to the writer telling him about the auction?

A.The Department of Fish and Game.B.The game warden.
C.A person unmentioned in the passage.D.The auction organizers.
【小题2】Why did the writer walk out of the auction while it was going on?
A.He realized he was unable to get back his fishing gear.
B.He was too nervous to stay inside till the auction ended.
C.He couldn’t bear hearing people selling his fishing gear.
D.He knew the game warden was waiting for him outside.
【小题3】What did the game warden mean by saying “It’s the law that is wrong”?
A.It didn’t make any sense to prohibit people from fishing freely in South Carolina.
B.The writer did break the law by fishing with an invalid license whatever the reason.
C.The writer should have been allowed a chance to explain and get his things back.
D.The auction should not have been held to sell the boats and fishing equipment.

We were driving on the right road when, all of a sudden, a black car pulled out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on his brake, skidded(打滑), and missed the black car’s back end by just inches! The driver of the black car, who almost caused a major accident, turned his head angrily and started shouting bad words at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. I mean, my taxi driver was friendly. So, I said, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to hospital!” And the following is what my taxi driver told me, which I now call “the law of the Garbage Truck”.
“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump(倾卸)it. And if you let them, they dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish him well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”
So this is “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. I started thinking: How often do I let “Garbage Trucks” run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets? It was then that I said, “I’m not going to do it any more.”
I began to see “Garbage Trucks”. I see the load they’re carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my taxi driver, I don’t make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, and move on.
Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. What about you? The mark of a successful person is how quickly he can get back his focus on what’s important.
【小题1】Who acted like a garbage truck in the accident described in the first two paragraphs?

A.The author.B.The taxi driver.
C.The driver of the black car.D.Both drivers.
【小题2】The reason why the taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy is that ______.
A.the black car was full of garbage
B.the taxi driver didn’t want his mood ruined
C.the driver of the black car didn’t cause any damage to the taxi
D.the driver of the black car was angry and the taxi driver felt a little frightened
【小题3】The underlined part “the load” in Paragraph 5 refers to _____.
A.bad mood B.excitementC.new productsD.waste materials
【小题4】What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.Always be kind and hardworking.
B.Ignore unpleasantness and stick to your tasks.
C.Try to be good leaders as well as good parents.
D.Do things quickly so as to be ready for the next.

Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis,cricket — anything with a round ball, I was useless." he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England's rural Devonshire.
It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.
The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man's cold-water exploits (成就). Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future.
Journeys to the Pole aren't the usual holidays for British country boys, and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy. "John Ridgway was one of the few who didn't say, 'You are completely crazy,'" Saunders says.
In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter (遭遇) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.
Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.
This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.
【小题1】The turning point in Saunders'life came when ________.

A.he started to play ball games
B.he got a mountain bike at age 15
C.he ran his first marathon at age 18
D.he started to receive Ridgway's training
【小题2】We can learn from the text that Ridgway ________.
A.dismissed Saunders' dream as fantasy
B.built up his body together with Saunders
C.hired Saunders for his cold-water experience
D.won his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic
【小题3】What do we know about Saunders?
A.He once worked at a school in Scotland.
B.He followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.
C.He was chosen for the school sports team as a kid.
D.He was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.
【小题4】The underlined word "Intrigued" in the third paragraph probably means ________.
【小题5】It can be inferred that Saunders' journey to the North Pole ________.
A.was accompanied by his old playmates
B.set a record in the North Pole expedition
C.was supported by other Arctic explorers
D.made him well-known in the 1960s

Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let’s see if I can name a few proverbs “off the cuff” since I haven’t prepared for it.

English expressions with “pants”

People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have “ants in their pants.” They might also “fly by the seat of their pants” -- they use their natural sense to do something instead of their learned knowledge. Sometimes, people may “get caught with their pants down” -- they are found doing something they should not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control. Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do. Then we say “she wears the pants in the family.”

When people want to say something about money

Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spent quickly can “burn a hole in your pocket.” Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to “tighten your belt” -- you may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skill “under your belt.”

    I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. I really “take my hat off to them.” Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it “at the drop of a hat” -- immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot “pull money out of a hat” -- you cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.

English expressions with “shoes”

Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are “too big for their boots” think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do. You can bet your boots on that!

    Yet, truly important people are hard to replace. Rarely can you “fill their shoes” -- or replace them with someone equally effective.

English expressions with “shirt”

My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him well think he is too firm and severe. They think he is a real “stuffed shirt.” But I know that my father “wears his heart on his sleeve” -- he shows his feelings openly. And, he knows how to “keep his shirt on” -- he stays calm and never gets angry or too excited.    

1.. What is this passage mainly about? 

A. How to say English correctly and properly.

B. Why English expressions include words about clothes.

C. Which words can be used to describe my father.

D. What people mean when they use some proverbs.

2.. Which of the following proverbs are not related to money?

A. tighten one’s belt                            B. burn a hole in one’s pocket

C. get caught with their pants down             D. take one’s hat off to them

3.. Tim often considers himself the most important person in the world, which is far from the truth. We may say __________.

A. he is “too big for their boots”.                           B. he “bet his boots on that”.

C. he “fill their shoes”.                                             D. he “wears his heart on his sleeve”.

4. If you want to praise somebody for his calmness when facing danger, you may say__________.

A. “You really fill your shoes.”                      

B. “Awesome! You wear your heart on your sleeve!”

C. “Amazing! How can you keep your shirt on at that time!”  

D. “Cool! You are truly a stuffed shirt”.


第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)


It was getting dark when Lisa was returning from teaching out in a small community. She’d been traveling the same route for over a year and there was seldom traffic on this highway.

Lisa remembered back to her previous experiences. In those days she was constantly picking up strangers on the road. Her family became greatly concerned about her safety, but she continued the practice until the day her sister told her that one of her friends had been shot by a hitchhiker (搭便车者). That was when the family heard the promise, “No more hitchhikers, I promise!”

When she thought back to these things, she suddenly noticed that a car was parked on the road ahead. Then she saw a man waving. He was in trouble, she thought. But suddenly she remembered the promise. She knew this road well and the chances of another car coming along to help were very little. Now as the man ran toward her car she shook with fear, and didn’t know if he was truly in need. She could not leave him here in this storm. The stranger explained that his car was broken. She knew she had to break the promise. She told him to get in. They drove for an hour into the next city and she took him to a telephone box. She waited until he had made a call. When he reported back to her that a family member would soon be there for him, she wished him well and left.

Tears fell on her cheeks as she drove away. It felt as though she had been holding her breath for an hour. “I hope they’ll understand why I had to break my promise.”

56. We can learn from the text that Lisa promised______.

A. not to pick up free riders on her way home

B. not to drive home alone when it was late

C. to help those whose cars were broken

D. to learn from the friend of her sister’s

57. Which of the following can best describe Lisa?

A. Careful and serious         B. Faithful and clever   

C. Kind and helpful           D. Brave and patient

58. What was Lisa’s attitude toward her breaking the promise?

A. It was very serious.          

B. It should be forgiven    

C. She was too nervous to go home.

D. She felt regretful about her mistakes.

59. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Lisa’s adventure             B. An unusual travel     

C. Strangers’ kindness            D. The broken promise


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