²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÐÎÏó´óʹimage ambassador
Dear Sir/Madam£¬
Looking forward to your reply£®
Li Hua£®
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1£®As a member of the English club in my city£¬I have a lot of chances to speak English with native speakers£¬so I have no difficulty communicating with foreigners in English£®
¾ä×ÓÀïhave a lot of chances to ±íʾ"Óлú»á×öijÊÂ"£» have no difficulty doing sth±íʾ"×öijÊÂûÓÐÀ§ÄÑ"£®
2£®By accompanying visiting students from foreign countries£¬I can exchange ideas with them and spread Chinese culture£®
¾ä×ÓÀï accompanyÊǶ¯´Ê£¬±íʾ"Åã°é"£»exchange sth with sb±íʾ"ºÍijÈ˽»Á÷ijÊÂ"£®
½â´ð Dear sir or Madam£¬
My name is Li Hua£®I'm writing to recommend myself as one of the image ambassadors£®£¨Ð´ÐŵÄÄ¿µÄ£©
I come from Class 3 Senior 2£®I do well in my lessons£¬especially good at spoken English£®I got the first pace in the English speech contest in our city last year£®As a member of the English club in my city£¬I have a lot of chances to speak English with native speakers£¬so I have no difficulty communicating with foreigners in English£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿Besides£¬I'm interested in Western culture£¬so I love reading English novels in my spare time£®£¨³ÂÊöÓÅÊÆ£©
I would like to learn more about Western countries and have a better understanding of foreign culture£®I think this is a good chance for me to put my talent to good use£®By accompanying visiting students from foreign countries£¬I can exchange ideas with them and spread Chinese culture£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿I hope to be an image ambassador of our school£®£¨¶ÔÕâ´Î½»Á÷»î¶¯µÄ¿´·¨£©
Looking forward to your reply£®£¨Ï£Íû»ñµÃÅú×¼£©
Li Hua
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Sally jumped up the moment she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room£®She asked£¬"How is my little boy£¿"The surgeon said£¬"I'm£¨31£©B£®We did all we could£¬but your boy didn't£¨32£©Cit£®"
Sally£¨33£©Ainto the chair£®The surgeon asked£¬"Would you like some time with your son before he was transported to the£¨34£©B£¿"Sally nodded£®While saying goodbye£¬she ran her fingers£¨35£©Dthrough his thick curly hair£®"Would you like a lock of his hair£¿"the surgeon asked£®Sally nodded yes£®The surgeon cut a few hairs£¬and handed them to Sally£®The mother said£¬"It was Jimmy's idea to£¨36£©Bhis body to the university for study£®He said it might£¨37£©Asomebody else£®"I said no at first£¬£¨38£©A
Jimmy said£¬¡®Mom£¬I won't be using it after I die£®Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom£®'"
"My Jimmy had a heart of£¨39£©D£¬always thinking of someone else£¬always wanting to help others if he could£®"she went on£®
Sally walked out of the hospital£®She put the bag with Jimmy's£¨40£©Con the seat beside her in the car£®The drive home was£¨41£©A£®It was even harder to enter the£¨42£©C
house£®She carried Jimmy's belongings£¬and the lock of his hair to her son's room£®She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room£¨43£©Cwhere he had always kept them£®She lay down across his bed and£¬hugging his pillow£¬£¨44£©D
herself to sleep£®
It was around midnight when Sally£¨45£©B£®Lying beside her on the bed was a letter£®The letter said£¬
"Dear Mom£¬
I know you're going to£¨46£©Bme£¬and me too£®I will always love you£¬Mom£¬even more£¨47£©Deach passing day£®Someday we will see each other again£®Until then£¬if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so£¨48£©A£¬that's OK with me£®He can have my room and old toys to play with£®
Don't be sad thinking about me£®I don't hurt any more£®The cancer is all£¨49£©C£®I don't have to stand that£¨50£©Bany more£®The angels in Heaven are so tender£®They say I'm a Special Angel!I love you£¬Mom£®"
31£®A£®worried | B£®sorry | C£®happy | D£®grateful |
32£®A£®win | B£®pass | C£®make | D£®like |
33£®A£®sank | B£®looked | C£®knocked | D£®got |
34£®A£®house | B£®university | C£®hospital | D£®church |
35£®A£®anxiously | B£®angrily | C£®patiently | D£®lovingly |
36£®A£®move | B£®donate | C£®show | D£®lend |
37£®A£®help | B£®affect | C£®protect | D£®impress |
38£®A£®but | B£®and | C£®so | D£®for |
39£®A£®pride | B£®stone | C£®wisdom | D£®gold |
40£®A£®pillows | B£®medicines | C£®belongings | D£®fruits |
41£®A£®difficult | B£®smooth | C£®long | D£®dangerous |
42£®A£®dirty | B£®absent | C£®empty | D£®horrible |
43£®A£®roughly | B£®especially | C£®exactly | D£®possibly |
44£®A£®put | B£®sent | C£®buried | D£®cried |
45£®A£®wrote | B£®awoke | C£®slept | D£®spoke |
46£®A£®understand | B£®miss | C£®leave | D£®forgive |
47£®A£®in | B£®around | C£®on | D£®with |
48£®A£®lonely | B£®along | C£®alone | D£®only |
49£®A£®lost | B£®cured | C£®gone | D£®spotted |
50£®A£®depression | B£®pain | C£®sadness | D£®stress |
A£® | what | B£® | who | C£® | that | D£® | which |