
   While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home. Here's how to 1         yourselves indoors.

1.Stay away from 2      Get out of the shower of bath. Don't 3       conductors such as fireplaces and metal pipes.

   Cheryl Falvey of Killing Woth Conn,was struck by lightning last year while washing her 4      . Lightning 5       a window next to the washing machine, struck her right hand, 6       through her body and finally out of her 7       arm. "It was as though I was 8       a bolt(雷电) of lightning in my hands," remembers Falvey,who was 9       across the room.

2.Stay off the telephone. It isn't an old wires'10       ― many people have been hurt through telephone wires. It was 11       outside while Peter Van Artrijk,Jr. was on the 12       at his house in Florida. "Bam!A bolt hit the building," he says,  "I felt the 13       on my arms stand on end and a charge(电荷) hit me through the telephone, which was 14       blown out of my hand.”

3.Unplug(拔插头) televisions,computers, etc. Don't just turn them  15       . If the house is struck,they could be damaged if you keep them 16       in.

4.Try lightning rods(避雷针) if your 17       is very often hit by lightning. 18       fixed, says Rust,lightning rods 19       the chances of damage to a home and to the people 20       it. 

(   ) 1.A. save   B. hide   C. help   D. protect

(   ) 2.A. houses   B. rooms   C. beds   D. windows

(   ) 3.A. touch   B. grasp   C. move   D. seize

(   ) 4.A. clothes   B. hands   C. window   D. face

(   ) 5.A. broke   B. reached   C. entered   D. forced

(   ) 6.A. slipped   B. travelled   C. spread   D. rolled

(   ) 7.A. injured   B. hurt   C. right   D. left

(   ) 8.A. holding   B. carrying   C. keeping   D. placing

(   ) 9.A. shaken   B. swept   C. thrown   D. drawn

(   ) 10.A. talk   B. tale   C. news   D. report

(   ) 11.A. blowing   B. snowing   C. shining   D. raining

(   ) 12.A. phone   B. sofa   C. bed   D. chair

(   ) 13.A. hair   B. muscle   C. hands   D. skin

(   ) 14.A. simply   B. hardly   C. almost   D. completely

(   ) 15.A. on   B. over   C. off   D. down

(   ) 16.A. powered   B. wired   C. inserted   D. plugged

(   ) 17.A. town   B. area   C. building   D. courtyard

(   ) 18.A. Properly   B. Simply   C. Usually   D. Firmly

(   ) 19.A. escape   B. prevent   C. avoid   D. reduce

(   ) 20.A. near   B. outside   C. inside   D. from

1-5 DDAAC      6-10 BDACB

11-15 DAACC    16 -20 DBADC


1.D下文谈的都是有关"防护"的措施。save 通常指已经遇到危险时的救护,而本文谈的更多的是防患于未然。

2.D根据常识和随后的lightning entered a window表述可知该答案。A、B两个选项明显与前面提到的在室内这一背景相饽。


4.A根据后面的washing machine可以确定该答案。


6.B A、C、D三个选项不符合电在人体中的流动特点。travel除了作"旅行"将讲外,还有"行进,快速前进"的意思。




10.B tale意为"传说"或"神话故事"。此处用该词表不真实的故事。破折号在此起解释的作用:许多人曾经被电话线电击过。




14.C感觉上是电荷要从手上飞出,而实际上这是不可能的,故用almost(几乎) 。




18.A properly指方法得当地安装。




 Latin America and other poor regions of the world will bear the impact(影响) of climate change, a top official from the organization that shared this year's Nobel Peace Prize said.

  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ,a UN network of scientists,was awarded the prize along with former US Vice President AI Gore for their work warning the pub?lic of the peril of global warming.

  "The results of the IPCC show very clearly the impact of climate change will be much seve?rer for the poorest groups and Latin America is included in that”,said IPCC vice chairman Mo?han Munasinghe of Sri Lanka.

  He said water management issues were likely to be the most pressing problem caused by global warming in Latin America. Dry areas will become much drier and other areas will face increased floods and associated waterbome diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

  He said in spite of the problems faced by Latin America, the region is very practical in dealing with the issue.

  "My sense is that Latin American countries have been much more responsive(反应积极的) to the issue of climate change because they feel much more vulnerable(脆弱的) ,"Munasinghe said. "For North America, particularly the United States, the reaction is more defensive."

  Brazilian Environment Minister Marina Silva said, "Global warming is a burden(负担)shared by both developing and developed nations. If we are to reduce our "greenhouse" gas e-mission by 100 percent, without richer nations reducing theirs by at least 80 percent, we will still be affected.”

(   ) 5. Why were IPCC and AI Gore awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize?

   A.They were working together to fight global warming.

   B.They stopped the global warming becoming severer.

   C.They warned the public of the impact of climate change on poor regions.

   D.He predicted the influences of developed nations on climate change.

(   ) 6. The underlined word "peril" in the second paragraph probably means .

   A. danger   B. force   C. possibility   D. range 

(   ) 7. We can learn from the last but one paragraph that Mohan Munasinghe seems to       .

   A.be blaming the USA for its reaction to global warming

   B.seek more countries to help them fight global warming

   C.be optimistic about reducing the impact of global warming

   D.look for the real reasons why global warming is so severe 

(   ) 8. Marina Silva believes that       

   A.developing nations should learn from developed nations to fight global warming

   B.developed nations have a bigger role to play in solving the problem of global warming

   C.developed nations have made more contribution to reducing the impact of global warming

   D.developing nations are able to do little in solving the problem of global warming

   Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

    Sometimes the word "green" means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished. For example a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns (角) had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle.    By the eighteenth century a greenhorn had the meaning it has today―a person who is new in a job.

Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expres?sion comes from the early nineteen hundreds. A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

   The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

   Green is also the color used to describe the powerful feeling jealousy(嫉妒) .The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play "Othello". It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants. A young man may suf?fer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay rise and she does not. 

(   ) 5. Greenhorn now refers to .

   A.a person who is new in a job

   B.a new solider

   C.a young horse

   D.none of the above

(   ) 6. A person who has a green thumb is a person        .

   A.who is good at growing plants

   B.whose thumbs are in green color

   C.whose garden is greener than others'

   D.who is younger than his neighbors

(   ) 7. Which of the following has the same meaning with the underlined word in the third paragraph?

   A. method   B. finger

   C.  tool   D. idea

(   ) 8. The author is actually talking about        .

   A. colors   B. language   C. politics   D. agriculture

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