2. The film The Flowers of War,which (come) in December,2011,is about saving a group of Chinese students in the 1930s.
2. came out come out出版,发行,上映。句意:2011年12月上映的电影《金陵十三钗》讲的是20世纪30年代一群中国学生被救助的故事。
6. Since Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012,his fans have been eagerly waiting for his new novels to (come) .
help out hope for head for hurry up hold back
1. I watched his train into the distance and then my home.
2. Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work so I need some volunteers to .
3. Liam decided to ignore the warning and just the best.
4. If you want tickets,you’d better . There are only a few left.
5. The sad news came as a shock,but she struggled to her tears.
9. Let’s (set) our personal feelings for now,and get to our business.
3. 他给我买了本英语书。
7. He hadn’t seen his mother for a long time,so when he saw his mother he (burst) crying.
1. 那给我省了不少麻烦。
6. Ms Alice is considered a (懷慨的) lady by us,for she often helps the poor she met with.
2. The medicine you gave me was very (power) .I am recovered after taking it.