

Let's say you want to hit the gym more regularly this year. How do you make that happen? Consider putting the habit loop to use.

Here's how it works:

A habit is a 3-step process. First, there's a cue, something that tells your brain to operate automatically. Then there's a routine. And finally, a reward, which helps your brain learn to desire the behavior. It's what you can use to create-or break-habits of your own.

Here's how to apply it:

Choose a cue, like leaving your running shoes by the door, then pick. a reward-say, a piece of chocolate when you get home from the gym. That way, the cue and the reward become interconnected. Finally, when you see the shoes, your brain will start longing for the reward, which will make it easier to work out day after day. The best part? In a couple of weeks, you won't need the chocolate at all. Your brain will come to see the workout itself as the reward. Which is the whole point, right?

1.Which of the following best fits in the box with a “?” in THE HABIT LOOP?

A. Pick a new cue. B. Form a new habit.

C. Choose a new reward. D. Design a new resolution.

2.According to THE HABIT LOOP, you can stick to your plan most effectively by______.

A. changing the routine B. trying it for a week

C. adjusting your goal D. writing it down

3.What's the purpose of putting the habit loop to use?

A. To test out different kinds of cues.

B. To do something as a habit even without rewards.

C. To work out the best New Year's resolution.

D. To motivate yourself with satisfactory rewards.

4.“This year when I see the Harry Potter poster, I will read 30 pages of an English novel or an English newspaper in order to watch TV for half an hour." What is the cue in this resolution?

A. The Harry Potter poster.

B. Reading 30 pages of an English novel.

C. An English newspaper.

D. Watching TV for half an hour.














Dealing with conflict in the workplace is rarely easy. Hurt feelings and anger can lead to lower employee morale (士气) as well as a loss of productivity and a poor work environment. As a manager. you should find some ways yourself to solve the conflict. The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.

You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels. This model works best when there are only two parties involved. You can hold a meeting with annoyed workers in your office. You might say. "Jane, explain to me how you would feel if Nancy went to lunch with your clients (客户 ) without telling you?" Or. "Nancy, how would you respond if Jane came to me with complaints about you, but hadn't tried to talk to you about them first? "

Workers often respond better to praise than criticism. By publicly drawing attention to employees who have healthy work relationships. you can increase the awareness for those who encourage any conflict. Avoid mentioning teams or departments that are being troubled by conflict. Instead. focus on the teams that work well together You might say. "I want to express thanks to the design team for working together to meet the deadline this week," or -Special thanks to the finance department for their teamwork in making sure that the quarterly reports were accurate"

And help your employees see that differences can be good and don't necessarily lead to anger or disagreement This is one of the best ways to settle workplace conflicts. You can meet with employees and try to stress the value of different techniques. This lets all parties know that their own styles can be effective. You might say. " I know you disagree on how to market our services. but when you combine Jim's email marketing with Joe's personal one-on-one phone calls, you can increase sales. The two of you go well together. " Or. "I know you have different styles for interacting with clients. but Sally's take-them-out-for-coffee approach works well together with Ann's formal business meeting style Both are necessary for building relationships and getting work done. "

1.To build a team-centered workforce, employers_________.

A. should learn to be considerate

B. should be divided into two parties

C. shouldn't go out with clients alone

D. should learn to accept public criticism

2.By saying the underlined sentence "I want to express thanks ...this week". the author tries to

A. differences are not all bad

B. role reversals are necessary

C. the importance of working together

D. the importance of focusing on the positive

3.The author's purpose of writing the text is most likely to ________.

A. inform B. persuade C. instruct D. eutertain


Interactive Home-security Systems

Tarik Celebi, who lives in San Francisco suburb, takes his home-security system with him to work, to dinner, just about anywhere.By his cell phone, he "arms" his home-security alarm from his car before he leaves for work.During his workday, he gets e-mail alerts every time his front door opens, even though he's miles away.If the door opens at an unusual time -say midday when no one should be coming or going - he can order a 30-second video clip(片段) from the camera that watches the door.If it's just his mother-in-law getting a package delivery, no worries.

Celebi is one of the first users of the latest interactive home-security systems.In addition to sounding alarms when the house is broken into and notifying homeowners or police, as traditional systems do, the interactive systems give users new ways to remotely control their systems and their home environment.Different from traditional home-security alarms, which homeowners typically have to press buttons on a keypad to turn on before they leave their homes, the interactive systems enable consumers to arm and disarm systems from smart phones, iPads and PCs, no matter where they are.

Most traditional systems are set up to sound an alarm if doors or windows are opened. The interactive systems give homeowners more options.For example, users can elect when they want to be notified.They might want an e-mail or a text every time a door is opened, or only during the hours of 3 to 4 p.m., when kids come home from school.Like Celebi, they can add cameras and get video clips when doors open.That could be helpful in making sure kids aren't bringing friends home when they're not supposed to.

Nationwide, about 20% of homes have.traditional home-security systems.About half stop using them because they tire of the trouble.Being able to arm systems even while dashing to the subway or while at work will increase their usage of the new interactive systems.Although the new functions add costs to home security, the interactive-systems are believed to push home-security systems' usage rates closer to 30%, which would be a big movement for an industry that's been largely stuck at 20% for the past decade."We all know it's going to get bigger, though we don't know how long it's going to take," Eric Taylor, an officer from San Francisco Security Department says.

1.What may Celebi first do if his front door opens at a wrong time when he is away?

A.Inform the police. B.Call his mother-in-law.

C.Arm the security alarm. D.Observe through video.

2.The interactive systems enable the user to ______.

A.improve his home environment remotely

B.lock his house's door while he is miles away

C.operate the home-security systems at any place

D.sound the alarm and inform the police at the same time

3.What's the advantage of the interactive systems over the traditional ones?

A.They are cheaper.

B.They are easier to set up.

C.They can give quicker reaction.

D.They have more ways to inform the users.

4.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The importance of security industry.

B.The functions of the interactive alarms.

C.The popularity of home-security systems.

D.The market potential of the interactive systems.


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