It was a stormy Saturday afternoon when my mother took my five-year-old brother, Christopher, and me to a new toy store.
“Christina! I’m going to find the Lego section!” Christopher ran off excitedly.
I was studying a Barbie when I suddenly heard from the storm outside.I jumped the noise, dropping the toy to the floor.Thunder continued to shake the sky.Oh no! Where’s Christopher? I up and down the aisles(通道), filling my small chest and making it difficult to .I continued to run, calling Christopher’s name.I to know he was all right.I found Christopher in the Lego aisle.He was standing alone, perfectly , holding tightly to a toy ship.I threw my arms around him and hugged him he couldn’t breathe.
Years later, on a Tuesday morning, when I was driving to work, the radio my ears with horrible news: A plane had crashed into the Pentagon(五角大楼).My first was of Christopher.
He had joined the Air Force and was in Washington.I was overcome with the need to make he was all right.I over to the nearest pay phone and dialed my grandmother’s number.Christopher would call her to let the family know what was happening.I felt the panic steal my breath as I waited for a connection.Finally, I heard my grandmother’s voice.
“He’s Okay.He called and told us he was fine.” As I hung up the phone, I began to cry from .It was silly of me to about Christopher.I blamed myself.He was an adult and could take care of himself. I realized at that moment that there is still a of my heart that will always run to try to him, no matter how big he might be or where he is.That same piece will remember the five-year-old boy standing in the toy store with the toy ship held to his chest, saying, “I if I just waited here, Christina, you would find me.”
1.A.voice B.sound C.thunder D.rain
2.A.for B.by C.of D.at
3.A.looked B.ran C.found D.called
4.A.sadness B.panic C.anger D.pain
5.A.speak B.beat C.breathe D.think
6.A.needed B.seemed C.happened D.used
7.A.healthy B.still C.upset D.alarmed
8.A.until B.when C.before D.since
9.A.provided B.connected C.covered D.filled
10.A.person B.plan C.thought D.telephone
11.A.over B.up C.certain D.sense
12.A.pulled B.took C.got D.handed
13.A.regular B.secret C.complex D.familiar
14.A.shock B.relief C.disappointment D.concern
15.A.talk B.think C.worry D.complain
16.A.So B.Though C.As D.But
17.A.piece B.part C.corner D.point
18.A.help B.love C.advise D.protect
19.A.seldom B.hardly C.always D.even
20.A.wondered B.doubted C.hoped D.Knew