
One year our family decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day, as a token of appreciations for all the sacrifices that Mother had made for us. After breakfast we had arranged, as a surprise, to hire a car and take her for a beautiful drive in the country. Mother was rarely able to have a treat like that, because she was busy in the house nearly all the time.

    But on the very morning of the day, we changed the plan a little, because it occurred to Father that it would be even better to take Mother fishing. As the car was hired and paid for, we might as well use it to drive up into the hills where the streams are. As Father said, if you just go driving without object, you have a sense of aimlessness, but if you are going to fish there is a definite purpose that heightens the enjoyment.

So we all felt it would be nicer for Mother to have a definite purpose . Father had just got a fishing rod the day before, which he said mother could use if she wanted to. Only Mother said she would much rather watch him fish than try to fish herself.

    So we got her to make up a sandwich lunch in case we got hungry, though we were to come home again to a big festive dinner.

    Well, when the car came to the door, it turned out that there was not as much space in it as we had supposed. It was plain that we couldn’t all get in.

    Father said that he could just stay home and put in the time working in the garden. He said that there was a lot of rough dirty work that he could do, like digging a trench for the garbage, which would save hiring a man, and so he said that he’d stay home; he said that we were not to let the fact that he had not had a real holiday for three years stand in our way. He wanted us to go right ahead and not to mind him.

    But of course we all felt that it would never do to let Father stay home, especially as we knew he would make trouble if he did. The two girls, Anne and Mary, would have stayed and helped the maid get dinner, only it seemed such a pity,for the two girls were eager to show their new hats on a lovely day like this. But they said that Mother had only to say the word and they’d gladly stay home and work. Will and I would have dropped out, but unfortunately we wouldn’t have been any use in preparing the dinner.

1.The author’s family decided to celebrate Mother’s Day specially to _______.

A. show love for their mother                     

B. show gratitude to their mother

C. show respect for their mother                  

D. to make up for a previous appointment

2.According to Paragraph 2, we know that the plan was changed because________.

A. Father proposed to go fishing out       

B. we thought that driving out is boring

C. we failed to hire a car to go out         

D. the car was not big enough

3.What problem did we find when the car arrived?

A. The car was too old to drive on mountain roads.          

B. The car was larger than we expected.

C. The car was too small to accommodate us all.                 

D. The car was too plain looking.

4.Why didn’t the author drop out of the activity?

A. Because his sisters didn’t join in.                                       

B. Because he needed to have dinner.

C. Because he couldn’t cook the dinner.                                                 

D. Because he hadn’t had a real holiday for three years.

5.Which of the following proverbs describes the text best?

A. Everything comes to him who waits.                        

B. Changes always go beyond plans.

C. Better late than never.                                         

D. Once on shore, one prays no more.











1.细节题:从第一段的句子: One year our family decided to have a special celebration of Mother’s Day, as a token of appreciations for all the sacrifices that Mother had made for us. 可知作者和家人决定用特殊的方式庆祝母亲节,为了向母亲表示感激,选B

2.细节题:从第二段的句子:But on the very morning of the day, we changed the plan a little, because it occurred to Father that it would be even better to take Mother fishing.可知计划改变了,因为爸爸提议出去钓鱼。选A

3.细节题:从第五段的句子:Well, when the car came to the door, it turned out that there was not as much space in it as we had supposed. It was plain that we couldn’t all get in.可知汽车太小了,装不下所有人,选C

4.细节题:从最后一段的句子Will and I would have dropped out, but unfortunately we wouldn’t have been any use in preparing the dinner可知作者没有退出这个活动因为他不会做饭,选C

5.主旨题:文章讲述作者和家人决定用特殊的方式庆祝母亲节,为了向母亲表示感激,在活动准备过程中一些事情总是预想不到的改变这计划,所以Changes always go beyond plans. 计划不如变化快,是比较贴切的,选B 




Although the New Year is already here, the great moments of the past year are still in the memory. Let’s look back at some of them.

United States

One of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve parties was held in Times Square, New York. The festival attracted hundreds of thousands of people to watch a brightly-lit ball drop on a landmark building at the stroke (击、打) of midnight.

A great amount of confetti (五彩纸屑) was released from the sky at zero o’clock.


Painted in shinning colors, blowing whistles, 50,000 party-goers arrived in London’s Millennium Dome to dance in the New Year. The Millennium Dome came to life at midnight as 50 DJs started up, competing on five separate dance floors to warm the crowd into the party mood.


New Year is the biggest holiday in Russia. It is traditional to put up a tree for celebrations with family and friends.

On the very last day of last year, Russians with a taste for a very cold swim braved freezing temperatures to plant traditional, festival trees on the bed of the Northern Ocean and at the bottom of Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake.


Brave skydivers threw themselves off the world’s tallest building near midnight and floated towards the New Year.

The jump from the 452-metre Petronas Twin Tower was called a real leap from one year to the next since the group took off in the last second of the old year and landed a minute later in the New Year. “That was really cool,” said Roland Simpson, “over crowds of onlookers to the landing spot.”

1.In New York the brightly-lit ball dropped ____________.

A.form the sky onto the Times Square

B.into the hundreds of thousands of watchers

C.to welcome the arrival of Christmas

D.at the point between the old and the New Year

2.Which of the following is NOT traditional to welcome a new year?

A.Sharing the happiness and excitement together.

B.Setting up a tree for celebrations.

C.Planting trees on the bed of a lake.

D.50 DJs’ competing on five separate floors.

3.People jumping from the tallest buildings _________.

A.spent two different years in the air.

B.stayed in the sky for two minutes.

C.landed over people’s heads.

D.floated away to the new land

4.The passage mainly shows that ________.

A.New Year has been the starting point for people to have dreams.

B.people in different countries welcomed New Year in different ways.

C.people’s ways of celebrations are exciting.

D.the New Year is better than the old year.


Here are some advertisements taken from a newspaper.

(1) Dear Drew Carter,

Your first year on this earth has been a pleasure ride for all of us. We love you!


Dad and Mom and many friends.


The Doctors Virgil and Marjorie Lawlis are pleased to announce the engagement(订婚) of their daughter Diane Susan to Mr.Robert Brent Clarke,son of Mr.and Mrs.James Clarke of Herford,Texas.

A spring wedding is planned in Houston.

(3) Isbell-Foss

Mr.and Mrs.Davis K.Isbell announce the marriage of their daughter Dang to Mr.Stanley Foss,son of Mrs.John Sipe of Ada,Minnesota.

The wedding will be early April at Abiding Love Lutheran Church.

(4)  Story-Kurio

Miss Stephanie Story and Mr.Warren Kurio were married February 5,at half past seven o’clock in the evening at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas,Texas.The bride(新娘) is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Herbert Brule Story Jr.of Dallas.The groom(新郎)is the son of Mr.and Mrs.Gerald Stanley Kurio of Austin.

1.What would be the best title for the first advertisement?

A. We Love You                

B. Happy 1st Birthday

C. One Year Old                

D. Our One-Year-Old Son

2.Lawlis and Clarke are going to get married_________.

A. in a church                 

B. where Clarke’s parents live

C. against their parents’ will    

D. to Lawlis’s parents’ joy

3.Who got or will get married in spring?

A. Not only Lawlis and Clarke but also Isbell and Foss.

B. Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Isbell and Foss.

C. Either Isbell and Foss or Story and Kurio.

D. Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Story and Kurio.



第II卷 (非选择题 共35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)


An idea to cycle to Tibet o_____ to me one year ago. I know       76.__________

it’s quite practical in economical way. For one thing, I don’t have         

too much money. For another, it is _____(一定) to do me good     77._________

because I can take in fresh air on the way there. I called Tom,

who had b______ money from me, telling him my idea. He        78._________

was excited at my words and ____ off his debt in no time. He      79. ________

offered to team ____ with me.                  .             80. ________

_____(显然), he also showed great interest in this trip. Five        81.________

months before our trip, we kept taking e________ and            82.________

built up our strong bodied b________ we knew it would be        83.________

impossible to realize the dream without being healthy.

I used to hear that some people making a trip there

died for ____ of oxygen—they did                            84.________

_______(献出) their lives to their dream! But the cost             85.________

is too much. So both of us insisted on running in the morning

from time to time.



“I started going to clubs when I was nineteen. My friends went and they told me that I’d love it. They were right.” –Lara

Lara is a twenty-one-year old student who loves dancing. “At the moment, my favorite kind of music is acid jazz. I’d love to go to a Fatboy Slim or Ken Ishii gig. They’re so cool,” says Lara. Fatboy Slim and Ken Ishii are not pop stars—they are famous DJs. Being a DJ these days means more than playing records at a nightclub. DJs like Fatboy Slim have also produced a lot of successful CDs of their own music.

Nightclubs have been popular since the seventies but today’s clubs are different. They don’t usually open until at least 11 pm, and people often stay until 7 or 8 o’clock the next morning. Some clubbers will keep on dancing until 12 o’clock in the morning.

Why has dance music become so popular? Some people believe that clubs give young people what the hippies found in the sixties. They have somewhere to meet people just like them. Many clubbers say that dance music helps them to escape from their problems. They feel they are part of a big happy family. But most people just love to dance.

Dance Dictionary

So, what is the difference between Garage and High Energy? Not sure? Well, you’re not alone! There are lots of different types of dance music. A few are described below.

Type of music



High Energy

Very fast

Lots of remixed seventies songs



Lots of bass and keyboards

Acid Jazz

Quite fast

A mix of old and new jazz


Slow or fast

Sometimes difficult to dance to



Club Blue

Cover charge:

$12 (includes two drinks)

Music: mostly acid jazz

Free on Sunday night Closes at 3 a.m.


Cover charge: $6

Music:  garage, Closes at 2a.m.

The Warehouse

Cover charge:

$15($12 after 3am)

Music: high energy


No cover charge, but drinks are $6 each.

Music: ambient

Open from 10p.m to 2 a.m.

71. Which of the following is not right about DJs?

A. They not only play records art a night club.

B. They are very cool in the eyes of music lovers.

C. Fatboy Slim and Ken Ishii are famous DJs.

D. Every DJ can produce his own CDs.

72. Many clubbers day that dance music helps them _________.

A. forget about their problems      B. escape from their families

C. keep fit                      D. become famous

73. Which of the following clubs is the cheapest?

A. 99 before 2 a.m.              B. Club blue on Sunday night

C. The Warehouse after 3 p/m/    D. SOHO after 10 p.m.

74. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. These days nightclubs usually stay open until 7 or 8 pm.

B. Most people go to the dance club because they like to meet people.

C. The Warehouse has the fastest dance music of all the clubs.

D. Now music played in the clubs are only new music.

75. If you like dancing to the fast and a mix of old and new Jazz, you’d better to ________.

A. Club Blue     B. 99         C. The Warehouse     D. SOHO


Alan took an early interest in gardening---first on his grandfather’s Yorkshire allotment in Ilkley, and then in his parents’ back garden. Small polythene(聚乙烯)greenhouses appeared in the back garden, and cacti(仙人掌)were bought from church markets.

Alan left school at fifteen with one `O’ level in Art and took a job as an apprentice(学徒)gardener in Ilkley Parks Department nursery, studying for his City and Guilds in Horticulture(园艺)in the evening.

He went on to horticultural college at Oaklands in Hertfordshire where he studied for one year full-time, being awarded the National Certificate in Horticultural. This was followed by three years at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, resulting in the award of the Kew Diploma.

 After two years as supervisor of staff training at Kew, Alan entered journalism where he became first a gardening books editor, and then Deputy Editor of Amateur Gardening magazine. He appeared regularly on BBC Radio and Television in programs such as Nationwide , Breakfast Time, Open Air, Pebble Mill, Songs of Praise, Titchmarsh’s Travels, and the Chelsea Flower Show. He presented the 100th edition of The Word for Channel 4, and hosted the quiz show Ask the Family.

Gardeners’ World and the hugely popular Ground Force, second only to Easterners in the BBC1 ratings, are broadcast as far as Australia, New Zealand and North America. After leaving both programs, Alan worked on two other series for the BBC to be transmitted in 2003 and 2004, one of them a landmark series on the natural history of Britain. Alan writes for the Daily Express, Sunday Express, Radio Times and BBC Gardeners’ World magazine, and has more than thirty gardening books to his credit. His four novels, as well as a book about his own life, have been best sellers.

Alan, 53, gardens organically, and lives with his wife, two daughters and a medley of animals.

1.We know that Alan ______in his school days.

A. was good at writing novels            B. loved Horticulture very much even

C. didn’t do so well in his studies      D. decided to be an apprentice

2.According to this passage, we can learn that______.

A. Alan accepted little education     B. Alan wrote many books about food

C. Alan had never been married         D. Alan was first a gardening books editor

3.Though the author doesn’t tell us directly, we can conclude that______.

A. Alan’s school teachers were not good at teaching the subject: Botany

B. when Alan was successful he was working as a journalist of the time

C. Alan had had four years of training in Horticulture before being a journalist

D. born as a man of many talents, Alan didn’t realize the fact until years later

4.Which of the following four programs is more popular than Ground Force in the BBC1 ratings?

   A. Breakfast Time.  B. Radio Time.  C. Gardeners’ World.  D. Easterners.

5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. A Man of Many Talents.     B. Botany Makes Him What He Is Today.

C. No Pains, No Gains.        D. Can’t a Poorly-graded Student Be Successful?


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