




1. Please get closely to me so that you can hear me clearly.

2. It is the careless housewife that is blame for the big fire.

3.Jack suggested that the meeting was put off till next week.

4.When Tom came to the life, he found himself in a hospital.

5. Mike was told to take the medicine according to the instruction.

6.There stand a strong wooden house, big enough for forty people.

7. There is no possibility human beings will be controlled by computers.

8. Every area of the Camelot Park is modelled by life in the days of King Arthur.

9.I’m going to Hong Kong next week. Do you have anything to be take to your husband?

10.A woman, that had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.



I have been paralyzed(瘫痪) from the neck downwards since I was born in 1971 and spent my life wheelchair-bound. However, ________ this I have been lucky enough to travel the world, develop a (an) ________ career and establish a supportive group of family and friends.

Growing up in a home full of love, ________ and faith, my parents and siblings (兄弟姐妹) helped me to live a ________ normal life. However, it was through ________ that I was able to ________ normal childhood activities, ________ I was able to feel the ________ by drawing young girls dancing and running, which my ________ kept me from participating in.

As a young girl I had an art exhibition in my hometown of Copenhagen ________ my artwork. The local paper ________ my exhibition and printed an article and photos of me with my paintings. Upon seeing this article, an international organization the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA) ________ and offered me a scholarship,which helped develop my ________ abilities and ________ my career as a painter by providing me with ________ for art classes and materials. I have been with the MFPA for 14 years and I paint with my ________. Like all the artists I make my living through the ________ of reproductions of my paintings in the form of cards and calendars which are sold directly to the public. Through the MFPA, which has been helping 802 mouth and foot painters like me to create a ________ future since 1957, I am ________ surrounded by fellow mouth and foot painters, who have ________ and assisted me with my work.

1.A. in terms ofB. in spite of

C. in face ofD. in honor of

2.A. successfulB. regretfulC. painfulD. helpful

3.A. hopeB. determinationC. courageD. support

4.A. relativelyB. completelyC. extremelyD. especially

5.A. paintingB. dancingC. singingD. running

6.A. explainB. experienceC. createD. accept

7.A. thoughB. ifC. becauseD. so

8.A. strengthB. stressC. joyD. challenge

9.A. interestB. familyC. disabilityD. friends

10.A. sellingB. displayingC. tradingD. buying

11.A. consideredB. designedC. mentionedD. attended

12.A. got in touchB. came across

C. kept away fromD. made use of

13.A. athleticB. artisticC. scientificD. cultural

14.A. stopB. destroyC. findD. further

15.A. clothesB. wheelchairC. fundingD. walking stick

16.A. handB. footC. mouthD. arm

17.A. showB. saleC. displayD. storage

18.A. upsetB. lonelyC. discouragingD. positive

19.A. finallyB. constantlyC. hardlyD. only

20.A. inspiredB. persuadedC. refusedD. noticed

You may complain that there are too many tests on the way to college entrance, but an increasing number of students want to take one more. That is the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT, an American test for students who intend to apply for college admission.

Chen Huanlu, aged 18, from Shandong Province took part in the SAT subject tests (SAT 2) in Hong Kong on June 2. She has also been scheduled to take the SAT reasoning test (SAT 1) in October.

“I hope to study environmental engineering at an American university, where I may have more opportunities to get cutting-edge (前沿的) knowledge in this area,” said Chen.

However, not all SAT test takers want to apply to American universities.

“I wanted to see how I would do when faced with plenty of stress and also to evaluate (测评) my scholastic level by an American standard. The SATs made my school life more diverse,” said Senior 2 student Zhou Yuxiang from Sichuan Province.

Zhou, aged 17, a top student in his school, was inspired by some of his friends. They have taken this test and been admitted to American universities, including Harvard and Yale. Last winter vacation he took a 20-day SAT course at Chengdu New Oriental School.

“As I prepared for the test in the following months, I was forced to balance my everyday schedule better. Fortunately I was optimistic enough to have undergone the most difficult time,” he said.

In May and June, Zhou flew alone to Hong Kong to sit for the SAT1 and SAT2.

“They are both the standards which have been set for us to reach. What we should do more sensibly is to try harder to prepare for them. Survival of the fittest (适者生存) is true both in America and in China. That is something I have learnt beyond the SAT itself,” he said.

1. The SAT is a test designed mainly for _________.

A. Chinese students who want to go to college in America

B. American students who intend to apply for college admission in China

C. students who plan to apply for American universities

D. students who want to learn about the survival of the fittest

2. What can we learn about Chen Huanlu according to this passage?

A. She doesn’t like the college entrance examination in China.

B. She has taken part in both SAT 1 and SAT 2 in June.

C. She is interested in environmental issues.

D. She wants to get cutting-edge knowledge from SATs.

3. By taking Zhou Yuxiang for example, the author wants to tell us that ________.

A. all the students who take SATs intend to apply to American universities

B. some SAT takers simply regard the SAT as a challenge

C. he just takes the test for fun

D. SAT 1 and SAT 2 have something in common

4. What do Chen Huanlu and Zhou Yuxiang have in common?

A. They both took part in the SAT subject tests in Hong Kong.

B. They are both students of Senior 2.

C. Both of them attended a SAT course at New Oriental School.

D. Both of them came from the top schools.

People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy. They are in close contact with nature. They make friends with trees and stones. They can own dogs. They breathe fresh air. They fight with strong winds. They listen to the songs of birds.

This contact with nature is good for health. There are many diseases that are common in the city. but are not to be found in the country. For example, near-sightedness is almost unknown to country people.

Because of the absence of cars, one can walk more freely in the country than in the city. There are no rules of the road, nor traffic signs to obey.

People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fresh milk. And they get them at lower prices than in the city.

Country life is economical in other ways, too. There are practically no temptations(诱惑)to waste money.

Country people are mostly honest. They say what they mean, and make and keep promises with sincerity(诚意). They do not put on air. They do not pretend to have those ridiculous(荒谬的)manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.

1.What can’t country people often enjoy?

A. Musical concerts. B. Fresh air.

C. Song of birds. D. Close contact with nature.

2.What is probably more expensive in country than in the city?

A.Vegetables. B.Beer. C.Milk. D.Fruit.

3.What is NOT true of country life?

A.The traffic accident rate is very high in the country.

B.Living in the country saves one a lot of money.

C.Country people enjoy better health than the city people.

D.Country people are honest.

America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while — then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.

Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.

Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.

For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!

1. The writer of this passage must be ______.

A. an American B. a Chines

C. a professor D. a student

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.

B. Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.

C. Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.

D. Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.

3. The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean ______.

A. strict with time B. serious with time

C. careful with time D. willing to spend time

4. A suitable title for this passage would probably be “______”.

A. Friendships between Chinese

B. Friendships between Americans

C. Americans’ hospitality

D. Americans’ and Chinese’s views of friendships

You get anxious if there’s no wi-fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. You feel upset if your phone is getting low on power and you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if you’re not there. All these can be called “always on” stress caused by smart phone addiction(上瘾).

For some people, smart phones have freed them from the nine-to-five work. Flexible working has given them more autonomy (自主权) in their working lives and enabled them to spend more time with their friends and families. For many others, though, smart phones have become cruel masters in their pockets, never allowing them to turn them off and relax.

Pittsburgh-based developer Kevin Holesh was worried about how much he was ignoring his family and friends in favor of his iPhone. So he developed an app — Moment — to monitor his usage. The app enables users to see how much time they’re spending on the device(设备) and set up warnings if the usage limits are broken. “Moment’s goal is to promote balance in your life,” his website explains. “Some time on your phone, some time off it enjoying your loving family and friends around you.”

Dr. Christine Grant, an occupational psychologist at Coventry University, said, “The effects of this ‘always on’ culture are that your mind is never resting, and you’re not giving your body time to recover, so you’re always stressed. And the more tired and stressed we get, the more mistakes we make. Physical and mental health can suffer.”

And as the number of connected smart phones is increasing, so is the amount of data. This is leading to a sort of decision paralysis (瘫痪) and is creating more stress in the workplace because people have to receive a broader range of data and communications which are often difficult to manage. “It actually makes it more difficult to make decisions and many do less because they’re controlled by it all and feel they can never escape the office,” said Dr. Christine Grant.

1.What’s the first paragraph mainly about?

A. The popularity of smart phones.

B. The progress of modern technology.

C. The signs of “always on” stress.

D. The cause of smart phone addiction.

2.Kevin Holesh developed Moment to_______.

A. research how people use their mobile phones

B. help people control their use of mobile phones

C. make people better use mobile phones

D. increase the fun of using mobile phones

3.What’s Dr. Christine Grant’s attitude towards “always on” culture?

A. Confused. B. Positive.

C. Doubtful. D. Critical.

4.According to the last paragraph, a greater amount of data means_______.

A. we will become less productive

B. we can make a decision more quickly

C. we will be equipped with more knowledge

D. we can work more effectively

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