
The poorer mental function seen among alcoholics,many of whom also regularly smoke cigarettes,may be partly due to the long term effects of nicotine(尼古丁),new research suggests.

“People who are also smokers are at a much higher risk,” Dr.Jennifer  M.Glass of the University of Michigan's Addiction Research Center said. In her study,“Cigarette smoking has a bad effect on IQ and thinking,” she said.

This finding may seem counterintuitive(违反直觉的),since many smokers show that they feel quicker and focused after smoking. Indeed,research shows that improved mental functioning is one of the immediate effects of nicotine exposure. Chronic(慢性的)smokinghoweveris known to have the opposite effect. Studies show that up to 87 percent of alcoholics smoke cigarettes.

Yet,few studies have looked into cigarette smoking as a factor that might explain the cognitive(认知的)lack reported among alcoholics. To search for that association,Glass and her colleagues examined brain function among 172 men from the same area,including 103 men who abused alcohol. The team found that men with higher scores on the lifetime alcohol problems scale(LAPS)and those who reported a higher number of pack years of smoking both had lower IQ scores.

Upon further research,the researchers found that smoking also appeared to be independently associated  with weaker word and space reasoning.

Thus,though smoking did not account for all of the decreased mental functioning observed among the alcohol abusers,it did seem to account for some of the effects,the report indicates.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Cigarette smoking contributes to decreased IQ and thinking.

B.Alcohol abuse is to blame for the poorer mental function.

C.Most of the alcoholics are also heavy smokers.

D.Non-smokers mostly have higher IQ scores.

2.The underline sentence “Chronic smoking, however, is known to have opposite effect” in paragraph 3  suggests:

A.Chronic smoking can improve mental functioning.

B.Chronic smoking has an immediate influence on mental functioning.

C.Chronic smoking has side effect on mental functioning improvement.

D.Chronic smokers feel quicker and focused after smoking.

3.From the passage we can learn that .

A.cigarette smoking is not related to reasoning

B.nicotine exposure can improve mental functioning temporarily

C.the long term effects of nicotine cause alcoholics

D.men with lower scores on the LAPS have lower IQ scores

4.It can be inferred from the passage that .

A.many alcoholics suffer a great deal from smoking

B.giving up smoking is significantly challenging for the alcoholics

C.alcoholics who do not smoke much have higher IQ scores

D.other factors can cause the poorer mental functioning besides smoking

5.The purpose of this passage is .

A.to warn us of the bad effects of smoking on IQ and thinking

B.to tell us why people are addicted to smoking

C.to give us some advice on how to improve IQ and reasoning

D.to compare the bad effects of alcohol and cigarette










1.这是主旨大意题。根据In her study,“Cigarette smoking has a bad effect on IQ and thinking,抽烟对智商和思维能力有消极的影响,故选A。


3.这是细节理解题。Indeed,research shows that improved mental functioning is one of the immediate effects of nicotine exposure研究结果显示,抽烟后确实会有短暂的意识功能增强故选B。

4.这是推理判断题。根据though smoking did not account for all of the decreased mental functioning observed among the alcohol abusers,it did seem to account for some of the effects,the report indicates.研究报告认为,尽管抽烟并不是导致嗜酒成瘾者神经系统识别功能降低的全部原因,但确实有一定的影响。故选D。



点评:推理判断就是根据作者的意图和倾向来完成相关的问题。 根据你对文章的理解,来判断各个选项的正误。最重要的就是读懂句子的意思,找出文章的中心,这种阅读是深层阅读,但是你最重要的就是找出文章的中心意思,抓住主要句子和相关句子的意思就可以解决了,要注意题目中的一些关键词和文章中的句子的对比,尤其是一些转折词、连词等等。



Depression(抑郁症)is a serious problem today.Depression causes workers to be unproductive,causing companies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is like cancer because it is “widespread,costly and deadly”.Depression hits one person in five around the world.

Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies show that depression is a problem among everyone。Over any six-month period,between five to seven percent of the world's population will be suffering from a serious depression.

suicide(自杀)rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the population at large,and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks. People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.

Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes(基因),brings loss of confidence and ability to concentrate-making it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.

Depression is made more serious in China by Chinese's inability to face it.Many people believe that depressed people are either weak or lazy.  Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.

“Most patients in China just don't get help,”a Chinese doctor says.“In my hospital.I have to see 30 or 40 patients in a morning,just have time to say “Hello how do you feel?”

In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their boss,because they fear that their boss would fire them.

“In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it. Because they feel the most secure about themselves,”an American doctor says.

Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.It is widely believed that everyone may suffer from depression.

B.Depression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work

C.Depression is a commonly-existing problem only in rich countries.

D.The poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.

2.Compared to normal people,the depressed people are likely to be▁▁▁.

A.very unconfident and often absent-minded

B.easy to avoid being hit by heart attacks

C.working efficiently and productively

D.either weak or lazy

3.Depression becomes more serious in China because of.

A.the understanding of the problem

B.the lack of treatment and doctors

C.their unwillingness to tell it to their boss

D.the doctors' careless work

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.

B.The aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.

C.More and more patients will turn to specialists for help.

D.Western people are braver than Chinese people.


Children are being indirectly affectly by the impact of the recession (经济衰退) on their parents, the Children’s society warns.

The chief executive of the Children’s Society, Bob Reitemeier, said that children were “on the front of recession”. He said the recession made it even more important to try to end child poverty.

The answers suggest children from poorer backgrounds are more likely to be affected, but over a third of children across all backgrounds said they were aware that the recession was worrying their parents.

Fifteen-year-old Patricia said her family felt the impact of the recession on their everyday budget(预算). “We have to save up our money and do not spend it so much on unnecessary things,”she said.

Those questioned appeared to have great awareness of the economic crisis, which, unsurprisingly, was higher among the older children. But around 15% said they hadn’t been affected by it.

Recent figures showed that in 2007 there were 850,000 young people with no particular occupation. An official from the government said it was so “disappointing” that some young people were concerned about the economy.

Parents are clearly best placed to talk to their children about their worries, but schools also play an important role in teaching young people the skills they need to become healthy, happy and confident individuals.

(    )68.Which of the following is true?

A. It is more important to try to end child poverty in the recession.

B.Children from poorer areas are less likely to be affected.

C.All the children questioned are worried about the economy.

D.That some young people are worrying about the economy is “good news”.

(    )69.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 5?

A. The poorer background.   B.The impact of the recession. 

C. Everyday budget.        D.The government.

(    )70.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Many children are concerned about the recession.

B.Children are being directly affected by the recession.

C.The recession affected children indirectly.

D. Schools play an important role in teaching young people how to become healthy, happy and confident individuals. 


Parties held by the wealthy seldom welcome poor guests.But last week China made it through the doors into a gathering of the world’s richest countries.

Jin Renqing ,Chian’s finance minister,and Zhou Xiaochuan,governor of the People’s Bank of China,joined a meeting of the Group of Seven(G7)on October1,2004.It is the fist time that China has had direct talks with the club.It was a good chance to share the world powers’thoughts about critical economic issues and promote understanding.

China’a participation is a natural part of its increasingly important role in the global economy.China is the world ‘s factory and the biggest market.

America and China made up almost half of global economic growth last year.“If Anerican consumers and Chinese producers were to reduce their activities at the same time,global growth would drop greatly,”said the Economist,a leading British economics magazine.

Up to now chinese economic stability(稳定)has been closely related to world development.“The increasingly connected global economy means that China should be a part of the meeting.”said Stephen Roach,a world famous economist.

During the meeting,China represented (代表)developing countries.It callde on the world’s developed nations to increase their  spending on aid to poorer  countries.Jin said that overall official help from developed countries is only 0.23 per cent of their Gross Domestic Product(国内生产值),much lower than the 0.7per cent UN targert.And this should be changed.

1.According to the passage,China particpates in the meeting of G7 because______.

A.China has become one of the richest countries of the world

B.China is playing a more important part in the world economy

C.China has more factories than any other countries in the world

D.developing countries want China to speak for them

2.Which of the following is true?

A.China’s participation in the meeting of G7 is the first time that China has talks with the developed countries.


B.The stable economy of China has done a great deal to the development of the world.

C.The developed nations are trying their best to help the poorer countries at present

D.America has as large a market as China has.

3.From the passage we can infer that ________.

A.Chinese producers as well as American consumers contribute a lot to the growth of the world economy

B.the author doesn’t think it necessary for China to participate in the meeting

C.China produces a lot but consumes a little

D.the economist thinks that American consumers and Chinese producers will reduce their activitres at the same time

4.The underlined wrold “promote”in the second paragraph means_______.

A.to make better

B.to make worse

C.to share

D.to make clear


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