
No other band has had the same influence in the world as the Beatles. Over eight years and with more than a dozen albums (专辑),four young men from Liverpool, England — John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star changed popular music and culture forever.

People in the UK became crazy about the Beatles in late 1963. The phenomenon (现象) was called “Beatlemania” by the British press. The term referred to the young women seen screaming at the band’s concerts. Beatlemania came to North America in early 1964, and the band’s popularity spread across much of the world.

Within five years, the Beatles’music changed greatly from their simple early hits like “She Loves You” and “I want to Hold Your Hand”.

The band wrote their own songs, explored new ways to create music and strived (奋斗)for high quality in every album they put out.

However, with their popularity came criticism (批评). The press criticized the band as symbols of 1960s youth culture, which celebrated freedom from traditional family roles.

In 1970, Paul McCartney announced he was leaving the Beatles. And the group quietly came to an end.

In the 70s, fans hoped for a reunion, but the group decided to follow their own careers with different degrees of success.

Fans lost hope with a tragedy; John Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980.

1.How long did the Beatles exist?

A. Five years. B. Six years.

C. Eight years. D. Thirteen years.

2.The underlined word “press” means _______.

A. young women of a country

B. young fans of a singer or film star

C. a business that prints and sometimes also sells books

D. reports in newspapers and on radio and television

3.For what reason were the Beatles criticized?

A. Because their own songs were not popular.

B. Because they influenced the youth culture.

C. Because of their own families.

D. Because of their roles in the band.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Beatles changed the face of music B. John Lennon’s death

C. John Lennon and his band D. The break-up of the Beatles


Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be "green gyms". They are better replacements (代替物) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it's free.

1.Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?

A. Playing basketball in a gym. B. Motor racing in the desert.

C. Cycling around a lake. D. Swimming in a sports center.

2.What do we know about golf from the passage?

A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

B. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.

D. It causes water shortages around the world.

3.The author uses power walking as an example mainly because ________.

A. it uses fewer resources B. it improves our health

C. it is an outdoor sport D. it is recommended by experts

4.The author writes the passage to ________.

A. show us the function of major sports

B. encourage us to go in for green sports

C. discuss the major influence of popular sports

D. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports

When I was in the seventh grade, I was a volunteer in a hospital. I spent most of the time there with Mr. Green. He never had any ______and nobody seemed to care about his living____.

I spent many days holding his hand, talking to him and ______anything that needed to be done. He became my close friend,_____ he only responded with an occasional (偶尔的) squeeze (捏) of my _________.

I left for a week to visit my parents. And when I came back, Mr. Green was _____. I didn’t have the _______ to ask the nurses where he was. I was afraid that they might _______ me that he had died.

Several _______ later, I became a college student. One day, I noticed a familiar face at a gas station. When I _______ who it was, my eyes were filled with tears. He was _______. He was Mr. Green. With an uncertain look _______ his face, he replied “yes”. I _______how I knew him, and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital, his eyes were full of tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever _______.

He began to tell me that _______ he lay there unconsciously (无意识地), he could hear me talking to him and could _______ me holding his hand all the time. He thought it was an angel (天使), not a person, who was there with him.

Mr. Green _______ believed that it was my voice and _______ that had kept him alive.

Although I haven’t ______ him after that, it fills my heart with ______ every day. I know that I made a difference between his life and death and more importantly, he made me an angel.

1.A. visitors B. relatives C. patients D. doctors

2.A. interests B. requests C. conditions D. opinions

3.A. talking about B. looking after C. pointing out D. helping with

4.A. so that B. even though C. soon after D. as if

5.A. hand B. head C. nose D. arm

6.A. killed B. lost C. gone D. changed

7.A. energy B. chance C. courage D. time

8.A. cheat B. tell C. remind D. warn

9.A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

10.A. recognized B. wondered C. heard D. asked

11.A. well B. alive C. silent D. alone

12.A. at B. on C. behind D. in

13.A. apologized B. remembered C. explained D. required

14.A. dreamed B. saw C. wanted D. received

15.A. because B. if C. unless D. although

16.A. notice B. feel C. imagine D. watch

17.A. hardly B. quickly C. firmly D. nearly

18.A. humor B. duty C. touch D. success

19.A. forgotten B. called C. missed D. seen

20.A. joy B. regret C. respect D. sorrow

As a five-year-old, I didn’t know how poor we were. My father would not be home that Christmas Eve. He was in the Army serving overseas. My mother and I worked all afternoon making tree decorations. The kitchen table was crowded with stars made of shiny paper. We were going to get the Christmas tree in the evening, when the prices for them usually dropped.

After sunset, we walked four blocks to a parking lot where they sold Christmas trees. “How much is your cheapest tree?” My mother asked the man standing at the entrance. He held his gloved hands over the fire. “Thirty dollars, miss.”

Her smile disappeared, “Nothing for less?” The man picked up a small tree branch and dropped it into the fire. “I just work here. I can’t change the price.”

The sudden melancholy(忧郁)in my mother’s face made me sad. The man looked down at me for what felt like a long time; it probably was only moments. He pointed at a pile of branches in the corner. “Behind it is a tree that we can’t sell. You can have it for free.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said.

There it was, a thing just a little taller than me. It had few branches—almost a ghost(幽灵)of a tree. My mother asked, “Can we take some of these branches?” He waved his arm. “Take it all if you want to, miss.”

We headed back home. We set the tree in the living room. I couldn’t imagine how we could hang many decorations on such a tree. She was smiling again, “Go to sleep now, son. Santa will decorate the tree for us.”

I woke at dawn and rushed into the living room. To my amazement, the tree had a beautiful natural shape. The decorations shone in the morning light. My mother had somehow fixed branches to the tree trunk. A few weeks later, my father returned. When I told him about the tree, tears filled the eyes of that strong soldier.

Since then, I have seen many wonderful holidays. That Christmas remains as my favorite.

1.Why did the mother decide to get the tree in the evening?

A. She wanted to buy it at a lower price.

B. She was fully occupied during the day.

C. She was waiting for the father to pick it up.

D. She had made an appointment with the seller.

2.How did the son feel when he spotted the tree behind the branches?

A. Disappointed. B. Delighted. C. Frightened. D. Relieved.

3.What brought the father to tears?

A. The pain of his war wound. B. The efforts his wife put into the tree.

C. The reunion with his family. D. The decorations his son made for the tree.

As the train started to move, I looked around in the car from my seat. Small bags hung from the luggage shelves, swinging from side to side along with the moving of the train. The lights were weak. The smells of oils, sweat, tobacco, socks and toilets filled the car. The window curtains seemed to have been picked up from a garbage can. Black and yellow marks dotted them. The wooden edge of the window by my seat had come. Black and yellow marks dotted them. The wooden edge of the window by my seat had come off and was oily like a butcher’s counter. Brown and dry apple bites, bread bits and melon seeds mixed with beer out of the can lay on the small table in front of me, so was a used newspaper beside one used chopstick.

I looked down. Five or six passengers sat on the floor, and one child even lay under a seat, sticking his feet out. Moving around the car would become a disaster. Even a brilliant ballet dancer on her tiptoe might find it hard to put her feet on. Most of those sitting on the floor were asleep, or half-sleep. From time to time they opened their eyes, taking a look at their luggage, and moved their bodies to keep their territory (领地) inviolate.

There were also noses. There was laughter and arguments of four men in their poker game. Two women, standing beside quarreled. A boy, excited, blew his whistles hard. An old lady seemed to lecture her grandson, who tore a hole in his trousers.

Suddenly, the train came to a stop. An apple flew away from a hanging bad, bounced off a woman’s shoulder, and hit the head of a man sitting on the floor. Bottles were broken. Swearing, crying and shouting all came into an explosion.

1.Which of the following can best describe the environment on the train?

A. Warm, comfortable but noisy.

B. Messy, dirty and crowded.

C. Quiet, harmonious but smelly.

D. Bright, busy and pleasant.

2.What did the author see on the coach?

A. A ballet dancer standing on the floor.

B. A table shaped like a butcher’s counter.

C. A newspaper and a chopstick lying on the table.

D. The train curtains picked up from a trash can.

3.How does the author develop the passage?

A. By describing real scenes.

B. By following space order.

C. By comparing different behaviors.

D. By following time order.

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