
阅读下面的短文, 然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。

Every morning, when I drive past the street corner, I can always see the big sign standing outside the gas station.

The sign lists the price of gas per gallon (加仑). However, in the past few months, the price never seemed to decrease. One day, it went from US$2.85 to US$3.55 per gallon.

The car is one of the most popular forms of transportation in southern California; people even say, “We can not live without cars!” “We don’t get any benefit from the increasing prices at all,” complains my friend Raymond. “I might choose to ride my bicycle from now on! I will leave the car at home; maybe I should give it away to the museum since we are not going to use it anyway.”

According to scientific predictions, we will run out of gasoline in 50 years. People will not be able to drive cars, take planes or even sail ships. When the time comes, hardly anything will function normally.

In this case, governments will have to provide funds (基金) to research departments to develop new forms of energy on which cars can run. One idea, for example, is that people in California will be able to drive solar- powered cars since it is extremely sunny most of the time.

In other states, there are people developing new forms of fuel involving alcohol mixed with gasoline or new hybrids (混合物) like gasoline plus corn oil. Who knows what forms of new energy people will be using in the future? Without problems showing up, there will be no new solutions. Society needs to move forward. Sometimes, we need these challenges to motivate (激发) us to achieve great things.

[ 写作内容]

1. 概括短文的内容要点, 该部分大约 60 词;

2. 以 “Is the high price of gas a bad thing?”为话题, 谈谈你的同学的不同看法和发表你的观点, 至少包含以下的内容要点, 该部分大约 90 词:

a) 以你同学家用车为例, 谈谈你的同学对该问题的不同看法;

b) 你是如何看待这个问题的, 发表你的看法;

c) 你的家人如何对待油价高企。

参考范文 (One possible version)

The price of gas never decreases. On the contrary, it goes up, which has influenced seriously people’s normal lives. They have to change their ways of going out and dare not use their cars as usual. In 50 years, gas will be run out of. In this case, governments will have to develop new forms of fuel on which cars can run.

For my classmates, most of their families have cars. Some students think the high price of gas is good because the price on gas is so high that people have to save gas. In this case, it is possible to save energy and reduce the pollution from the cars. However, the others have different idea. They consider it a bad thing. They think the high price of gas will increase the costs of using cars.

In my opinion, the most important thing is that we can produce efficient cars and provide the public the convenient bus. If it is easy for us to find a bus to take, why do we drive a car still? My family worries that the high price of gas will slow down the growth of economy.




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然"后从1—25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (A)

        Old Mr. Williams was very worried. He and his wife were pensioners (领退休金者)and he had spent the whole morning1 their pension books. He looked 2 , but he was not able to find them. At the same time, his wife was busy.She had been 3 all morning. She had 4 a delicious meal. She   made the soup, followed by a lovely 5 , which she baked in the oven (烘箱). Mr. Williams always enjoyed his food, but he6 wasn't enjoying his lunch.


          "What's the matter, Tom?" his wife asked. Mr. Williams had to tell her that he had 7 their pension books.     

           "I know,"Mrs. Williams said, with 8 on her face."I've got them."  

           "You've got them?"

           "Yes—and guess where I found them!"

           Mr. Williams suddenly 9 . "In the oven! I put them there for   10 ."He smiled as she drew them out of her pocket.

1. A. discovering    B. looking    C. looking for    D. waiting for

[    ]

2. A. everywhere    B. somewhere    C. something    D. everything

[    ]

3. A. doing    B. making    C. singing    D. cooking   

[    ]

4. A. tasted    B. tried    C. held    D. prepared  

[    ]

5. A. pancake    B. cream    C. milk    D. beer   

[    ]

6. A. clearly    B. terribly    C. finally    D. strangely

[    ]

7. A. found    B. lost    C. forgot    D. left   

[    ]

8. A. a feeling    B. a message    C. a smile    D. tears   

[    ]

9. A. said    B. thought    C. forgot    D. remembered

[    ]

10.A. self-choosing    B. safe-keeping   

C. man-finding    D. easy-burning

[    ]


        Two years ago I moved to a new neighborhood. There seems to be very 11 people in this area who are without telephones.12 I hoped to get a new phone quickly, I   13 one as soon as I moved into my new house.


      "We aren't 14 many new phones in your area,"an engineer told me." A lot of people want new phones 15 and the company is 16 fewer engineers than last year so as to   17 money. A new phone 18 you much money, but it will take a little time. We can't do anything for you before 19 ."

         You need a lot of 20 if you're waiting for a new phone and you need a few 21 whose phones you can   22 as well. Fortunately, I had both.


      December came and went,but there was   23 sign of a phone. I went to the company's office to ask about it. "They told me I'd have a phone 24 December, "I said angrily. "   25 ?"the assistant asked.


11. A. few    B. many    C. much    D. such

[    ]

12. A. Because    B. So    C. Though    D. Since

[    ]

13. A. looked after    B. asked for    C. found out    D. picked up

[    ]

14. A. supplying    B. selling    C. building    D. repairing

[    ]

15. A. over a moment    B. for a long time   

C. at that time   D. at the moment

[    ]

16. A. competing    B. suggesting    C. examining    D. employing

[    ]

17. A. spend    B. make    C. save    D. get

[    ]

18. A. will pay    B. won't pay    C. will cost    D. won't cost

[    ]

19. A. December    B. this year    C. Christmas    D. next year

[    ]

20. A. temper(脾气)   B. patience(耐心)   

C. money        D. time

[    ]

21. A. engineers    B. lawyers    C. friends    D. guides

[    ]

22. A. lend    B. take    C. use    D. answer

[    ]

23. A. no    B. not    C. a     D. the

[    ]

24. A. in    B. by    C. after    D. for

[    ]

25. A. Really         B. Is that proper   

C. Are you right    D. Which year

[    ]

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后人1 ̄25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最   佳答案。  

      "Fire! Fire!" What 1 words to hear when one wakes up in a strange   house in the middle of the 2 ! It was a large old wooden house and my   room was 3 floor. I jumped 4 bed, opened the door and stepped out into   the passage. It was full of thick 5 .     I began to run but 6 I was still only half-awake,    7 of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction(相反方向). The   smoke grew 8 and I could see flames(火苗) all around. The floor became   9 under my feet. I found an open 10 and ran into a room to get to the   11 . But 12 I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft   and I 13 down. The thing I had fallen over was   14 a bundle (包袱) of clothes and I picked it   15 to protect my face from the smoke and 16 .   Just then the floor broke under me and I fell to the floor   17 with pieces of 18 all around me.     I saw a flaming doorway 19 , put the bundle over my   20 and ran. My feet burned terribly, but I got through. As I reached the   21 air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin   22 , I nearly dropped it in my 23 . Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street. A woman shouted. When she saw   me, she came 24 madly.   "My baby! My baby!" she cried. The crowd cheered as she took the   bundle out of my arms. I had 25 her baby. I was a hero.  

 1. A. terrible  B. usual  C. sad    D. funny    [  ]  2. A. hotel     B. day    C. night  D. room     [  ]  3. A. on the top        B. on the ground   C. on the          D. out of the         [  ]  4. A. into    B. out    C. out of   D. in       [  ]  5. A. smell     B. smoke  C. fire   D. water    [  ]   6. A. when    B. as     C. though   D. unless     [  ]  7. A. instead         B. because     C. as a result       D. thanks           [  ]  8. A. thinner   B. hotter   C. thicker  D. larger     [  ]  9. A. cold    B. hot    C. cool   D. shaken     [  ] 10. A. door    B. window   C. wall   D. floor    [  ] 11. A. door    B. window   C. wall   D. floor    [  ] 12. A. after     B. when   C. before   D. until    [  ] 13. A. sat     B. fell   C. looked   D. took     [  ] 14. A. as      B. like   C. likely   D. being    [  ] 15. A. out     B. up     C. away   D. off      [  ] 16. A. heat          B. hot    C. fireplace         D. smell          [  ] 17. A. over    B. below  C. behind   D. beside     [  ] 18. A. clothes         B. fire      C. burning wood      D. burning building     [  ] 19. A. ahead           B. in front of    C. outside         D. inside           [  ] 20. A. chest     B. eyes   C. face   D. neck     [  ] 21. A. hot     B. dry    C. wet    D. cold     [  ] 22. A. shout     B. call   C. cry    D. smile    [  ] 23. A. happiness   B. sadness  C. hurry  D. surprise   [  ] 24. A. running   B. going  C. falling  D. arriving   [  ] 25. A. taken     B. carried  C. saved  D. looked for   [  ]


Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep  1   .She was even willing to work without pay.She then offered her  2  with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people.Every day she  3   other old folks like her.By talking with them,she  4   two things.Old people had abilities that were not  5   . But old people also had some   6   .She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she used to write stories about people for national magazines.There was now a new  7   : Old people like herself.She began to write a newspaper column called“ Sixty Plus”,which was about   8   old.She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being  9   .

Anna Douglas uses her   10   ability to see the truth behind a problem.She understands why problems begin.For example,one of her readers said that his grandchildren  11   the houses as soon as he came to visit.Mrs Douglas  12   some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know something about your grandchildren's world,”says Mrs Douglas.“That means questioning and listening,and   13   is not what old people do best.Say good things to them and about them,”she continues.“Never try to   14   your grandchildren or other young people.Never   15   your opinion.Don't tell them what they should do.Commonly ,they have been taught they should have respect for old people.The old should respect them as well.”

A.free         B.rich          C.powerful         D.busy

A.service      B.money        C.students          D.books

A.observed     B.met          C.comforted        D.answered

A.recognized   B.followed      C.enjoyed           D.demanded

A.studied      B.agreed        C.gave             D.used

A.mistakes     B.problems      C.questions         D.characters

A.subject      B.life           C.way             D.plan

A.getting      B.respecting     C.employing        D.supporting

A.unknown    B.refused        C.misunderstood     D.discouraged

A.thinking    B.working       C.writing           D.leading

A.got        B.entered        C.left              D.passed

A.invented    B.chose         C.suggested         D.imagined

A.listening    B.speaking      C.pleasing           D.advising

A.praise      B.scold         C.trouble            D.encourage

A.speak out   B.give up        C.get back          D.stick to

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