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According to a recent survey£®¡£®
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪ»°Ìâ×÷ÎÄ£¬Èÿ¼Éú¸ù¾Ý´óѧÉú´ò¹¤ÕâÒ»ÏÖÏó½øÐвûÊö£®Ð´×÷ʱ¿É·ÖΪÈý²¿·Ö£º²ûÊöÏÖÏóΪµÚÒ»¶Î£¬Ìá³ö´ò¹¤µÄ¾ßÌåÊý¾ÝºÍÖ°Òµ£»ËµÃ÷ÔÒòΪµÚ¶þ¶Î£»×Ô¼º¹ÛµãΪµÚÈý¶Î£®Ç°Á½¶Î¾¡Á¿²ÉÓõÚÈýÈ˳ƣ¬²ûÊö¹ÛµãµÄ²¿·ÖʹÓõÚÒ»È˳ƣ®È«ÆªÊ±Ì¬Ê¹ÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£®
a part-time job¼æÖ°
summer vacationÊî¼Ù
earn money׬Ǯ
college tuition´óѧѧ·Ñ
in one's opinion¾ÍijÈË¿´À´
broaden one's outlookÀ©¿íÑÛ½ç
what's more½ø¶ø£¬¶øÇÒ
They want to earn money to help cover the increasingly higher college tuition£®
They hope to be economically independent and buy whatever they want£®
By doing part-time jobs£¬college students can gain some society experience and broaden their outlook£®
It's of great significance for college students to do part-time jobs£®
½â´ð ²Î¿¼´ð°¸£º
£¨ÃèÊöÏÖÏó£© According to a recent survey£¬about 25 percent of college students have a part-time job£¨ÃèÊöÏÖÏóÒ»£©£®During summer vacation£¬this figure will increase to 72 percent£¨ÃèÊöÏÖÏó¶þ£©£®College students are working as tutors£¬waiters or salesmen£¨ÃèÊöÏÖÏóÈý£©£®
£¨²ûÊöÔÒò£©Why do they want part-time jobs£¿First£¬they want to earn money to help cover the increasingly higher college tuition£®£¨ÔÒòÒ»£© Second£¬they hope to be economically independent and buy whatever they want£®£¨ÔÒò¶þ£©
£¨×Ô¼ºµÄ¹Ûµã£©In my opinion£¬by doing part-time jobs£¬college students can gain some society experience and broaden their outlook£®£¨ÒâÒåÒ»£©What's more£¬part-time jobs can provide them with a valuable opportunity to know the outside world£®£¨ÒâÒå¶þ£©So it's of great significance for college students to do part-time jobs£®£¨×ܽᣩ
µãÆÀ ±¾´Î×÷ÎÄÊǾʹóѧÉú´ò¹¤ÏÖÏóдһƪÎÄÕ£®ÒªµãҪдȫ£¬×¢Òâ·Ö¶Î£¬²»ÄÜдһ¶Îʽ×÷ÎÄ£¬²ûÊöÏÖÏóΪµÚÒ»¶Î£»ËµÃ÷ÔÒòΪµÚ¶þ¶Î£»×Ô¼º¹ÛµãΪµÚÈý¶Î£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâ¸ß¼¶¶ÌÓï»ò¾äʽµÄÔËÓ㮲»ÄÜÖ»Óüòµ¥¾ä£®

High £¨36£©D of the jobs£¬a reflection of young people's changing attitudes in the country's development£¬a recent research showed£®
When fresh graduates do land a job interview£¬they are also more likely to miss it£¬£¨37£©Boffers and have no qualms£¨²»°²£©about quitting if the work is not £¨38£©A
These were some of the main £¨39£©D of the research conducted by leading Chinese recruitment £¨ÕÐƸ£© website 5ljob£®com£®Of those £¨40£©C£¬45.1% of the employers said more than half of job candidates £¨41£©B to turn up on time for interviews£®More than 60% of the fresh £¨42£©B also felt they needed help from their parents to look for work£¬the research showed£®
Liu Jinjin£¬deputy director of the human resources department at the Social Sciences Academic Press£¬said members of the post-1990generation are£¨43£©Aabout employment and it was £¨44£©C for them to break appointments for job interviews£®
"Most of the post-1990generation are the only child in the family£®Their living conditions have greatly £¨45£©Dfrom that of the post-1980and post-1970generations£®They don't experience much£¨46£©Ain life so they pay closer attention to personal £¨47£©Cand interests when hunting for a job£®The post-1990generation also does not care about the amount of money they make£® £¨48£©Dthe working environment£¬the happiness they get from their work and respect from others are what£¨49£©A most£®"Liu said£®
"The post-1990generation does not think twice about leaving in their first year of work£®If they lose interest in a job or are not clear about their future career path£¬they will £¨50£©Beasily£¬"Liu said£®Members of the generation are also more self-centered£®They want more time for themselves and are not willing to work £¨51£©D£®Their attitude to life is more casual£¬Liu said£®Zhang Gao£¬the campus brand director of Chinese Internet search giant Baidu£¬said a survey it conducted this year found that the post-1990generation focus on work-life £¨52£©D£¬"They need some space when they work and don't want to be managed too£¨53£©C£®"Zhang said£® £¨54£©Cthat members of that generation often choose to work according to their interests and have their own ideas and views about work£®
"£¨55£©Bthis generation is very sensitive and has a lot of self-respect£¬so employers need to be concerned about their temperaments£¨ÐÔÇ飩and ways of communication£¬"she said£®
36£®A£®goals | B£®dreams | C£®standards | D£®expectations |
37£®A£®bring down | B£®turn down | C£®put down | D£®let down |
38£®A£®to their taste | B£®in their favor | C£®for their benefit | D£®at their convenience |
39£®A£®effects | B£®solutions | C£®plans | D£®findings |
40£®A£®employed | B£®admitted | C£®surveyed | D£®recruited |
41£®A£®attempted | B£®failed | C£®managed | D£®agreed |
42£®A£®employees | B£®graduates | C£®interviewees | D£®students |
43£®A£®picky | B£®serious | C£®concerned | D£®tolerant |
44£®A£®unusual | B£®strange | C£®common | D£®appropriate |
45£®A£®changed | B£®promoted | C£®strengthened | D£®improved |
46£®A£®pressure | B£®sorrow | C£®curiosity | D£®sympathy |
47£®A£®information | B£®situation | C£®preferences | D£®majors |
48£®A£®Therefore | B£®Anyhow | C£®Besides | D£®Instead |
49£®A£®matter | B£®mean | C£®require | D£®remain |
50£®A£®discourage | B£®quit | C£®complain | D£®criticize |
51£®A£®sometime | B£®fulltime | C£®part-time | D£®overtime |
52£®A£®issue | B£®entertainment | C£®routine | D£®balance |
53£®A£®casually | B£®gently | C£®strictly | D£®deadly |
54£®A£®saying | B£®speaking | C£®adding | D£®assuming |
55£®A£®In fact | B£®In short | C£®In contrast | D£®In total |